Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, President, LUC Attends Jiangxi University’s International Education Exhibition, Inaugural Forum, and New Global Initiatives


Jiangxi University of Science and Technology hosted the International Education Exhibition alongside the inaugural International Education Forum. Simultaneously, the 2023 freshmen military training review and opening ceremony were also organised.

Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, Founder & President, Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia graced the program with his present.

Jiangxi University of Science and Technology is actively pursuing its goal of “internationalization, high-end, and personalization” in its global education initiatives. In this new phase marked by heightened ambitions, the university is committed to significant progress in its global training plan, including the launch of the “International Jiangke” education brand.

To initiate this effort, the university organised its first International Education Exhibition and Forum, aiming to foster collaboration and cross-cultural exchange with partner institutions. The focus is on creating a dynamic, inclusive educational platform that encourages mutual learning and tolerance.

The goal is to establish sustainable advantages in international education, showcasing the university’s dedication to global standards and active contributions to the broader academic landscape.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fbDG7XT7Z7HwpnGHUO1Fmg

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