Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Ramadan Humanitarian Project

Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Ramadan Humanitarian Project

“Charity Basket Humanitarian Project”

Lincoln University College through the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (FSSAH) organized a community service work during the blessed month of Ramadan, taking every opportunity to lend our hands and give back to the society.

Led by the Mass Communication Program Coordinator, Noor Azizah Atdenan, and the Student Affairs Department, Puan Norlita, visited a family of four in Felda Bukit Cerakah, Kapar.

Facing various shortcomings and financial difficulties has opened our eyes to help Dayyan, five, and his sister, Diana Azman, three, who are now living with their grandmother, Rohana Anna Abdullah in a dilapidated house. Both children were left by their parents after their divorce.

More heartbreaking, the homes that they occupy are just waiting for time to collapse and suffer severe damage. In fact, every time it rains, the house area, especially the living area and bedrooms will be filled with water because the roof is leaking.

FSSAH has initiated a charity basket fund raising early Ramadan and money collected is used to buy some basic need like dry grocery items, hoping to ease some of their burden, especially when the Hari Raya is around the corner.

FSSAH has in the future plan to organize a communal work (gotong royong) involving the students to clean up the house. FSSAH will also try to solicit corporate sponsor to get fund to re-build the house.

Those who want to channel any assistance can go straight to their home at No 72, Jalan 18, Felda Bukit Cerakah, Kapar, 42200, Klang Selangor.

Thank you and kind regards,

Department of Mass Communication
Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities
Lincoln University College
H/P: +6012-857 0919

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