
- Analysing English for Science and Technology Reading Texts Using Flesch Reading Ease Online Formula: the Preparation for Academic Reading, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Musheer Aljaberi, Antony Anmary, Mohammed Abdulkhaleq
- A Comparative Study on Reading Questions in EFL Textbooks for Level Ten, entitled “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK” and “Pathway to English for SMA/MA” Kajian Perbandingan Soalan Membaca di dalam Buku Teks EFL bagi Tahap 10, bertajuk “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK” dan “Pathway to English for SMA/MA”, Serly Febriani, Lubna Ali Mohammed
- Role of Self-Efficacy in The Relationship of Training and Employee Performance, AYMAN S A SAAD, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhakir Abbas Ali, Shaymaa Radhi Hashim, Mohammed Ali Maram and Dr. Raja Gopal Muthusamy
- Impact of Self-Efficacy on Saudi Performance, Obaid Tameem, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dhakir Abbas Ali, Shaymaa Radhi Hashim, Mohammed Ali Maram and Dr. Raja Gopal Muthusamy
- Predicting Customer Engagement Behaviour: the Mediating Role of Hotel Functional Quality in the Vietnamese Hotel Industry, Gamal S.A. Khalifa, Nguyen Vu Hieu Trung, Md Sazzad Hossain
- Social Survey Method, Isahaque Ali, Azlinda Azman, Shahid Mallick, Tahmina Sultana, Zulkarnain A. Hatta
- Relationship between Family Support and Elderly Independence in Fulfilling Daily Activities, Ayu Citra Mayasari, Lailatul Rochmah, Hidayatus Syadiyah, Sukma Ayu Candra Kirana, Diyan Mutyah, Sandeep Poddar
- Korelasi Pengetahuan Tentang Parenting Self Efficacy Dengan Parenting Pada Ibu Yang Menikah Dini Di Desa Pringsewu Kota Lampung, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia, Maelia Unayah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Uswatun Hasanah, Betty Betty, Tita Hardianti, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Sandeep Poddar
- The Exploration of Social Neuroscience Midlife Crisis in Malaysia, Loh Hock Boey’s, Zulkarnain A. Hatta’s
- Interactive Instructor for a Synergistic Student-Centered and Personalized Teaching: A Biosocial Approach, Idris Adewale Ahmed, Maryam Abimbola Mikail
- Peer Effects of the Same and Different Religions on Faithfulness: A Comparison between Indonesia and India, Muhammad Zilal Hamzah , Yukichika Kawata, Syed Ahmed Salman, Eleonora Sofilda
- Korelasi Pengetahuan Tentang Parenting Self Efficacy Dengan Parenting Pada Ibu Yang Menikah Dini Di Desa Pringsewu Kota Lampung, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia., Unayah, M., Pratiwi, R. D., Hasanah, U., Betty, B., Hardianti, T., Sansuwito, T. B., & Poddar, S.
- How Organizational Justice in the Hospitality Industry Influences Proactive Customer Service Performance through General Self-Efficacy, Abuelhassan Elshazly Abuelhassan, Ali Al Gassim
- Korelasi Pengetahuan Tentang Parenting Self Efficacy Dengan Parenting Pada Ibu Yang Menikah Dini Di Desa Pringsewu Kota Lampung, Sumatra Selatan, Indonesia, Maelia Unayah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Uswatun Hasanah, Betty Betty, Tita Hardianti, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Sandeep Poddar
- Social Behavior Changes Communication Intervention for Stunting Prevention: A Systematic Review, Ahmad Darajat, Tukimin Sansuwito, Mayasyanti Dewi Amir, Hendri Hadiyanto, Dessy Abdullah, Nadia Purnama Dewi, Ernawati Umar
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- Community First Aid Training for Disaster Preparedness: A Review of Education Content, Fatoni Fatoni,Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Tukimin Sansuwito, Lenny Stia Pusporini
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- Determinants of U.S. Grants, Credits and Assistances to India during Bretton Woods, Debesh Bhowmik
- Stone Carving in India and the Need for Process Innovation, Sriparna Guha, Anirban Mandal, Pranam Dhar, Sandeep Poddar, Léo-Paul Dana
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- Effectiveness of Geocell Wall, Geogrid and Micropile Anchors for Mitigation of Unstable Slopes, Jain Sanjaya Kumar, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Dangol Purushotam, Acharya Indra Prasad, Shrestha Rajyaswori
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- Gender Differences in Body Self-Relation Among Young Adults in India, Ranjini Karthikeyan, Amiya Bhaumik
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- Problems of Sports Organization and Lack of Activity of Crisis Management Based on Situation Model of Design Following the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic, Marko Kimi Milic, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Effect of Distraction Techniques (Watching Cartoons) on Pain in Children Aged 9-12 Months During Measles Immunization, Ratumas Ratih Puspita , Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Holidah , Ade Mayrani Yuniar, Sandeep Poddar
- The Consumer Demand Recovery beyond the Pandemic, Chabi Gupta, Sandeep Poddar, Abhijit Ghosh
- Explore Young Urban Consumers’ Green Purchasing Behavior : Empirical Evidences from Vietnam In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICoRSH 2020) Series: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Nguyen Hoang Mai, Sandeep Poddar
- The Role of Innovativeness in Mediating the Relationship Between Overall Quality and User Satisfaction Among the Financial Information Systems in Yemen, Dhoha Younis, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Ali Ameen, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- Study on Correlation between Prosocial Behavior and Rejection Sensitivity among Indian Expatriates, Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya Bhaumik, Srinivasakumar K.P, Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran
- Role of Economic Status on Prosocial Behavior and Rejection Sensitivity among Indian Expatriates In U.A.E, Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya Bhaumik, Srinivasakumar K.P, Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran
- Prosocial Behavior and Rejection Sensitivity Between Married and Unmarried Participants among Indian Expatriates, Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya Bhaumik, Sri nivasa kumar K.P,Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran
- Role of Educational Qualification on Prosocial Behavior and Rejection Sensitivity Among Indian Expatriates in U.A.E., Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya, K. P. Srinivasakumar, Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran
- Prosocial Behavior And Rejection Sensitivity: The Differential Effects of Gender among Indian Expatriates In U.A.E., Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya Bhaumik, Srinivasakumar K.P, Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran
- Islamic and Local Knowledge On Social Work in Malaysia and Bangladesh, Zulkarnain A. Hatta, Zarina Mat Saad, Tulshi Kumar Das, Isahaque Ali, Md. Anwar Hossain, Mohd Haizzan Yahaya
