“Best Paper Award” in International Conference on Technology Innovation & Data Sciences (ICTIDS) 2019 awarded by Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik (Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, LUC, Malaysia) on 12th October 2019


Paper Titled : A Systematic Survey on Load Balancing in the Cloud

Authors : Dr. G. Sridevi and Dr. Midhunchakkaravarthy, Faculty of Computer Science & Multimedia, Lincoln University College, Malaysia.

Abstract : The development of the internet has given birth to many technologies. Cloud computing is the emerging technology in large scale data processing. It is a technique which consists of various software’s and web-enabled services. As cloud computing grows rapidly and clients are demanding more services, the traffic on the cloud increases tremendously. So managing load balancing is interesting and important research area in nowadays. A good load balancing algorithm will enhance the performance and resource utilization by dynamically distributing work load among a variety of nodes in the system. This paper addresses on a comprehensive overview of the cloud load balancing algorithms, challenges and various currently available load balancing software’s and its features.

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