2nd International Conference on Environment, Business, and Sustainability: The Emerging Paradigms (ICEBS 2024)

The 2nd International Conference on Environment, Business, and Sustainability: The Emerging Paradigms was organised by Centre for Social Innovation and Management (CSIM), School of Management, Bennett University, Noida, India, on November 22-23, 2024, in collaboration with Lincoln University College, Malaysia and Bradley University, Illinois, US.

In the inaugural session, Prof. Ajith Abraham, Vice Chancellor, Bennett University; Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), LUC, Malaysia, were the Guests of Honour. Dr. Krishnanand Maillacheruvu, Interim Dean, Faster College Business and Caterpillar College of Engineering, Bradley University was the Chief Guest. Special guests of the event were Dr. Rajesh lyer, Director of International Business, Bradley University; Dr. Dongmei Cao, Associate Professor, Nottingham University and Dr. Monomita Nandy, Professor, Brunel University, UK.

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