- Inculcating The Habit of Reading Newspapers among College Students and Understand Its Influence on Content They Prefer, Geetali Tilak, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Moderation Effect of Innovativeness on the Relationship between Overall Quality and Actual Usage of Smart Government, Ali Ameen, Dawoud Al Ali, Fathey Mohammed, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Dhoha Younis
- The Relationship Between Electronic Media And Sex Behavior Among Early Adolescents In Junior High School In Tasikmalaya, Eneng Daryanti, Tukimin Sansuwito, Fardila Elba
- The Relationship between Parenting Style and the Emotional Dynamics of Parents, and the Social Interactions of Mentally Retarded Children in Bahagia Foundation Special School in Tasikmalaya, Asep Mulyana, Tukimin Sansuwito, Fitria Nurpadila
- Big Event and Its Values to Build Trust in Destination Image – A Perspective in Big Cities in Vietnam, Ali Ameen Abdulbaqi, Phan Bao Giang
- Promoting green Performance through Green Human Resource Practices and Green Servant Leadership, Adil Mansoor, Muhammad Farrukh, Sarwat Jahan, Jong-Keon Lee, Sazali Abd Wahab
- Blazing a Trail to Success: First Generation Learners in Malaysia, Jehangir Bharucha
- The Impact of Islamic Destination Attributes on Saudi Arabians’ Decision to Visit Jakarta: Tourism Destination Image as a Mediating Variable, Sudigdo, Agus, Khalifa, Gamal
- Ground Water Quality Assessment Of Cuddalore District, Tamilnadu, India, Gunaselvi Shunmugam, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
- Monitoring Ambient Air Quality Study In Ariyalur, Tamilnadu, India, Jeganathan Muthaiyan, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
- Performance among Students of the Indonesian Within Police Language School: The Impact of Communication and Trust, Antonius Kiritin Kunto Darsono, Osama Isaac, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen Ali
- The Moderation Impact of Personal Innovativeness on the Relationship Between E-learning Strategy Implementation and High Education Organizational Performance, Dhoha Younis, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- Examining the Influence of E-leering Strategy Implementation on Educational Organizational Performance with Universities in Yemen, Dhoha Younis, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- The Study of Service Quality Satisfaction on Students of Amity University, Patna, Soumya Ranjan, Siddharth Shankar, Umesh Kumar, Manisha Srivastava, Sui Reng Liana
- Is Malaysia’s Pension Scheme Sufficient to Secure the Quality of Life for the Elderly?, Isahaque Ali,Azlinda Azman, Zulkarnain A. Hatta, M. Rezaul Islam, A H M Belayeth Hussain
- The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Work Education, Sajid S. M., Rajendra Baikady
- Advancement of Destination Service Quality Management Technology in Tourism industry, Saad Ali Musallam Abdulla, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan, Badruddin Bin Nordin , Abhijit Ghosh, Amiya Bhaumik
- Relationship Between Early Marriage and Teenager Pregnancy to Stunting in Toddler at Bangun Rejo Village, Tanjung Morawa District, Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang 2019, Ingka K. Pangaribuan, Isyos Sari, Marlina Simbolon, Basaria Manurung, Kosheila Ramuni
- The Analyze Toddler Growth and Development According to Family’s Economic Status in Village Limau Manis, Districts Tanjung Morawa, Ingka K. Pangaribuan, Ester Simanullang, Sandeep Poddar
- Usage of Mobile Phones by The Elderly People in China: Analytics Through the Spatial Statistical Model, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Valliappan Raju, Yin Hao
- Improving Children’s Social Competence (CSC) through Learning Strategy in Class Management: A Literature Review, Jahaberdeen Bin YM Mohamed Yunoos, Hari Krishnan Andi, Amiya Bhaumik
- Examining Demographic Behavioural Differences among Malaysian-Muslims’ Resilience to the Religiously-Based Terrorism: A Quantitative Approach, Jahaberdeen Bin YM Mohamed Yunoos, Hari Krishnan Andi, Amiya Bhaumik
- Antecedents and Consequences of University Brand Image, an Integrated Model from The Perspective of Students in Gujarat, Abdul Rahim Munshi,Darshana Dave, Prasun Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar
- A Multi-Theoretical Framework to Better Understand the College Major Choice in Arts and Design, Pranakusuma Sudhana, Ali Amee, Osama Isaac
- The Study to Investigate The Need of Lunch Box For The Young and Active Employees In Myanmar, Jue Jue Myint Toe, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen, Sui Reng Liana, Amiya Bhaumik
- Study on Urban Elder Mobile Phone Users in China: In the Perspective of Aging Issue, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Hao Yin
- The Effect of Destination Reputation on The Revisit Intention to Halal Tourism Destination of Jakarta, Yunni Indrani Widjaja, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Abuelhassan Elshazly Abuelhassan
- #VALUE!, Md Sazzad Hossain, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Muhammad Abu Horaira
- Driving Islamic Attributes, Destination Security Guarantee & Destination Image to Predict Tourists’ Decision To Visit Jakarta, Agus Sudigdo, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan
- Impact of Destination Image Factors on Revisit Intentions of Hotel’s International Tourists in Ba Ria-Vung Tau (Br-Vt) The Mediating Role of Positive Word of Mouth, Nguyen Vu Hieu Trung, Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- The Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty of Myanmar Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction, Yan Naing Myo, Gamal S. A. Khalifa,Thin Thin Aye
- Identifying the Psychosocial Aspects of Crowd during Pilgrimage: The Experiences of a Group of Pakistani Female Hajj Pilgrims (Mengenalpasti Aspek Psikososial Orang ramai Yang Bersesak Semasa Haji: Pengalaman Kumpulan Jama’ah Haji Wanita Pakistan), Shukran Abd Rahman,Jasni Sulong,Zarina Mat Saad,Nor Diana Mohd Mahudin,Zulkarnain Ahmad Hatta,Intan Hashimah Hashim,Noraida Abdul Ghani
- To Investigate the Critical Influencing Factors for Decision Making Process of Students Who want to Study Abroad, Jue Jue Myint Toe, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen, Sui Reng Liana, Amiya Bhaumik
- Antecedents Of Dubai Revisit Intention: The Role Of Destination Service Quality And Tourist Satisfaction, Saad Ali Musallam Abdulla, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan, Abhijit Ghosh
- The Influence Of Higher Education Service Quality On Behavioural Intention: The Mediating Role Of Student Happiness, Musabeh Surour Hamad Binnawas, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Amyia Bhaumick
- Digital Communication and Social Interaction in a Family Oriented Society, Jehangir Bharucha
- Economics Is Learnt In The Family: Revaluing Family Influence On Financial Behaviour In India., Jehangir Bharucha
- Self-Perceived Mental Well-Being Amongst Malaysian Dentists, Norintan Ab-Murat, Lydia Mason, Rahimah Abdul Kadir & Noriah Yusoff
- Decline in sperm count in European men during the past 50 years.., P Sengupta, E Borges Jr, S Dutta, E Krajewska-Kulak
- Est Reading Instructional Approaches At The Senior Secondary School Level In Yemen: A Case Study., Lubna Ali Mohammed, H. M. Sidek, Abdu Saeed Murad
