Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia joins hands in Collaboration with Haldia Institute of Technology (HIT), West Bengal, India

LUC joins hands in Collaboration with HIT

Lincoln University College (LUC) has added a golden page in its history on 20th November, 2017 at HIT, West Bengal, India, by signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Haldia Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India and Lincoln University College, Malaysia. The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. M. N. Bandyopadhyay (Director, HIT) and Mr. Srikrishna Banerjee (Director of Collaborative Studies, LUC) on behalf of Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik (Vice Chancellor, Lincoln University College, Malaysia) in the presence of Dr. Lakshman Chandra Seth (Chairman, HIT) and Mr. Asish Lahiri (Secretary, HIT).

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