Memorandum of Understanding signed between Lincoln University College and Yayasan Keperwatan Yogyakarta

Memorandum of Understanding signed between Lincoln University College and Yayasan Keperwatan Yogyakarta

On 3rd June 2016 Ms. Wahyu Ratna from Yayasan Keperwatan Yogyakarta, Indonesia visited Lincoln University College with her team. They were welcomed by Dr.Ismail Mohd Rashid, DVC Corporate Affairs, Haji Johari bin Shamsudin, Corporate Office along with Prof. Salamun, LUC representative, Indonesia and Ms. Lina Tio, Regional Marketing Manager, LUC. The meeting was to discuss about the educational tourism for YKY students and an MOU was signed between LUC and YKY with the objective of student exchange for short courses, continue professional development, collaboration Nursing Research in Home Care Model and to organize Joint International Seminars in future. Ms.Wahyu Ratna, SKM, MKes. ( Ketua Yayasan Keperawatan Yogyakarta, Dr. Sri Werdati, SKM, MKes. (Pembina YKY), Dr. Kirnantoro Somo Minarso, SKM, MKes.(Sekretartis YKY), Hikmah Sobri Ahmad, S.Pd, MKes.(Bendahara YKY), Nuryandari, SKM, MKes. (Pengawas YKY), Tri Arini, SKep, Ns.MKep. (Direktur Akademi Keperawatan “YKY” Yogyakarta) also visited LUC Kelana Jaya Learning site and met Dean and Lectures in department of Nursing.

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