- Impact of Effective Training on Employee Performance in Hotel Establishments., Samar N. khalaf, Mohamed A. Morsy, Gamal S. Ahmed, Nabil A. A. Ali
- Ethnic Restaurants’ Meal Experience: Egyptian Customers’ Perceptions., Gamal Sayed Ahmed Khalefa
- Determinants Of Electronic Word Of Mouth (EWOM) Influence On Hotel Customers’ Purchasing Decision., Mohamed E. Abd-Elaziz, Wael M. Aziz, Gamal S. Khalifa, Magdy Abdel-Aleem
- Water— Threat of the Century., Sandeep Poddar
- Investigating the Success Factors of Hotel Websites: The Case of Egyptian Hotels., Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Mohamed A. A. Abou-Shouk
- Equipment specification training: An Approach to Equipment Prolong Shelf-life and Ease of Use: The case of Fayoum university student Hostels., Nabeel A. Badran, Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- Competitiveness of Egyptian Tourism Sector after 25th January Revolution: Situation analysis., Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Mohammad S. Abdel-Hamid
- Tourism Service quality in Egyptian Museum: MUSEQUAL Model Implementation., Nagwa I. A. Zoair, and Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- Luxor Destination Marketing: A Strategic Vision., Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Nagwa I. A. Zoair,
- Improving service quality and its impact on tourist arrivals: a study applied to Services provided in the Egyptian Museum., Nagwa I. A. Zoair Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- Organizing e-tourism and its return on the tourism industry., A. Morsi and Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- Malaysia as an International Higher Education Center: Issues and Challenges Faced by Private Higher Educational Institues [sic], A Bhaumik. Fakulti Perniagaan dan Perakaunan
Narendra Kumar Rao, Kondra Pranitha, Ranjana, C. V. Krishnaveni, Midhun Chakkaravarthy
Rajesh Shardanand Prasad, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
Sarwat Jahan, Amiya Bhaumik, Sidra Abid, Kavita Tiwar
Hari Shankar Biswas, Jagannath Datta, Prasenjit Mandal, Sandeep Poddar, Amit Kumar Kundu, Indranil Saha
Impact of Autonomous Drone Pollination in Date Palms
Rehna V.J, Mohammad Nizamuddin Inamdar
Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Sandeep Poddar, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Faridah Mohd Said, Riris Andriati
GPU-based Security of Password Hashing in Cloud Computing
Janmaya Kumar Mishra, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Janart Hanan
A Review on Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition Algorithms
Mohan Mahanty, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Need of Mitigating Bias in the Datasets using Machine Learning Algorithms
Venkata Naresh Mandhala, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Detecting and Mitigating Bias in Data Using Machine Learning with Pre-Training Metrics
Venkata Naresh Mandhala, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Hye-jin Kim
Varun G. Menon, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Aaromal Sujith, Sonali John, Xingwang Li, Mohammad R. Khosravi
Makarand Jadhav, Vivek Deshpande, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Dattatray Waghole
KaziShehbaz Abdul Rashid,KaziZeeshan Rashid, Mohammed Nizamuddin Inamdar
Mohamed Redouane Riad, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman
Essam Ali Al-Sanaani, Aniza Ismail,Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, Leny Suzana Suddin, Norlaila Mustafa, Norlela Sukor, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Ahmed Abdelmajed Alkhodary, Syed Mohamed Aljunid
A Study on Various Functions of Online Banking
Amiya Bhaumik, Wang Yuan, ZhaoHongbo, Wang Ling, Song Yue, DengFengxian, LiuJiahui
The Impact of Information and Technology on Businesses in Recent Times
Amiya Bhaumik, Wang Lizhu, Liu Limin, Chang Meng, Choo Chuan Sin, Chen Yiru
Amiya Bhaumik, Du Juan, Zhang Jinshui, LiuXianghui, Chen Zhuangling, Huo Ruijing, Liu Jiahui
A Case Study on Issues and Public Perception of Beverage Industry: Coca Cola
Amiya Bhaumik,Sun JiaYang, Geng XiaoRan. Zhang Rui, Hou LinZe, Wang Chen
Payal Bose, Samir K. Bandyopadhyay, Amiya Bhaumik, Sandeep Poddar
Impact of Online Advertising on Daily Users of Mobile Internet Towards Malaysia
Neel Wasantha, W.C. Dombepola, F.A. Ibrahim, Raja Gopal
Sandeep Poddar
Adnan Aldholay, Osama Isaac, Abdullah Nabeel Jalal, Farah Akmar Anor, Ahmed M. Mutahar
Ahmed M. Mutahar, Adnan Aldholay, Osama Isaac, Abdullah Nabeel Jalal, Faten Elina Binti Kamaruddin
Ahmed M. Mutahar, Adnan Aldholay, Osama Isaac, Abdullah Nabeel Jalal, Sharaf Alkibsi
Gavini Sreelatha, A. Vinaya Babu, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Merry Wijaya, Fardila Elba, Atriany Nilam Sari, Dany Hilmanto, Sandeep Poddar
Muaadh Mukred, Zawiyah M. Yusof, Waleed Abdulkafi Al-Moallemi, Umi Asma’a Mokhtar, Burkan Hawash
Sridevi Gutta, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
Lama A Abdul Moti, Zahid Hussain, Hnin E Thu, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Rai M Sarfraz
Zahid Hussain, Muhammad Abdur Rahim, Nasrullah Jan, Hassan Shah, Mutasem Rawas-Qalaji, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Hnin Ei Thu, Nor Amlizan Ramli, Rai Muhammad Sarfraz, Mohammed A S Abourehab
Sheng Lung Peng, Sun Yuan Hsieh, Suseendran Gopalakrishnan, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Best-Fit Dual Signatures for PQ Transition
Kunal Meher, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Work function variations on electrostatic and RF performances of JLSDGM Device
Kaharudin, K.K.E., Zain, A.S.M., Roslan, A.F., Ahmad, I., Salehuddin, F.
Infrastructure Sharing and Quality of Service for Telecommunication Companies
Abdu Saif, Ali Alashwal, Qazwan Abdullah, S. H. Alsamhi, Ali Ameen, Adeeb Salh
Feature Selection Approach for Oil Palm Fruit Grading Expert System
Gaurang Patkar, Sweta Morajkar
Deep learning Frequent Pattern Mining on Static Semi Structured data Streams for Improving Fast Speed and Complex Data Streams, Suseendran, D. Balaganesh, D. Akila, Souvik Pal
Suseendran and D. Balaganesh
Fuzzy Based Treatment Model for Critical Healthcare System
Akila, D. Balaganesh
Suseendran, D. Akila, D. Balaganesh, V. R. Elangovan, V. Vijayalakshmi
Akila, D., Jeyalaksshmi, S., Suseendran, G., D.Balaganesh
New Approach to Combine Secret Keys for Post-Quantum (Pq) Transition
Kunal Meher, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Naga Mallik Raj, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Lakshmi Narayana Gollapudi, Rohan Senanayake, Christina Georgantopoulou, Anil Kumar Singh
A Text Mining using Web Scraping for Meaningful Insights
Kishor Kumar Reddy C, P R Anisha, Nhu Gia Nguyen, G Sreelatha
A Contemporary Approach towards Curbing Cell Phone Use Related Road Mishaps
Abid Siddique, Mohammed Ghousuddin, Rehna V. J.
Jin He,Ting Shu, Author image of Veerendra Dakulagi Veerendra Dakulagi, Linna Li
Extended Sparse Transient Search Deep Transfer Learning Based Intrusion Detection System
Gavini Sreelatha, Dr.A.Vinaya Babu, Dr.Divya Midhunchakkarvarthy
Design of an Auto Adaption Unit for Reconfigurable Analog to Digital Converters
Kakarla, H.K., Alagirisamy, M.
