American Degree Transfer Programme (ARTS)

(N/0011/6/0007) (08/29) (MQAPA 17546)


Full Time: 2 Years


March, July, November





Programme Overview

The American Degree Transfer Programme (Arts) allows students to complete part of their undergraduate studies in their home country before transferring to universities in the United States. Typically covering two years, the program provides a broad liberal arts education, emphasizing critical thinking, communication, and interdisciplinary learning. Students can choose from a range of majors such as communication, psychology, sociology, and political science. The program is designed to give flexibility and a smooth transition into the U.S. education system, fostering global perspectives.

Sl.No.MQA Subject CodeSubject NameCredits
1ADPC 6013Basic English I3
2ADPC 6023World Religions3
3ADPC 6033American History I3
4ADPC 6043Psychology3
                                           Choose any one from the following
5MPU 3143Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2/ Malay Language Communication 23
MPU 3193Falsafah dan Isu Semasa/Philosophy and Current Issues
6MPU 3183Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban/Appreciation of Ethics and Civilizations3
7ADPC 6073American History II3
8ADPC 6083Basic English II3
9ADPC 6093Quantitative Methods3
10ADPC 6103Fundamentals of Computer3
                             Elective Subjects (Choose one from list)
11ADPE 6113Introduction to Music3
ADPE 6123Introduction to Drawing
ADPE 6133Introduction to Film
12MPU 3312Dasar Kerajaan dan Awam Malaysia/ Malaysian Government and Public Policy2
13ADPC 6153Fundamentals of Internet Applications3
14ADPB 6162Research Methodology2
15ADPC 6173Mass Communication3
16ADPC 6183Interpersonal Communication3
17MPU 3212Hubungan Manusia dan Kemahiran Kepimpinan/ Human Relations and Leadership Skills2
18MPU 3412Khidmat Masyarakat/ Community service2
19ADPB 6213Business Communication3
20ADPB 6223Consumer Behaviour3
                          Elective Subjects (Choose one from list)
21ADPB 6243Fundamentals of Finance3
ADPB 6253Basic Cost Accounting
                        Elective Subjects (Choose one from list)
22ADPB 6263Business Administration3
ADPB 6273Business Essentials
23ADPB 6233Business Law3
24ADPB 6283Production & Operations    Management3
25ADPB 6293Fundamentals of E-Commerce3
26ADPB 6303Principles of Marketing3
27ADPB 6313Market Research3
28ADPB 6323Principles of Business Management3
29ADPB 6333Principles of Economics3
30ADPB 6343Organizational Behavior3
  1. Having Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with at least honors in five subjects including English and passing the Malaysian language; or
  2. Passed 0-Level by getting at least grade C in five subjects with one of them being English and passing the Malaysian language; or
  3. Passed the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) with at least a B grade in five subjects including English and pass the Bahasa Malaysia subject; or
  4. Passed Matriculation/Foundation with at least a GPA of 2.00; or
  5. Other qualifications recognized as equivalent by the Malaysian Government.

Students from the American Degree Transfer Programme (Arts) program will be equipped to pursue diverse career opportunities, such as:

  • Business Development Manager
  • Event Manager
  • Information Officer
  • Marketing Executive
  • Museum/Gallery Curator
  • Social Media Manager
  • Web Content Manager
  • Writer

The program American Degree Transfer Programme (Arts) will produce bachelors who are:

  • Able to incorporate in basic relevant knowledge, in solving problems effectively through critical thinking skills in Business & Social Science.
  • Capable of adopting practical measures with interpersonal accuracy through effective communication within a team in the in business and social science related field.
  • Competent to adopt the digital and numerical skills in solving problems in Business & Social Science.
  • Proficient to utilize leadership, autonomy, and responsive skills to personally undergo entrepreneurial work in Business & Social Science practice.
  • Skillful in empowering integrity through professionalism and ethics in business and social science related field.


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