MOU Signing with Rajas Dental College

MOU Signing with Rajas Dental College

Lincoln University College (LUC) has added a golden page in its history on 27th December, 2017 by signing the MOU with Rajas-Dental-College. Chairman Prof Dr Jacob Raja was present from Rajas Medical Institutions. Professor of Periodontics & Vice Principal Dr J. Johnson Raja from Rajas Dental College was present during this occasion. From Lincoln University Datuk Prof. Dr. Hajjah Bibi Florina Abdullah (Pro Chancellor) and Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik (Vice Chancellor) was present to grace the event. Along with them there was some others members also who attended this MOU signing occasion. Among them Dr. S.T. Gopukumar and Nivas Subramanian (TIMER staff)were also present. The MOU was signed by Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik (Vice Chancellor of LUC) and Prof Dr Jacob Raja (Chairman,Rajas Medical Institutions). This MOU will be beneficial for both colleges where students can learn more about dental studies.

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