Deep Learning Brain Actuated Bidirectional Communication and Rehabilitation aid for the Quadriplegic
Sunil Jacob, Mukil Alagirisamy, P G Vinoj, R Parvathi, Sandeep Verma
Veerendra Dakulagi
Single Snapshot 2D-DOA Estimation in Wireless Location System
Veerendra Dakulagi
A Comprehensive Analysis of Morphological Process Dependent Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation
Udayini Dikkala, M. Kezia Joseph, Mukil Alagirisamy
Improved Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and its Implementation for Modified Symmetric Sensor Array
Veerendra Dakulagi, Jin He Jin He
Speedy Image Crowd Counting by Light Weight Convolutional Neural Network
Nakagami-m Fading Detection with Eigen Value Spectrum Algorithms
Sreekumar Krishnan Nair, Sathiya Kumar Chinnappan, Anil Kumar Dubey, Arjun Subburaj, Shanthi Subramaniam, Vivekanandam Balasubramaniam, Sudhakar Sengan
Unstructured Noise Removal for Industrial Sensor Imaging Unit by Hybrid Adaptive Median Algorithm
Evaluation of Performance of Cloud of Things for Transferring Multimedia and Bulk set Data Vivekanandam
Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Air Handling Units with a Novel Integrated Decision Tree Algorithm
Vehicle Navigation System based on Pollution Metric Analysis with Q-Learning Algorithm
Vivekanandam, D. Balaganesh
Automated Multimodal Fusion Technique for the Classification of Human Brain on Alzheimer’s Disorder
QoS-aware Virtual Machine (VM) for Optimal Resource Utilization and Energy Conservation
A Literature review of Routing and Cloud Deployment Methodologies used in an Air Vehicle,Vivekanandam
Integrated Renewable Energy Management System for Reduced Hydrogen Consumption using Fuel Cell
B Vivekanandam, P Karuppusamy
Evaluation of Activity Monitoring Algorithm based on Smart Approaches
A Novel Hybrid HNN and Firefly Algorithm to Overcome Denial of Sleep Attack on Wireless Sensor Nodes
Studies on Thermo-mechanical Properties of HNTs Filled ABS/PVC Composites
Pravin R. Kubade, Rohan Senanayake
SRGAN Assisted Encoder-Decoder Deep Neural Network for Colorectal Polyp Semantic Segmentation
Mohan Mahanty, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Varun Menon, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Sandeep Verma, Aaromal Sujith, Manju Manju
Buckling Behaviors of Cold-Formed Steel Built-Up Columns under Axial Compression Tests: Review Paper
Thu Ya Mon, Janani Selvam
Effect of Forced Downsizing Strategies on Employees’ Job Satisfaction
Mansour Alshrif Al-Hammal, Nasser Habtoo, Wee Huat Heng
Influence of Wall Mounted Ramps on DLR Strut Scramjet Combustor Under Non-Reacting Flow Field
Antony Athithan, S.Jeyakumarab, Sandeep Poddar
Design and Implementation of Resource Management Optimization Algorithm to Improve QoS Performance
Makarand Jadhav, Vivek Deshpande, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Dattatray Waghole
Dattatray Waghole, Vivek Deshpande, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Makarand Jadhav
Amiodarone’s Effect on Teneligliptin Pharmacokinetics in Animal Models
Jyostna Pandit Khedar, Arindam das, D. K. Suresh, Shreemoy Kanti Das, Prashant Suresh Salunke
Durability of Geopolymer Concrete with Addition of Polypropylene Fibre
Yavana Rani, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Jamaludin bin Non, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
Aftermath Suffered by RBI Due to Moratorium
Manisha Dey, Wang Juan
Daylight Illumination and Building Architecture – Effect at Workplace
Sandeep Poddar, Sriparna Guha
Introduction, In: Obesity and its Impact on Health, Edited by: Methil Kannan Kutty and Asita Elengoe
Prameela Kannan KuttyMethil Kannan Kutty
Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Suriyakala Perumal Chandran, Methil Kannan Kutty
Al-Abed Ali Ahmed Al-Abed
Obesity and Endometriosis. In: Kutty M.K., Elengoe A.(eds) , Obesity and its Impact on Health
Ravindran JegasothyMona M. I. AbdallaAsita ElengoeMethil Kannan Kutty
Marymol Koshy, Mazuin Mohd Razalli, Asita Elengoe, Methil Kannan Kutty
Abdullah Yahya Al-Mahdi, Asita Elengoe
Asita Elengoe
Munir Kolapo Yahya-Imam, Murtadho M. Alao
Munir Kolapo Yahya-Imam, Murtadho M. Alao
Dhoha Younis, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Ali Ameen, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen
Agung Yulianto, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Ali Ameen, Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati
Antony Athithan, S. Jeyakumar, Kalaiarasan Sekar, Mukil Alagirisamy
Kalaiarasan Sekar, Shahani Aman Shah, A. Antony Athithan, A. Mukil
Vivekanandam, Midhunchakkaravarthy, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Akila, Amiya Bhaumik, Balaganesh Duraisamy, G. Suseendran, Souvik Pal
Balaganesh Duraisamy
- Akila , Balaganesh Duraisamy
- Suseendran, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Agung Yulianto, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen
Agung Yulianto, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Ali Ameen, Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati
Desi Sarli,Faridah Mohd Said, Ali Ameen, Imam Gunawan
Industry 5.0: Ethereum Blockchain Technology Based DApp Smart Contract
Ch. Rupa, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Mohammad Kamrul Hasan, Hesham Alhumyani, Rashid A. Saeed
Shaik Akbar, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
The Combustion Characteristics of Double Ramps in a Strut-Based Scramjet Combustor
- Antony Athithan, S. Jeyakumar, Norbert Sczygiol, Mariusz Urbanski, A. Hariharasudan
Kalaiarasan Sekar, Shahani Aman Shah, A Antony Athithan
The Effect of Ramp Location in a Strut Based Scramjet Combustor under non reacting flow field
A Antony Athithan, S Jeyakumar, R Sivakumar
Mohammed Ismail Iqbal, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen
Auwalu Hamisu Usman, Noor Saeed Khan, Usa Wannasingha Humphries, Zafar Ullah, Qayyum Shah, Poom Kumam, Phatiphat Thounthong, Waris Khan, Attapol Kaewkhao, Amyia Bhaumik
Extended Privacy Preservation of Health Official Document using Blockchain
Ch Rupa, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
A Study on Privacy Preservation of Medical Certificates Using Blockchain Technology
Ch Rupa, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Analysis and Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns – A Realistic Approach
Vinayagam Ponnusamy, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
Experimental Investigation on Surface Roughness of Electroless Ni–B–Tio2 Nanocomposite Coatings
Farook Sayyad, Rohan Senanayake
Farook Sayyad, Rohan Senanayake
Vinayagam Ponnusamy, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
Semantic Web-based Critical Healthcare System using Bayesian Networks
D Akila, D Balaganesh
Smart Cattle Health Monitoring System Using Iot Sensors
G Suseendran, D Balaganesh
Senthil Kumar Swami Durai, Balaganesh Duraisamy, JT Thirukrishna
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach to Identify Coronary Diseases Using Feature Selection Mechanism On Heart Disease Dataset
Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Midhun Chakkravarthy, Tai-hoon Kim
Nasaraldeen Abdalla, Ali Ameen, Mahjouba Allefaa
Nasaraldeen Abdalla, Ali Ameen, Mahjouba Allefaa
Ali Ameen, Sultan Alshamsi, Osama Isaac, Nadhmi A. Gazem, Fathey Mohammed
Secured Resource Allocation for Authorized Users Using Time Specific Blockchain Methodology
Vejendla Lakshman Narayana, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Automatic Gland Segmentation for Detection of CRC Using Enhanced SegNet Neural Network
Mohan Mahanty, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
- NagaMallik Raj, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Real Time Detection of Phishing Attacks in Edge Devices
Ushus Maria Joseph, Mendus Jacob
Dedi Supriadi, Yuyun Rahayu, Tukimin Sansuwito, Nisa Fauziyah
Shivani Yadao, A. Vinaya Babu
Srinath Doss, Jothi Paranthaman, Suseendran G., Akila D., Souvik Pal, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Chung Le, Dac-Nhuong Le,
Desi Sarli, Faridah Mohd Said, Ali Ameen, Imam Gunawan
- Akila, S. Jeyalaksshmi, G. Suseendran, D.Balaganesh
Extended Equilibrium-Based Transfer Learning for Improved Security in Cloud Environment
Sreelatha, G., Vinaya Babu, A., Midhunchakkarvarthy, D.
