2nd International Conference on ‘Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World’

2nd International Conference on ‘Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World’

Impress ICSSR Sponsored 2nd International Conference on ‘Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World’ was organized by St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, India in collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta and Lincoln University College, Malaysia on 3rd – 5th January, 2020. Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik delivered the key note address at the Inaugural Session and also took part in the Interaction & Networking Session along with Prof. Jahirul Haque, Vice Chancellor, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka.

The book entitled ‘Innovative Business Practices in a V.U.C.A. World’ edited by Dr. Sanjib K. Basu, Dr. Sandeep Poddar and Dr. Suanta Dutta and published by St. Xaviers’s College, Kolkata and Bharti Publications, New Delhi, India has been released in this conference on 4th January, 2020 in presence on Rev. Dr. S. Xavier, S. J. Vice Principal, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, Prof. Jahirul Haque, Vice Chancellor, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka, Prof. Amiya Bhaumik, President, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, Rev. Peter Arockiam, S. J. Vice Principal, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, Prof. Ashis Kumar Sana, Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta and Dr. S. K. Basu, Dean, PG Department of Commerce (Evening), St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Senior Research Director, Lincoln University College, Malaysia along with Dr. Debaprasanna Nandi, Director (Research & Journal), Institute of Cost and Management Accountants, India, Dr. Mary Conway Dato-on George D. & Harriet W. Cornell Chair, Professor of International Business & Social Entrepreneurship, Prof. Ananda Mohan Pal University of Calcutta, Kolkata, Prof. Neeraj Kumar Research Coordinator, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata has taken part as the invited speaker in Panel Discussion – “Contemporary Issues in Business Research and Innovation” on 5th January, 2020.

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