Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Lincoln University College, Malaysia has delivered invited lecture on “Computing Research Methods (CRM): Evolution & Adaptation” at the “International Symposium on Foundation and Advances in Research Methods & Computing (ISFARAC-21)”, on July 24-25, 2021 jointly organized by the Department of Sociology, Raiganj University (A State Govt. University), Raiganj, West Bengal & Aligarh Muslim University (A Central Govt. University) Murshidabad Campus, West Bengal, India. The event was technically sponsored by IST Foundation, India.
Prof. Anil Bhuimali, Honourable Vice Chancellor, Raiganj University, Prof. P. S. Aithal, Honourable Vice Chancellor of Srinivas University is at Karnataka, India, Dr. Nigamananda Biswas, Director In Charge, Aligarh Muslim University, Murshidabad Campus, W. B., India, Dr. P K Paul Director & Co Chair and other dignitaries were also present and delivered speeches.
The International Symposium (ISFARAC-2021) was focused on the areas of Research Methods & Computing with Integrated Workshop on Social Statistical Methods and Computing for the PG and Research Level students.