- Sirajudeen, Balaganesh, Haleema, V. Ajantha Devi
Certain Investigation on Healthcare Monitoring for Enhancing Data Transmission in WSN
Senthil Kumar Swami Durai, Balaganesh Duraisamy, J T Thirukrishna
Pradeep Kumar Panda, J. Jebastine, Madhialagan Ramarao, Shaik Fairooz, Chirra Kesava Reddy, Omaima Nasif, Saleh Alfarraj, Velu Manikandan, I. Jenish
Smart Agri Wine: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Predict Wine Quality
Gaurang S Patkar, D. Balaganesh
Design Proposal for a Novel Automated Smart System to Curb Mishaps due to Unfocussed Driving
Abid Siddique; Mohammed Ghousuddin; V. J. Rehna
Rehna V. Jameela, Mukil Alagirisamy
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Agile Methodology in an SaaS Deployment Project: A Pre- and Post-SaaS Deployment Study
Ali Hassan, Soayba Younas, Amiya Bhaumik
Web Usage Mining: A Comparison of WUM Category Web Mining Algorithms
Shivani Yadao, A. Vinaya Babu, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Amiya Bhaumik
Senjuti Goswami, Sandeep Poddar, Thirunavukkarasu Thayanthan
A Proposal on Semantic Enhanced Web Mining Based Deep Neural Network Framework
Shivani Yadao, A. Vinaya Babu, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Amiya Bhaumik
- NagaMallik Raj, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Tai-hoon Kim
- NagaMallik Raj, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Multipath Transmission in IoT using Hybrid Salp Swarm-Differential Evolution Algorithm
Amol V. Dhumane, Shriram D. Markande, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
A New Nystrom Approximation based Efficient Coherent DOA Estimator for Radar Applications
Veerendra Dakulagi
Review on Packet Drop Prevention in MANET by Counter Based Digester ACK
Mohammed Ali Hussain, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Cause of Time and Cost Overruns in the Construction Project in Nepal
Bishnu Prasad Khanala, Sateesh Kumar Ojha
N A Ramli, S Shith, N F F Md Yusof, Kamarul Zaman Bin Zarkasi, A Suroto
Ensuring Anomaly-Aware Security Model for Dynamic Cloud Environment using Transfer Learning
Gavini Sreelatha, A. Vinaya Babu, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Mohammed Ali Hussain, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Revisiting tin Melting for Phase Change Model Verification
M A M Irwan, Nor Azwadi Che Sidik, Nor Azwadi Che Sidik, Y Asako
Surface Modification of Steel by Nickel Coating in Electrochemical Process
Gunaselvi, P. Satheeshkumar, M. Jeganathan
Gunaselvi Shunmugam, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
Band Rejections for WLAN and WIMAX Utilizing UWB Planar Antenna by Slits in the Conductor Elements
Siti Fatimah Jainal, Norliza Mohamed , Azura Hamzah
Premature detection of cardiomegaly using hybrid machine learning technique
Bhanu Prakash Doppala,Midhunchakkravarthy,Debnath Bhattacharyya
Veerendra Dakulagi
Shiqiang Wang, Caiyun Gao, Qin Zhang, Veerendra Dakulagi, Huiyong Zeng Huiyong Zeng, Guimei Zheng, Juan Bai, Yuwei Song, Jiliang Cai, Binfeng Zong
An Adaptive Correlation based Video Data Mining using Machine Learning
Mallikharjuna, L.K., Reddy, V.S.K.
Extraction of Key Frames Using Rough Set Theory for Video Retrieval
S. Naveen Kumar, V. S. K. Reddy
Mallikharjuna Lingam, V. S. K. Reddy
Hiba Amer Alsaeedi, Chenshen Lam, Avin Ee-Hwan Koh, Seoh Wei Teh, Pooi Ling Mok, Akon Higuchi, Kong Yong Then, Mae-Lynn Catherine Bastion, Badr Alzahrani, Aisha Farhana, Bala Sundaram Muthuvenkatachalam, Antony V.Samrot, K.B.Swamy, Najat Marraiki , Abdallah M.Elgorbanlm, Suresh Kumar Subbiah
Human Different Head Poses and Facial Expression Analysis using Principal Component Analysis
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
IoT based Biotelemetry for Smart Health Care Monitoring System
- Vivekanandam
Analysis of Voltage Stability Index under Stressed Operating Conditions in Bus Power Systems
IoT based Smart Grid Attack Resistance in AC and DC State Estimation
- Vivekanandam
Future Perspective for Radiation Dose Reduction techniques in Computed Tomography – A Study
- Vivekanandam
A Review of hyper Mixers to Enhance Combustion Efficiency in Supersonic Combustor
Antony Athithan Ananthan, Kalaiarasan Sekar
Risk and Contributing Factors of Violence Against Women- A Review
Manoharan, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
Realistic Approach and Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns – A Case Study
Vinayagam Ponnusamy, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
A Case Study on Pandemics Period Violence Against Women
Manoharan, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
Fuzzy Interference System Based Link Failure Prediction In MANET
Senthil Kumar Swami Durai, Balaganesh Duraisamy, J T Thirukrishna
Preventing Malicious Packet Drops in MANETs by Counter Based Authenticated Acknowledgement
Mohammed Ali Hussain, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Fuzzy Interference System Based Link Failure Prediction In MANET
Senthil Kumar Swami Durai, Balaganesh Duraisamy, J T Thirukrishna
Challenges Associated with E-Learning among ESL Undergraduates in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework
Harishini Sornasekaran, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Asra Amid
Rectified Packet Marking for heavy load in Network for Big Data Transportation
Anil V Turukmane, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Realistic Approach and Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns – A Case Study
Vinayagam Ponnusamy, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
A Study on Nonlinear Response of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Composite Columns Under Axial Loading
Vinayagam Ponnusamy, Janani Selvam, Amiya Bhaumik
Prognostication of Domestic Animals In India Using ARIMA Model
D.Akila, S. Jeyalaksshmi, G.Suseendran,Srinath Doss, Balaganesh .D
Automatic Seed Classification By Multi-Layer Neural Network With Spatial-Feature Extraction
Balaganesh G. Suseendran, E. Chandrasekaran, D. Akila
Echinacea Purpurea to Treat Novel Coronavirus (2019-Ncov)
R Anandan, G Suseendran, Noor Zaman, Sarfraz Nawaz Brohi, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Deepak B S
Medical Image Data Classification Using Deep Learning Based Hybrid Model with CNN and Encoder
Bhanu Prakash Battula, Duraisamy Balaganesh
Bhanu Prakash Battula, Balaganesh Duraisamy
Use of Geo-Grid Reinforcement and Stone Column for Strengthening of Mat Foundation Base
Sanjaya Kumar Jaina, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Indra Prasad Acharya
Hamad Almarri, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Gamal S. A. Khalifa
Faisal Alameri, Ibrahim Alrajawy
Adaptive Beamformers for High‑Speed Mobile Communication
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Evolutionary and Incremental Text Document Classifier using Deep Learning
Nihar M. Ranjan, MidhunChakkaravarthy
Efficient Coherent Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Realization Using Digital Signal Processor
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy, Mandeep Singh
Nihar M. Ranjan, Midhun Chakkaravarthy
Analysis of Survey Data In E-Waste Management Companies of India – A Case Study
Manjula Purushothaman, Mohd.Gousuddin Inamdar, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
Human Face and Facial Parts Detection using Template Matching Technique
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Facial Spots Detection Using Convolution Neural Network
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
A Method for Identification of Face of the Person and Presence of Facial Spot in the Face
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Human Face Detection: Manual vs. Kohonen Self Organizing Map
Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Dinesh Rajassekharan, Ali Ameen, Divya Midhun Chakkravarthy
Routing Protocols in Internet of Things: A Survey
Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Amol Dhumane
Gutta Sridevi, Midhun chakkravarthy
Shiladitya Bhattacharjee, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarhty,Midhun Chakkaravarty, Lukman Bin Ab. Rahim, Ade Wahyu Ramadhani
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Basavaraj Danappanavar, Umesh Joseph, Abhilash George
Development and Cost Analysis of anE-Smart Vehicle Empowered with Smart Parking System
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Sateesh Chennamshetty, Avinash Patil, Sreelal CK
RFID based Intelligent Guide for Tourist
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Julakanti Nishanth Reddy, Vineeth PA, Vinayaka Kambli, M. Sucharitha
Vehicle Protection using Fingerprint Verification by GPS & GSM
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Anudeep Peteti, Jithin Chandran KV, Madhukar Kumar
Efficient Binary Content Addressable Memory Cell Using Adiabatic Logic
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Nikhil AC, Vinoth Kumar, Vivek M, M. Sucharitha
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Basavaraj Danappanavar, Umesh Joseph, Abhilash George
Academic Policy Regarding Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Muhammad Tanveer, Shafiqul Hassan, Amiya Bhaumik
F B Sayyad, Rohan Senanayake
Imtiyaz Ali Mir, Moniruddin Chowdhury, Rabiul Md Islam, Goh Yee Ling, Alauddin A. B. M. Chowdhury, Zobaer Md Hasan,Yukihito Higashi
Lorentz Forces Effects on the Interactions of Nanoparticles in Emerging Mechanisms with Innovative Approach
Noor Saeed Khan, Qayyum Shah, Arif Sohail , Poom Kumam , Phatiphat Thounthong , Amiya Bhaumik , Zafar Ullah
Entropy Generation In Bioconvection Nanofluid Flow Between Two Stretchable Rotating Disks
Noor Saeed Khan, Qayyum Shah, Amiya Bhaumik, Poom Kumam, Phatiphat Thounthong, Irajsadegh Amiri
Dinesh Rajassekharan, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy
A Systematic Exploration of Style Breach Detection Methods during Author Attribution Process
Rajesh Shardanand Prasad, Midhun Chakkaravarthy
Amol Dhumane, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Preserve Security to Medical Evidences using Blockchain Technology
Rupa , Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Varun Menon, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Sonali John, Sunil Jacob, Amrit Mukherjee
V.Lakshman Narayana, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Vejendla Lakshman Narayana, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy.
