Faculty Development Programme for Elevating Research Competence: A Methodological Approach on October 6, 2023


Organised by Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia.
The Faculty Development Programme has been attended by 46 Faculty members from KPR College of Arts, Science and Research, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. Prof. Dr. Abhijit Ghosh, Dean, Faculty of Business, Lincoln University College, Malaysia delivered welcome note, Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, Founder & President, delivered the Keynote Address, and, Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) served as the resource person and conducted the programme. The faculty members of KPR College also met Associate Prof. Dr. M. S. Bexci, Faculty of Social Science, Lincoln University College and made a short campus tour.


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