Guest Lecture On-“Electronic Money: why it hasn’t killed cash?

Guest Lecture On Electronic Money why

A Guest lecture on the topic ‘Electronic Money: why it hasn’t killed cash? ’ was organized by Lincoln University College on 24th October 2016 in Mayang Campus, LUC.The lecture was delivered by Prof. Solomon Alexis, Director of Collaborative Provision, and Student Experience, School of Architecture, Computing & Engineering, University of East LondonDato’ Dr. Kamarudin Mohd Nor, Professor, Faculty of Engineering welcomed and introduced the guest. Prof Solomon Alexis cleared the air for the students who were enlightened with various things related to money like, what is money, origin of money, electronic money, types of electronic money, simplified E- money model, types of system, currency enigma and he concluded his presentation stating that, though the usage of electronic money has increased but still electronic money has not killed cash. Moreover, students had an open forum where they got the opportunity to discuss about cyber crime, money laundering, centralized electronic money system etc.

On students request Prof Solomon Alexis, explicated about the plans of Franchise Program, split side delivery PhD and few more programmes to be offered in future on successful collaboration between Lincoln University College and University of East London.
The enthusiasm and the interest with which the things were unveiled was one experience to cherish for long time to come for both the students as well as the lecturers.

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