Ntruencrypt – a Quantum Proof Replacement to RSA Cryptosystem.
Meher, K., Midhunchakkaravarthy, D.
Asita Elengoe, Elina Sebestian
A Review on Future Security Challenges in 5G
Harish Muthuveeran Shanmugam ,Supraja Srinivasan
Zahid Hussain,Hnin Ei Thu, Ibrahim Elsayed, Mohammed A.S. Abourehab, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Rai Muhammad Sarfraz, Muhammad Asim Farooq
Yasmin Ali, Jitendra Shreemali, Tulika Chakrabarti, Prasun Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar
Brain Computer Interface (BCI): Mechanism and Challenges – A Survey
Dipannita Debasish Mondal, Mukil Alagirisamy
A Mathematical Modelling of Abrasive Waterjet Machining on Ti-6Al-4V using Artificial Neural Network
M.Chithirai Pon Selvan, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Rohan Senanayake, Swaroop Ramaswamy Pillai, Sahith Reddy Madara
Evaluation of the Role of Kras Gene in Colon Cancer Pathway using String and Cytoscape Software
Sandya Menon Prabhakaran Menon, Asita Elengoe
Socio-Economic Impact of The E-Waste Pollution in India
Manjula Purushothaman, Mohd. Gousuddin Inamdar, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
An Enhance Scheme of Visual Secret Share for Lossless Recovery
Kalyan Das, Sayantan Samajpati, Abhirup Das, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Amiya Bhaumik
Early Screening of Baby Blues Based on Android Applications: First-Week Postpartum
Desi Sarli, Imam Gunawan, Novinaldi, Sandeep Poddar
Analysis of Adaptation Response of Victims Sinabung Mountain Eruption Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Henny Syapitri, Johansen Hutajulu, Sudipta Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
Hyperspectral Image Classification by Means of Suprepixel Representation with KNN
Akila, Amiya Bhaumik,Srinath Doss, Ali Ameen
Study on Mechanical Properties of Natural Fibre Mat with Fibre Composites
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Neha, Rahul Kalathingal, Satish Joshi
Design and Fabrication of Speech Controlled Robot Scribe
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Abhishek Tripathi, Arun Prasad K V, Pradeep Shivappa Asundi
Design and Implementation of Wifi Controlled Robotic Rover based on Raspberrypi and Arduino
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Fahad Kuniyil, Midlaj KH, Vijeesh Cholayil
Advancement of Natural Vision and Controller for a Surgical Robot System
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Abhilash Mani, Kavana Janardhana Saralaya, Pravin Babasaheb Lavate
Fault Analysis in Mixed-Mode Circuit by Using ANN Approach
PHV Sesha Talpa Sai, Amiya Bhaumik, Lokeshkumar S, Nithin Panikka Madathil, Sreejesh N
An Empirical Study on Big Data Analytics: Challenges and Directions
Munir Kolapo Yahya-Imam, Felix O. Aranuwa
Green Technology to Assess and Measure Energy Efficiency of Data Center in Cloud Computing
Priya, G. Suseendran, D. Akila, V. Vivekanandam
A Survey on Feature Fatigue Analysis Using Machine Learning Approaches for Online Products
Midhunchakkravarthy, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy, D. Balaganesh, V. Vivekanandam, Albert Devaraj
A Study on Seismic Big Data Handling at Seismic Exploration Industry
Shiladitya Bhattacharjee, Lukman Bin Ab. Rahim, Ade Wahyu Ramadhani, Midhunchakkravarthy, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy
Ali Ameen, Mohammed Rahmah, Osama Isaac, D. Balaganesh,Midhunchakkravarthy, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy
Detection of Hard Exudate from Diabetic Retinopathy Image Using Fuzzy Logic
Jeyalaksshmi, D. Padmapriya, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy, Ali Ameen
Mohammed Ali Hussain, D. Balaganesh
Wiwit Apit Sulistyowati, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Agung Yulianto, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen
Clinical Data Classification Using an Ensemble Approach Based on CNN and Bag-of-Words Approach
Bhanu Prakash Battula, D. Balaganesh
Inadequacy of Li-Fi Disentangles by Laser, Polarizing Beam, Solar, and Formation
- Balaganesh
Gutta Sridevi, Midhun chakkravarthy
Viral Marketing –A Perception Study on the Higher Education Students in West Bengal
Kallol Saha, Pranam Dhar, Sandeep Poddar
Sustainable Water Resource Management
Rwitabrata Mallick, Sandeep Poddar
Elhadi Mohamed Ibrahim , Osama Isaac
Rashed Alshamsi , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac
Kian Aun Law , Amiya Bhaumik , Jiemiao Fang , Valliappan Raju
Kian Aun Law , Amiya Bhaumik , Jiemiao Fang , Valliappan Raju
A New Direction of Arrival Estimator and Realization Using a Digital Signal Processor
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Adaptive Beamformers for High-Speed Mobile Communication
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Re-Engineering University Performance: Antecedents and Mediating Variables
Bandar Abdulla F.H. Alharthi , Gamal S.A. Khalifa , Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan , Osama Isaac , Ahmed H. Al-Shibami
The Role of Information Technology in Libyan Organizations
Hassn Miftah Eljhani , Ali Ameen
Effectiveness of mobile phone users based on aging issue: In the context of urban part of China
Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Hao Yin, Valliappan Raju
Impact of globalization of firms: Descriptive study on performance on network ability
Amiya Bhaumik, Kian Aun Law, Fang Jiemiao, Valliappan Raju
Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Peng Sun, Valliappan Raju
Adel Haddad, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Ahmed Al-Shbami, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy
Yazeed Alkatheeri, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac, Mohammed Nusari, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Gamal S. A. Khalifa
Khalifah Alfalasi , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Gamal S. A. Khalifa , Amiya Bhaumik
Yazeed Alkatheeri , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Ahmed Al-Shibami , Mohammed Nusari
Yazeed Alkatheeri , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Ibrahim Alrajawy , Amiya Bhaumik
Impact of Smart Government Usage and Smart Government Effectiveness on Employee Happiness
Rashed Alshamsi , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Ahmed Al-Shibami , Amiya Bhaumik
Sultan Alshamsi, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen , Mohammed Nusari , Amiya Bhaumik
Mohammed Rahmah , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Abu-Elhassan El-Shazly Abu-Elhassan , Gamal S. A. Khalifa
Mohammed Rahmah , Ahmed Al-Shibami , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Amiya Bhaumik
Effect of Nano Coatings on Magnesium alloy on their Surface Properties: A Review
Farook Sayyad, Rohan Senanayake
Elhadi Mohamed Ibrahim , Osama Isaac
A New Coherent DOA Estimator for Radar Communication
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Kaiser Window Based Blind Beamformers for Radar Application
