ICMHS Announcement


1st International Conference on Management and Human Science 2017 (ICMHS 2017). The conference will be held on 15, 16 & 17, July 2017, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
ICMHS, 2017, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, managers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of advances in Management and Human Sciences, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Due to the nature of ICMHS with its focus on innovative ideas and developments, papers related to all areas of social sciences including communication, accounting, finance, economics, management, business, marketing, education, sociology, psychology, political science, law and other areas of social sciences; also all areas of humanities including anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, ethics, folklore studies, history, language studies, literature, methodological studies, music, philosophy, poetry and theater are invited for the international conference.
Also academic presentations in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Social Sciences and Humanities are highly welcomed.
People without papers can also participate in this conference as audience so long as they find it interesting and meaningful.
Submitted papers will be subject to peer review and evaluated based on originality and clarity of exposition
You will be able to share all your experiences with other experts in a truly international atmosphere. This conference will be held at international level. Plenty of participants more than 40 different countries are expected to attend.
The language of the conference is English and Arabic (Papers in Malay are also welcomed).
All papers accepted at the ICMHS 2017, will be published in conference proceeding. 
Also, selected papers will be published at:

 International Journal of Management and Human Sciences (IJMHS),
 International Journal on Recent Trends in Business and Tourism (IJRTBT)

Registration and payment:

 Each paper will only cater for One Author.
Other authors must pay as Participant without Papers if they want to come and access the conference session.

Payment will not be refunded.


In-Person participants
(Oral or Poster Presentation)
Virtual participants 

 Early Bird Registration: 
until 20 May 2017 
600 RM 
150 USD
400 RM 
100 USD
400 RM 
100 USD
Standard Registration:
 From 21st  May 2017 until
 30 June 2017 

800 RM
200 USD

 600 RM
150 USD

600 RM 
150 USD

Late Registration:
 From  1 July until 15 July 2017
 (to the conference starting day)
1000 RM
250 USD

800 RM
200 USD

800 RM
200 USD

Fees include:

Conference Page
Publication for both Proceeding & Journal
Lunch & Refreshment

–  Important Dates

Submission Deadline:  June 5, 2017.
Acceptance Notification:  June 15, 2017.
Registration Deadline:  July 15, 2017.
Conference:  July, 15, 16-17, 2017

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