Physiotherapy- The Enthralled Department of Lincoln University College

Physiotherapy- The Enthralled Department of Lincoln University College

Physiotherapy- The Enthralled Department of Lincoln University College

A team of 22 physiotherapists including students from Department of Physiotherapy, of Lincoln University College made its hat-trick by rendering their support as Medics (physiotherapy) in the Standard Charted Marathon KL on 21st May 2017. In the event of 35,000 participants, Lincoln physio team successfully managed to provide relief to the athletes from pain and strain.

It is also to be cherished that Mr. Ravikumar Katta, Senior Physiotherapist and Senior Lecturer from the same department successfully completed 42.2 Km run and won the medal. Lincoln is conceited that the whole team of physio not only brought honor but also fame to the University.

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