Knowledge Investment workshops

Based on Lincoln University College’ trends towards promoting creativity and innovation activities, the Department of Postgraduate and Research, Faculty of Business and Accounting at Lincoln University College, offer a training course entitled “Developing Publishing Skills”, which is part of a series of training workshops for university students under the title “Knowledge Investment workshops”, which consider as one of the important factors that measure the level of progress and classification of nations.

There are many people who have multiple-capital that are neglected and not invested. Not only they do not want to invest it, or they do not know how to invest it, but they do not know anything about these capitals. Where these capitals are divided into several types, perhaps the most important capital is the intellectual and knowledge, which is the outcome of science, knowledge and accumulated experience that person has gain through several years of live. Every one of us has a large intellectual and knowledge reserve, but he/she has not got the proper opportunity to develop his capabilities that can help him to invest this intellectual and knowledge in order to get the benefit of it, and benefit others.

The Knowledge Investment workshops, which will be developed and implemented by a group of academics and professional researchers, are:

1. To employ the research and academic knowledge generated by people and students and exploit their data in providing new or innovative products or services by transforming research innovations into investmentable research projects.
2. To diversify the people’s research skills of Creators, innovators and skilled. 
3. To stimulate cooperation between the private sector and people through the establishment of cooperative links and cooperative relations between research institutions and the industrial sector to support economic activities. 
4. To enhance and encourage researchers to work in a team spirit in all areas, overcoming the institutional and geographic boundaries and the limits of specialties, colleges and universities. 
5. To shed the light on the importance of Research and Development process in enhancing and promoting social and human development. 
6. To present the importance of the role of researchers and research outputs in promoting the establishment of small, medium and specialized companies.

Time of the workshop: 3.00pm-8.00pm
Date of the workshop: Thursday. 18th May 2017.
Place of the workshop: Lincoln University College.

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