4th International Conference on Education, Knowledge and Information Management (ICEKIM 2023)


Prof. Nidhi Agarwal, Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Lincoln University College, Malaysia delivered a Keynote Speech in the 4th International Conference on Education, Knowledge and Information Management (ICEKIM 2023) organised in Nanjing, China on May 26-28, 2023 in hybrid mode.

The title of the Keynote Speech was, “The Role of Learning Management Systems in Facilitating Student-Cantered Learning”. It explained about the ways in which LMS can support student-cantered learning and personalized instruction. It could investigate the features and tools of LMS that promote learner autonomy, self-regulation, and active engagement.

Prof. Agarwal’s speech encompassed a diverse range of key concepts, practical strategies, and inspiring anecdotes. With a masterful blend of theory and real-world examples, she explored emerging trends, discussed pressing issues, and provided valuable insights into the future direction of the field.

The predominant aim of Prof. Agarwal was to equip the audience with actionable takeaways and innovative approaches that they could readily apply in their own endeavours. Through her engaging delivery and thought-provoking content, Prof. Agarwal left an indelible impression on the attentive audience, solidifying her standing as an authoritative figure in the realm of social sciences and humanities.

Conference Link: http://www.icekim2023.org/Conference%20review

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