Majlis Solat Hajat, Doa Salamat & Tahlil

Majlis Solat Hajat, Doa Salamat & Tahlil

Dear respected Prof Dr. Sir, Madam and colleagues,

With reference to the above, kindly be informed that the Chancellery and CEO Office have agreed for us to organize a program on 25th March at 9.30 am to commemorate the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan in April and to seek the blessing of the Almighty for all our good deeds and efforts to bring the name of Lincoln University College to a higher level.

In this regard, we cordially invite all Muslim staff to perform the Solat and Yaasin recitation. Some light refreshment will also be provided for all staff. We will also be providing a Zoom link for all staff in KB and others who may not be able to physically be with us. Let us pray that this special gathering will be a success.

With that on behalf of LUC we thank you in advance and may God bless us all.

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