An Interview with Dr. Amiya Bhaumik


Lincoln University College, Malaysia is rated as a 5-star university in Malaysia. Globally the impact ranking of the university under Times of Higher Education is 301+. The name of the university has been influenced from the name of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America. LUC is the member of Communal Association of Universities, London, International Association of Universities, Paris, and Association of Indian Universities.

The medical school of Lincoln is listed under the World Directory of Medical Schools. There are ample opportunities of the students at LUC for their future growth. The university presently has 12 faculties and 3 centres. It also has numerous international linkages with many renowned universities and educational institutions. LUC conducts various international conferences, publications, and research.

The university believes in the philosophy that whosoever comes to the LUC family becomes a job creator not a job seeker. The education system in LUC is more research and skill based rather than examination and assessment through memory test. The university focuses on making the students skill-oriented personalities rather than mere book-oriented graduates. It also emphasizes to make the students achieve analytical mind and critical thinking.

LUC’s philosophy of higher education is not just providing a certificate after the ending of the course but to assure that the individuals develop skills for becoming a successful job creator. The university helps the students to become successful and confident entrepreneur. The term entrepreneur here does not mean that an individual has to start a business on its own and make profit out of it, but it philosophically means that an individual is self-reliant self-confident and self-initiative.

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