2nd Digital Education Summit – 2021


Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Lincoln University College, Malaysia was invited as a Resource Person at an international virtual conference, “2nd Digital Education Summit – 2021″, organised by South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development (SAIARD) [www.saiard.co.in], an ISO 9001:2015 and MSME, certified and NITI Aayog, Govt. of India registered institute in association with different Govt. and academic institutions on 29th and 31st July, 2021.

The major objectives of this event are to find out the basic challenges and opportunities in case of the new normal education system and how this model can be more and more effective for the growth and development of the future of our young generations. This year the whole conference has 4 Panel Discussion Sessions (PDS) and these are:

  1. Digital Education – Challenges and Opportunities
  2. Future of Digital Education
  3. Digital Education in Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Development; and
  4. Strategic Management in Digital Education

Honourable Vice Chancellors of different Universities and Educationists were present during the event and delivered speeches.

Prof. Poddar was felicitated with Academic Excellence Award 2021.

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