Lincoln University College received 5 Star in SETARA 2017 by KPT(Ministry of Higher Education)

Lincoln University College received 5 Star in SETARA 2017 by KPT

‘EVERY GREAT ACHIEVEMENT IS THE VICTORY OF A FLAMING HEART’. It is the time to celebrate the victorious achievement of Lincoln University College (LUC). LUC has been awarded the 5-star rating, by the rating system of MQA (Malaysian Qualifications Agency), Malaysia named as SETARA for its excellence in the field of education for providing magnificent knowledge and perception among the students for over than a decade. SETARA is the Rating System for Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia that measures the quality of teaching and learning based on the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF). Datuk Dr Hjh Bibi Florina Abdullah, Pro Chancellor, received this milestone award from the Ministry of Education on behalf of Lincoln University College, Malaysia. Hearty Congratulations to all the alumni and present students and each and every member associated with Lincoln University College.

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