LUC adds one more feather to its cap Memorandum of Understanding signed with Yayasan Nusantara Group


In an effort to promote global collaboration in the development of education and training 
Lincoln University College and Yayasan Nusantara Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 15th April 2016 (Friday) at LUC Mayang Campus. The MoU outlines the plans to work together to expand their relationship as well as explore ways to improve international collaboration to meet the global challenges, exchange information resources and publications, co-operate in the training program of innovation and commercialization, organization of seminars, workshops, colloquiums and conferences, exchange staff, transfer of sharing expertise and technology. The MOU was signed by Prof. Datuk Dr Hajjah Bibi Floriana Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor, LUC, and Prof Dr. Ir. H. Idiannor Mahyudin, MSi Ristekdikti koordinator kopertis wilayah xi kalimantan, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Emmy Sri Mahreda, MP Program Pasca Sarjana PSDAL (pengelolaan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan) universitas lambung mangkurat and Mr. Mohd Saleh Mursyid, Yayasan Nusantara Group.

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