Industrial Visit of LUC Students & Staffs to Jabatan Kimia Malaysia

Faculty members of Lincoln University College, Malaysia, Dr. Asita Elengoe, Head, Department of Biotechnology, Ms. Hema Priyaa, Lecturer-in-charge, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farzana Yasmin, Dr. Tan Chun Hoe, Dr. Rathimalar along with the students of Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons.) had an industrial visit to Jabatan Kimia Malaysia on September 21, 2022.

They visited food technology, microbiology, and environmental biotechnology laboratories. The students got exposure to highly advanced machines such as DNA sequencing machine, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), etc. They also learnt about genetically modified organisms (GMO) food, techniques to detect foreign particles or microorganisms in the food, how to determine the pollutants in water and so on.

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