Lincoln University College conducted a Work shop for OBE on October 17 & 18th

Lincoln University College conducted

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Workshop: Module 1- Learning Outcome was held in the Lincoln University College’s Main Campus from 17th-18th October 2015. Lectures,HODs,Course Designer, Subject Matter Experts, Resource person(academic),Academic Quality Assurance officers attended this workshop.It was conducted by Mr. Mohamed Nadzri Bin Mohd.Yusoff BSc., MSc., HRDF Certified Trainer. The purpose of the workshop was to familiarize the participants with updated knowledge of OBE which has been advocated by the Malaysian Ministry Of Education (MOE) as the basis for higher education in Malaysia. The worshop was to expose the participants to the concept,philosophy and principles of OBE, and the why and how OBE should be implemented in higher education in line with existing government’s policies and regulations. The Programme Outline covered 7 Topics namely, OBE Overview:the BIG Picture, MQF and Act 679:Compliance to MQF and Accreditation needs, Writing Learning outcomes, Mapping Outcomes and Assessment,Student Learning Time (SLT), Test Specification Table, Relationship between MQF, MQA01 & OBE Phases.

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