Guest IT Seminar

Guest IT Seminar

A Guest IT Seminar was organized in the Lincoln University College’s main Campus on 18th March (Wednesday) by the HR (Training) collaborating with the Department of Computer Science & Multimedia. About 130 IT graduate students (pursuing) along with all the lecturers of the department attended the seminar. Mr Clement Arul (The presenter),CTO, Principal Technology Architect, Security Consultant, Penetration Tester, Trainer, Chief Architect, Head of R & D,ISO 27001 Lead Auditor from KAAPAGAM Technologies & Encik Anwer Yusoff (CSM) was the special guest from Cyber Security Malaysia (CSM), an Agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). The purpose of the seminar was to familiarize the students with updated knowledge in the Cyber Security Space, current and future job opportunities in the particular field, what are the expectations of employers and many more.

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