Author: Dr.Banerjee

Nurses Day celebration

Nurses Day celebration

It’s Time to Celebrate Our Nurses! Nurses Day celebration 2017 is taking place from 08.00am today, 18thMay 2017 at Kelana Jaya Learning Site Campus, Lincoln

Knowledge Investment workshop

Knowledge Investment workshop

With an objective to promote creativity and innovativeactivities, the Department of Postgraduateand Research, Faculty of Business and Accounting organized a trainingworkshop entitled “Knowledge Investment workshop on 18ths May, 2017

Knowledge Investment workshops

Based on Lincoln University College’ trends towards promoting creativity and innovation activities, the Department of Postgraduate and Research, Faculty of Business and Accounting at Lincoln

Staff Activity

Special Lecture at Jakarta

Prof. Datuk Dr.Hajjah Bibi Florina Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor, LUC, has been invited as the guest speaker for the International Conference centrally themed as “Update on Management of Chronic Illness”

Visitors from Indonesia

Visitors from Indonesia

70 students from SEKOLAH TINGGI INDONESIA MAJU (STIKIM and STIKOM), Indonesia head by Ms. Evita ranchman, Director, visited Lincoln University College on 27th April 2017.

Foundation for Future Researchers

In conjunction with the celebration of opening the new headquarter (WISMA LUC), Lincoln University College organized a series of seminar sessions from 22nd April 2017 to