Holiday Adventure at Lincoln Medical Museum

Holiday Adventure at Lincoln Medical Museum

The department of Biotechnology and Medicine Lincoln University College, hosted the “Medical Museum Visit “program for the School Children on 29th May 2017 at Kelana Jaya Learning Site. Around 40 students of SJKCC Puay Chai 2 from year 1 and Year 6 along with their parents and teachers visited Lincoln Medical Museum and Anatomy lab. Dr. Asita Elengoe, Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, and Mr. Mohd Ameer Shah along with his team of Medical lab technologists arranged many interesting activities for the students. The students very curiously took part in these activities such as Eye testing, simple experimental demonstration to produce carbon dioxide, checking the heart beat with stethoscope, identifying the smell and so on. The objective of this event was to expose the school students to University life by creating awareness on importance of science. Hope fully this visit enhanced their interest in field of medical, life science and also motivated them to start digging for more knowledge. It is to be noted that the Museum visit event was covered by the Star TV.

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