Diploma in Pharmacy (ODL)

(N/727/4/0103) (12/25) (MQA/PA 10843)


Full time: 3 Years


January, May, September





Programme Overview

The profession of pharmacy plays a vital role in serving the health needs of the society. Pharmacists and pharmacist assistants are the most accessible members of the health care team for the public and are authorities on drugs and their use. They impart scientific knowledge related to the identification, formulation, preparation, standardization, quality control and use of drugs as well as medicines and effective management of their distribution and sale.

Sl.No. MQA Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1 PHM 111 English 2
2 PHP 112 Introduction to Pharmacy 2
3 PHP 113 Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I 3
4 PHH 114 Life Sciences 2
5 PHH 115 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2
Elective (Choose any one module from the following two):
6 MPU 2113 Malaysian Studies 2 3
7 MPU 2153 Malay Language Communication 2 3
8 PHP 121 Pharmaceutical Chemistry –II 3
9 PHP 122 Pharmaceutics-I 3
10 PHH 123 Pharmacology-I 3
11 PHP 124 Social Pharmacy 2
12 PHM 125 Fundamental of Computers 2
13 MPU2222 Creative Problem Solving 2
14 PHH 231 Pharmaceutical Microbiology 3
15 PHH 232 Biochemistry 2
16 PHP 233 Community Pharmacy 2
17 PHP 234 Pharmaceutics-II 4
18 PHM 235 Mathematics and Statistics 2
19 PHH 236 Pharmacology-II 3
20 MPU 2332 Constitution and Community 2
21 PHP 241 Hospital Pharmacy 4
22 PHP 242 Pharmaceutics-III 3
23 PHP 243 Pharmacy Law & Ethics 2
24 PHH 244 Pharmacology III 3
25 PHP 245 Research Methodology 2
26 PHP 246 Dispensing Practices 2
27 MPU 2442 Co-Curriculum 2
28 PHP 351 Pharmacy Experiential Training I 13
29 PHP 361 Pharmacy Experiential Training II 12
  1. Passed the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with three credits including Bahasa Malaysia, with one of the subjects of Science or Mathematics and other subjects and pass in Bahasa Malaysia and English or
  2. Pass Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) with at least a B grade in 3 subjects; or
  3. Pass the Certificate (Level 3 MOH) in the relevant field with a minimum CGPA of 2.0; or
  4. Other qualifications recognized by the Government of Malaysia.

Pharmacy, an important aspect of health profession concerned with knowledge about drugs and their effects, deals with chemical, physical, biological and behavioral sciences. It offers diverse opportunities in Malaysia as well as in other parts of the world. Pharmacists may practice in a community or hospitals, nursing homes or extended care facility, pharmaceutical industry,biotechnology industry and other private or public companies,government agencies,colleges and other organizations or institutions.

The Pharmacy program of Lincoln University College is rated as one of the best programs of Malaysia.

The Malaysian Government in its vision statement declared that Malaysia will emerge as a developed nation by the year 2020. The nation aims to provide health care facilities to all its citizens. The Government of Malaysia Declared Malaysia as a MEDICAL TOURISM DESTINATION; therefore job opportunities include:

  1. Community Pharmacy.
  2. Institutional (Hospital) Pharmacy.
  3. Pharmaceutical Industry.
  4. Food Industry.
  5. Traditional Medicine Industry.
  6. Academic Pharmacy.
  7. Government Health Sector.
  8. Drug and Food Administration.
  9. Managed Care Pharmacy.
  10. Laboratory Services.
  11. Department of Veterans Affairs
  12. All branches of the Armed Services, and
  13. Others Fields of Pharmacy (Pharmacy Shops, Cosmetic Industry,
  14. Veterinary Sections and others).

Graduates with the certificate of “Diploma in pharmacy” can work as pharmacy assistants and with the skills acquired, they would be able to effectively manage the affairs of hospital pharmacies, pharmaceutical industries, community pharmacy services, drug administration and other organizations that deal with drug research, marketing, sales and administration.


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