Gum Disease Can Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels


By Prof Dr. Dasan Swaminathan Faculty of Dentistry, Lincoln University College.

On Wednesday, 13 Oct 2021, the article ‘Gum Disease Can Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels’ by Prof Dr. Dasan Swaminathan, Faculty of Dentistry, Lincoln University College has been published in The Star. It is very effective article to produce mass consciousness about Gum Disease and its dangerous effects. The disease is an emerging global epidemic, the complications of which have a significant impact on the quality of life, longevity and healthcare costs.

There is a high probability of developing gum disease among diabetes patients. It is estimated that 346 million people currently suffer from diabetes worldwide. The destructive form of periodontal disease or severe gum disease is called periodontitis. Inflammatory periodontal (gum) disease is the most common chronic inflammatory condition of adults worldwide. It affects approximately 50% of adults and over 60% of individuals over 65-years of age, while severe periodontitis impacts 10–15% of populations.

So, it is recommended to keep the mouth as well as whole body as healthy as possible with proper oral hygiene, along with regular oral health and medical care.


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