Launching Ceremony of LUC Publication Book

Launching Ceremony of LUC Publication Book

36 Essential Structures, Common Mistakes, Tips & Samples For E-Mail Writing‘ by MohdAzmi Yaakub published by Lincoln University College. 

The book has been officiated by the Pro Chancellor of Lincoln University College (LUC) YBhg. Datuk Dr. Hjh. Bibi Florina Abdullah in presence of he Dato (AMB) Mohd Yusoff A. Bakar, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student & International Affairs) and Dr Sandeep Poddar, Senior Research Director & Executive Editor (Publications)at the Chancellor’s Office, Wisma Lincoln.

The contents of this guide book are about the basics of e-mail writing that contains 9 essential structures, 9 common mistakes, 9 useful tips & 9 examples of e-mail writing. 

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