PhD in Medical Anatomy

(N/722/8/0031) (12/27) (MQA/PA 1926)


3-6 years | Part Time : 4-8 years







Programme Overview

The program, PhD in Medical Anatomy with Lincoln University College (LUC) offers training for individuals pursuing a career in teaching and study at medical school or university level in clinical human anatomy and independent research. The program aims to establish a set of doctoral-level anatomy educators who can teach undergraduate, graduate, or advanced students all the anatomical disciplines and who can deliver the high-quality instructional research and other academic work required for promotion and tenure. The research based program provides students exposure to pursue an academic career in Medical Anatomy.

Sl.No. MQA Subject Code Subject Name
1 PHDMA 101 Research Methodology
2 PHDMA 102 Data Analysis and Thesis Writing
3 PHDMA 103 Research Work
Anthropology & Growth Studies
Abnormalities of Muscles, Nerves, Blood Vessels and Dentistry
Genetics and Histology
Computational Anatomy

Entry Requirements :

i. Master’s degree (Level 7, Malaysian Qualifications Framework, (MQF) in Medical Anatomy or Medical Science related disciplines accepted by the Lincoln University College (LUC) Senate; or

ii. Other qualifications equivalent to a master’s degree (Level 7, MQF) in Medical Anatomy or Medical Science-related disciplines that are accepted by the LUC Senate.

English Competency Requirement (International Student)
International students are required to achieve a minimum score of 500 on Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) or 5.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or its equivalent.

The degree prepares the student for a career in planning and regulatory agencies in education, governmental or industrial research, science education, and service.

  • Professor
  • Clinical Research Associate
  • Research Scientist
  • Anatomist

The program of PhD in Medical Anatomy will produce researchers and educationist who can:

  • Demonstrate critical understanding of the most advanced knowledge and independently competent to conduct research.
  • Utilize the analytical and problem-solving skills to evaluate and make decisions critically and creatively based on research evidence and experiences.
  • Convey information, insights, ideas, problems, and present solutions coherently to peers, scholarly community, and society in the relevant field of expertise.
  • Produce research outputs to promote lifelong learning and benefit the human health.
  • Lead and manage advanced research ethically and professionally which contributes to societal advancement and responsibilities.
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