Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine

(N/0917/6/0007) (04/31) (MQA/PA 15076)


Full Time: 5 years | Part-Time: 8 years


January, May, September





Programme Overview

The Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences at Lincoln University College, Malaysia, is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine with roots in ancient Indian philosophy. This program combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, preparing students to become skilled practitioners in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. By completing this programme, students will be empowered to promote and practice Ayurvedic medicine effectively, contributing to the health and wellness of individuals and communities. LUC’s commitment to excellence in education ensures that graduates are not only knowledgeable but also compassionate and ethical practitioners in the field of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences.

Sl.No.MQA Subject CodeSubject NameCredits
1BAM 6013Padarthavijnana & Ithihas (Philosophy and History of Ayurveda)3
2BAM 6024Maulika Siddhanta Avum Ashtanga Hridaya (Principles of Ayurveda /Concept and Philosophy)4
Elective (Choose any one module from the following):
3MPU 3143Malay Communication 2 (Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 2)3
MPU 3173Philosophy and Current Issues (Falsafah dan Isu Semasa)
4BAM 6043Sharir- Kriya (Ayurvedic Physiology)3
5BAM 6058Physiology8
6BAM 6063Sharir- Rachana (Ayurvedic Anatomy)3
7MPU 2183Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban/Appreciation of Ethics and Civilizations3
8BAM 6810Anatomy10
9BAM 6098Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana (Ayurvedic Iatrochemistry & Pharmaceutics)8
10BAM 6102Biochemistry2
11MPU 3212Leadership Skills and Human Relations2
12BAM 6122Psychology2
13BAM 6132Microbiology2
14BAM 6144Nidana (Ayurvedic Pathology)4
15BAM 6154Pathology4
16BAM 6164Management and Entrepreneurship4
17BAM 6172Medical and Professional Ethics2
18BAM 6181Critical Thinking1
19BAM 61916Kaya Chikitsa (Ayurvedic Internal Medicine)16
20BAM 6203Research Methodology and Biostatistics3
21BAM 6216Ayurvedic Treatise I (Charaka Samhita I)6
22BAM 6224Principles of Detoxification (Panchakarma)4
23BAM 6236Shalya Chikitsa (Ayurvedic Surgery)6
24BAM 6242First Aids & Emergency Conditions2
25BAM 6254Ayurvedic Treatise II (Charaka Samhita II)4
26BAM 6267Shalakya Tantra (Ayurvedic ENT, Ophthalmology and Dentistry)7
27BAM 6273Research Project3
28BAM 6284Agad Tantra (Toxicology & Forensic Medicine)4
29BAM 6294Daily/Seasonal Regime (Ayurvedic Concept of Swasthavritta & Yoga4
30BAM 6304Ayurvedic (Paediatrics)4
31BAM 6311Introduction to T&CM1
32BAM 6322Communication Skills2
33BAM 6338Prasuti Tantra &Striroga (Obstetrics and Gynecology)8
34BAM 6348Dravyaguna (Ayurveda Materia Medica)8
35BAM 63520Clinical Training20

(Please refer AQDO comment stated under each qualification (if any):

i. A pass in Higher School Certificate Malaysia (STPM) (Science stream) with at least a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.50; OR
ii. A pass in STPM (non-science stream) with at least a CGPA of 2.50 and credits in TWO Science subjects and Mathematics at Malaysian Education Certificate (SPM) level (Not applicable to Traditional Indian Medicine); OR
iii. A pass in Malaysian Higher Certificate of Religion(STAM) with at least Grade Jayyid and credits in TWO Science subjects and Mathematics* at SPM level; (Not applicable to Traditional Indian Medicine); OR
iv. Matriculation or Foundation in Science or Traditional & Complementary Medicine (T&CM) related areas with at least a CGPA of 2.50; OR
v. Matriculation or Foundation in other fields with at least CGPA of 2.50 and credits in TWO Science subjects and Mathematics at SPM level; (Not applicable to Traditional Indian Medicine); OR
vi. A Diploma in T&CM-related areas or any Science related Diploma (Level 4, Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)) with at least CGPA of 2.50; OR
vii. A Diploma in T&CM-related areas or any Science related areas (Level 4, MQF) with CGPA above 2.00 but less than 2.50 can be accepted with a minimum TWO years work experience in relevant T&CM or Science related fields; OR
viii. A Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM) / Diploma Vokasional Malaysia (DVM) in T&CM related areas or any Science related areas with at least CGPA of 2.50 subject to HEP Senate / Academic Board’s approval***; OR
ix. A DKM / DVM in T&CM related areas or any Science related areas with CGPA above 2.00 but less than 2.50 can be accepted with minimum TWO years work experience in relevant T&CM or Science fields subject to HEP Senate / Academic Board’s approval***; OR
x. A Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DLKM) in T&CM related areas or Science related areas with at least CGPA of 2.50 subject to HEP Senate / Academic Board’s approval; OR
xi. A DLKM in T&CM related areas or Science related areas with CGPA above 2.00 but less than 2.50 can be accepted with minimum TWO years work experience in relevant T&CM or Science related fields subject to HEP Senate / Academic Board’s approval; (Note for (viii), (ix), (x) & (xi): The HEPs are to conduct screening and provide necessary guidance specific to the discipline of the programme) OR
xii. Bachelor’s degree in any discipline subject to the discretion of the HEPs; OR
xiii. Other equivalent/related qualifications recognised by the Malaysian Government.

*The requirement to have credit in Science, Mathematics and Islamic Studies subjects at SPM level can be waived should any other higher qualifications contain Science, Mathematics and Islamic Studies subjects with equivalent/higher achievement.

**Refer to Surat UPT GS 1000-630(41), 9th December 2019 – Syarat Kompetensi Bahasa Inggeris Kepada Pelajar Antarabangsa for equivalent English language assessments and score.

***For Public Universities: Refer to Letter JPT.S(BPKP)2000/400/04/01 Jld.5 (53), 20th November 2019 – Amendment of the minimum qualification requirements (General Requirements) for TVET Diploma (DKM, DLKM, DVM) as an eligibility requirement to enter a bachelor’s degree program at a Public University (UA).

****For Private Higher Educational Institutions: Refer to Letter JPT/GS 1000-606 Jld. 2(23) 21st April,2020– Admission of Graduates of Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM), Malaysian Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM) and Malaysian Vocational Diploma (DVM) to Bachelor Level (MQF Level 6) or its equivalent at Educational Institutions Private High.

Achieve a minimum of Band 3 in Malaysian University English Test (MUET) OR equivalent to The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) High B1**.

** English Requirements :
International students must have proof of good proficiency in verbal and written English. For example, International English Language Testing System (IELTS) score of 5.0 or its equivalent. If a student does not meet this requirement, HEPs must offer English proficiency courses to ensure that the student’s proficiency is sufficient to meet the needs of the programme.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences programme will be well-prepared for a variety of career paths, including:

  • Private medical practices
  • Ayurvedic Hospitals
  • Ayurvedic Healthcare Companies
  • Clinical practice

The programme (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medical Sciences) will produce bachelors who are:

  • Knowledgeable and efficient in solving ayurvedic clinical cases using cognitive skills.
  • Capable of adopting practical measures with interpersonal accuracy through effective communication in the ayurvedic field.
  • Able to promote digital skills with numerical accuracy in Ayurvedic Medical Sciences.
  • Capable to manifest leadership qualities personally in ayurvedic clinical issues.
  • Competent to apply ethical, professional, and entrepreneurial qualities in ayurvedic diagnosis.



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