2nd International Conference on Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World

2nd International Conference on Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World

The 2nd International Conference on Innovative Business Practices in a VUCA World was organized on 3rd – 4th January, 2020 by Department of Commerce & Management Studies, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata in Collaboration with Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta & Lincoln University College, Malaysia.

Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, President of Lincoln University College, Malaysia was present in the conference as the Keynote Speaker during the Inaugural Session. Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Senior Research Director of Lincoln University College, Malaysia also attended the conference during the Panel Discussion in ‘Contemporary Issues in Business Research and Innovation’.

The above news published in ‘The Telegraph Calcutta’ in METRO at page no. nine (9) on 4th January, 2020.


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