Awards to young talents in dentistry by -International Association of Dental Research on 31st March, 2019

Awards to young talents in dentistry by -International Association of Dental Research on 31st March, 2019

Lincoln University College, Malaysia holds the privilege to announce that Undergraduate students of Dentistry won two prestigious Awards under the frame of LUC at International Association of Dental Research on 31stMarch, 2019 at Awards Malaysia Section.

The 2nd Award is entitled for open category Dental Research- Hafizi and Hakimi supervised by Prof. Sam’an;The Joseph Lister Undergraduate Research Travel Award – by Hazwin & partner.

The Joseph Lister Award for new investigators is managed by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and supported by Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. The Awards Competition was created to award new investigators with original research in oral disease prevention or oral health promotion.

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