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Adaptive Beamformers using 2D ‑ Novel ULA for Cellular Communication
Veerendra Dakulagi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Hybrid Solution (ECDHE + NewHope) for PQ
Kunal Meher, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
A Review on Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Big Data Transportation
Anil V Turukmane, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Factors that Influence the Net Benefits of Big Data Adoption within Government Agencies in the UAE
Adel Haddad, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Security Issues and Various Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey
- NagaMallik Raj, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Shiladitya Bhattacharjee, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy, Midhun Chakkaravarthy, Lukman Bin Ab. Rahim
Chithirai Pon Selvan, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Swaroop Ramaswamy Pillai, Sahith Reddy Madara
Health Advisory System using IoT Technology
K Asish Vardhan, N Thirupathi Rao, S Naga, Mallik Raj, G Sudeepthi, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Renewable Energy: Pumped Hydro Energy Storage System (Water Bank)
Mohammad Nizamuddin Inamdar, Rohan Senanayake, Mohammed Nusari
Mukil Alagirisamy, Chee-Onn Chow, Kamarul Ariffin Bin Noordin
Mukil Alagirisamy, Chee-Onn Chow, Kamarul Ariffin Bin Noordin
Ali Ameen, Khalifah Alfalasi, Nadhmi A. Gazem, Osama Isaac
Adnan Aldholay, Zaini Abdullah, Osama Isaac, Ahmed M. Mutahar
Osama Isaac, Adnan Aldholay, Zaini Abdullah, T. Ramayahd
Examining the impact of Dubai smart government characteristics on user satisfaction
Obeid Alshamsi, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Amiya Bhaumik
Osama Isaac, Zaini Abdullah, Adnan H. Aldholay, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen
Muhammad Ismail Mohmand, Amiya Bhaumik, Muhammad Humayun, Qayyum Shah
An Assessment of the Visual Features Extractions for the Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
Muhammad Ismail Mohmand, Amiya Bhaumik, Muhammad Humayun, Qayyum Shah
Impact of Lithium Ion on Sustainable Development
Mohammad Nizamuddin Inamdar, Rohan Senanayake, Mohammed Nusari
An Efficient and Secure Detection of Internet Worm Using Propagation Model
Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Advancements in Lasers: A Revolutionary Tool in Periodontics
- Krishna, Narendra Prakash Rai, Abhinav Sharma, Prafful Kumar
Biomimetic Coating Of Modified Titanium Surfaces With Hydroxyapetite Using Simulated Body Fluid
Mohsin Nazir, Ong Pei Ting, Tan See Yee, Saravanan Pushparajan, Dasan Swaminathan, Muralithran G. Kutty
Divya Selvaraj and Padmavathi Ganapathi
A Survey on Various Mining Types, Different Text Mining Approaches and Applications.
Midhun Chakkaravarthy, J Selvabrunda S
Internet Worm Detection based on Traffic Behavior Monitoring with Improved C4.5.
- Divya , G. Padmavathi
- Divya, G. Padmavathi
Computer Network Worms Propagation and its Defence Mechanisms: A Survey.
S.Divya, G.Padmavathi
An appraisal of Artificial Immune System
Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Padmavathi Ganapathi, Sindhuja L S
Extort Factual Information using Open Source Intelligence of Web Mining.
Balaganesh, Joshua Samual
Extort Factual Information using Open Source Intelligence of Web Mining.
D Balaganesh, Joshua Samual
Md. Gousuddin, S.appala Raju, Md. Ahamed Shah, Sultanuddin
Modal Analysis and Experimental Determination of Optimum Tool Shank Overhang of A Lathe Machine
Nabin Sardar, Amiya Bhaumik, Nirmal Kumar Mandal
- Business Analytics and Market Adaptation in the E-Commerce Industry in Nigeria, ladi Daodu, Amiya Bhaumik, Akinola Morakinyo
- Strategi Coping: Studi Pada Odha (Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids), Riris Andriati, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Sandeep Poddar
- Polyneurines A−H, Iboga Alkaloids from Tabernaemontana Polyneura, Sin-Yee Tang, Chun-Hoe Tan, Kae-Shin Sim, Kien-Thai Yong, Kuan-Hon Lim, Yun-Yee Low, Siew-Huah Lim
- A New Cinnamaldehyde-Rhodamine based Dual Chemosensor for Cu2+ and Fe3+ and its Applicability in Live Cell Imaging, Nur Amira Solehah Pungut, Chun Hoe Tan, Hazwani Mat Saad, Kae Shin Sim, Sheena Yin Xing Tiong, Chee Wei Ang, Chun Hau Gan, Kien Voon Kong, Kong Wai Tan
A Reliable Machine Intelligence Model for Accurate Identification of Cardiovascular Diseases Using Ensemble Techniques, Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Midhun Chakkravarthy Janarthanan, Namkyun Baik
- A Combined Approach of Web Content Mining and Neural Networks for Predicting the Societal Impact of Covid-19 through Twitter, Shivani Yadao, A. Vinaya Babu Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Amiya Bhaumik
- Extract of Gigartina Sp for Antibacterial Activities on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus Sp., Fransisca Shinta Maharini, Nisha Nambiar, Sandeep Poddar
- Factors Influencing the Use of Herbal Medications During Pregnancy at Public Health Center, Indonesia, Fardila Elba, Dani Hilmanto, Sandeep Poddar
- Medication Adherence and Self-Management Practices among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia, Marzuki bin Muhammad, Farzana Yasmin, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Bibi Florina Abdullah, Sandeep Poddar
- Analysis of the Effect of Wind Speed in Increasing the COVID-19 Cases in Jakarta, Dewi Susanna,Yoerdy Agusmal Saputra,Sandeep Poddar
- Exploring Factors Affecting Graduate Students’ Satisfaction toward E-Learning in the Era of the COVID-19 Crisis, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Musheer A. Aljaberi, Asra Amidi, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Chung-Ying Lin, Rukman Awang Hamat, Atiyeh M Abdallah
- Psychologists’ perspective of mental health in Yemen during the civil war and COVID-19: a qualitative inquiry, Sumaia Mohammed Zaid, Ahlam Mohammed Fadel, Sahar Mohammed Taresh, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Nina Fitriana
- Impacts of Gamification Learning Approach on Student’s Performance and Perception During Covid 19 Post Pandemic 221 in Indonesia New Normal Learning Setting, Anthia Ratna, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Anitha Kirpalani, Komal Hiranandani, Laveena Tolani, Sanchita Nandi
Quality of Life of Hypertensive Patients Undergoing Chronic Disease Management Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Widya Astuty Lolo, Gayatri Citraningtyas, Deby Afriani Mpila, Heri Wijaya, Sandeep Poddar
- Medication Adherence and Self-Management Practices among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Jeli District, Kelantan, Malaysia, Marzuki bin Muhammad, Farzana Yasmin, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Bibi Florina Abdullah, Sandeep Poddar
