Notice of Student Evaluation of Lecturers and Department

Dear all respected Deans,

The process of Lecturersand Department Evaluation will be starting from 23rd October 2017 till 06th November 2017 (2weeks only). Kindly inform to all the studentsunder your Faculty to do this evaluation in their LLS portal urgently. After 06th November 2017, the system will be closedautomatically. For those students who did not do this evaluation, their systemwill be blocked and they will not able toview their current semester examination result.

Kindly print and paste theStudent Evaluation of Lecturers and Department MEMO, reference no: MOSLE02/2017 on your Faculty notice board by today. Your cooperation is greatlyappreciated.

Thank you.

Pn. Norhafizah Bt Mohd Rupi


Lincoln University College.

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