International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Life Processes (RACPL-2019)
International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Life Processes (RACPL-2019)
International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Life Processes (RACPL-2019)
Datuk Dr Hjh Bibi Florina Abdullah, Pro Chancellor, Lincoln University College, Malaysia has signed MoU with Puan Nurul Ariningtyas, Director of Akademi Kebidanan Nyai Ahmad
Associate Prof. Dr. Ali Abdulbaqi, Faculty of Computer Science and Multimedia, Lincoln University College, Malaysia participated in International Conference on IT Applications and Management (ITAM),
Associate Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil M. Khalaf, Cultural Attache, Embassy of The Republic of Iraq visited Lincoln University College, Dr Amiya Bhaumik, Vice Chancellor, Mr
Hari Raya Open House was organized by Faculty of Social Science, Art and Humanities of Lincoln University College (LUC) on 3rd July, 2019 at ETVA Centre,
Students Exchange Programme from Universitas Riau (UNRI), Indonesia was held at the campus of Lincoln University College, Malaysia on 1st July, 2019.
Everything that I learned at Lincoln University College really helped put me above the competition in the field of my career.
Student Name
BA Business Management