3rd Online Informative Session on Teacher is a Source and Foundation of Entrepreneur

3rd Online Informative Session on Teacher is a Source and Foundation of Entrepreneur

The 3rd Online Informative Session on Teacher is a Source and Foundation of Entrepreneur was organized on 12th April 2020. Dr Amiya Bhaumik, the Vice-Chancellor and CEO of Lincoln University College, Malaysia, was the key speaker of the online session which was organized by Mumbai University and College Teacher’s Association of Mumbai University (MUCTA). Dr Bhaumik discussed various detailed aspects of teachers being the primary source and foundation of an entrepreneur. A bunch of tips were given by Dr Bhaumik covering the areas like; how teachers can be the source of inspiration to the students, what are the effective and innovative teaching techniques to help the learners achieve their goals, and how to play a very crucial role in shaping the character and thought process of the young students of the society.


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