- Indoor Motor Exercise Regimens Improve Social Cognition in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review, Noureen A, Tania Islam, Rashid MA, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Mathialagan A, Farzana Y, Anjum Shabbir, Lubna Shirin, Sergey Gupalo, Nazmul MHM
- Perception of Undergraduate Nurses on Clinical Placement in King Faisal Hospital and Research Centre, Saudi Arabia, Vignaswari Engkatesalu, Fadel El Mulla Fadi, M. Irfan, Pradeep Prabakaran, Michele Manlapig, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Farzana Y, Lubna Shirin, Sergey Gupalo, Vetriselvan Subramaniyan Nazmul M H M
- Parental Perception of Adolescent and Adulthood Autism Transitional Behaviours, Alison Mary Fernandes, Nur Atiqah, M. Irfan, Nathan Vytialingam, Sangeeta Kaur, Saeid Reza Doustjalali, Farzana Y, Negar Shafiei Sabet, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Lubna Shirin, Sergey Gupalo, Nazmul MHM
- Parental Attitudes about Play in Preschool Aged Children, Navitha Jayaraj, Nur Atiqah, Nathan Vytialingam, Nirmala P, Farzana Y, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Lubna Shirin
- Analysis and Strategy of Malnutrition and Obesity in Children, Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Maziz, Mohammed Ayaz Ahmed, Mohammed Irfan, Mohammad Abdur Rashid, Farzana Yasmin, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Lubna Shirin
- Stress and Quality of Life Among Fathers of Special Needs Children In Klang Valley, Lim Pei Tien, Nur Atiqah, Nathan Vytialingam, Rashid MA, Mohammed Shahjahan Kabir, Farzana Y, Nirmala P, Lubna Shirin, Sergey Gupalo, Nazmul MHM
- Prediction of Hiv-1 Progression Using K Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning Algorithm, Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Maziz, Mohammad Abdur Rashid, Farzana Yasmin
- The Study of The Perception of Diabetes Mellitus Among The People of Petaling Jaya In Malaysia, Mohsena Iqbal, Farzana Yasmin, Ahasanul Haque, Mohammad Abdur Rashid, Kohinoor Pervin, Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Maziz
- A New Lipophilic Cationic Rhodamine-based Chemosensor for Detection of Al(III)/Cu(II) and Intracellular pH Change and its Application as a Smartphone-assisted Sensor in Water Sample Analysis, WeiChuen Chan, Min Phin Ng, Chun Hoe Tan, Chee Wei Ang, Kae Shin Sim, SheenaYin Xin Tiong, Nur Amira Solehah Pungut, Chew Hee Ng, Kong Wai Tan
- Dimocarpus Longan Phytocompounds Possess Anticancer Activity by Specifically Targeting Breast Cancer Biomarkers Via Computational Biology Tools., Asita Elengoe, Sherman Ryner Suhaibun
- Vacuum-Assisted Wound Dressing for Shorter Wound Healing Time: A Meta-Analysis, Sim Chap Hoong, Vickneswaran Loganathan, Regidor III Dioso
- Knowledge and Attitude of Staff Nurses Towards the Implementation of Play Therapy on Children, Salmiah Binti Awang, Regidor III Dioso, Faridah Mohd Said
Knowledge and Compliance among Nurses in Collecting Urine Culture with Indwelling Catheter in A Medical Ward, Norliza Binti Arifin, Regidor III Dioso, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan
Family Support Related to Quality of Life in Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Ulcer, Christina Yuliastuti, Nur Muji Astuti, Didik Dwi Winarno, Mei Ayu Sari, Norin John
Parenting Style and Emotional Regulation in Children with Intellectual Disability, Salwa Mawaddati Muna , Qori Ila Saidah, Dwi Ernawati, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan
Psychological Impact of Coping Strategies and Nurse Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic at Rspal Dr. Ramelan Surabaya, Setiadi, Dwi Priyantini, Dedi Irawandi, Sandeep Poddar
Neurologic Examination of the Diabetic Foot to Prevent Diabetic Foot Ulcer at Puskesmas Kebonsari Surabaya, Indonesia, Nur Muji Astuti, Imroatul Farida, Nabelatul Laili Fauzia, Ceria Nurhayati, Nuh Huda, Didik Winarno, Ruma Podda
The Impact of Nutritional Counseling on Complementary Feeding Practice and Infant Nutrition Status at Pakan Rabaa Solok Selatan Health Centre in Indonesia, Yani Maidelwita, Tukimin bin Sansuwito, Yulia Arifin, Sandeep Poddar
Relationship between Diet Patterns and the Incidence of Anemia among Adolescent Girls at SMA Giki 1 Surabaya, Iis Fatimawati, Novan Hariyanto, Puji Hastuti, Astrida Budiarti, Sandeep Poddar
- Community Readiness of Surabaya, Indonesia to Face Acute Hepatitis in Children, Nisha Dharmayanti Rinarto, Ayu Citra Mayasari, Hafizah Che Hassan
- Users’ Perceptions of the “My Medicine” Mobile App Usability, Irnawati, Feri Febria Laksana,Deisy Sri Hardini, Anita Lufianti,Benny Arief Sulistyanto, Tukimin bin Sansuwito, Rizki Muliani, Hendri Hadiyanto, Milawati Lusiani, Sri Hayati, Mayasyanti Dewi Amir, Armayani, Nia Desriva, Sri Mulyani, Novita Ana Anggraini, Rahmania Ambarika, Fidrotin Azizah, Maidartati, Ruma Poddar
- Oral Physicians in the Management of Head and Neck Cancers, Natarajan Kannan
- Biological Anthropology and Ergonomics – A Review on Indian Scenario, Jayita Roy (Ghoshal), Joydhish Majumdar, Sandeep Poddar
- Extensive Statistical Analysis on Novel Coronavirus: Towards Worldwide Health Using Apache Spark. In: Garg, L., Chakraborty, C., Mahmoudi, S., Sohmen, V.S. (eds) Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Debnath Battacharyya, Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Midhun Chakkravarthy Janarthanan
A Multi-Level Gene-Disease Based Feature Extraction and Classification Framework for Large Biomedical Document Sets, V. Shiva Narayana Reddy, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Cytotoxicity and Acute Oral Toxicity Effects of Parkia Speciosa Seeds Extract in C57bl/6 Mice, Nur Amalina Noralidin,Vasantha Kumar Rajoodorai,Kamarul Ariffin Hambali, Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan,Nur Zul Izzati Mohd Rajdi, Nurshahirah Shaharulnizim, Fathin Faahimaah Abdul Hamid, Jasni Sabri, Imad Ibrahim Ali Al Sultan, Rumaizi Shaari, Muhammad Luqman Nordin
Exploring Factors Affecting Graduate Students Satisfaction toward E-learning in the Era of the Covid19 Crisis, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Musheer A. Aljaberi, Asra Amidi, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Chung-Ying Lin, Rukman Awang Hamat, Atiyeh M Abdallah
Psychological Distress among Parents due to Their Children Having Cancer: A Systematic Review, Ikeu Nurhidayah, Ratih Kusuma Dewi, Nur Oktavia Hidayati, Sandeep Poddar
Review on Different Methods towards Abnormal Mass Detection in Digital Mammogram, Sangita Bhattacharjee, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik, Indra Kanta Maitra, Dewi Susanna, Andrew Ware
Patients’ Experiences in Using Diabetes Self-Management Application: A Scoping Review, Siti Kamillah, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Sandeep Poddar, Bibi Florina Abdullah
Antecedents and Consequences of Patients’ Pdoption of the IoT 4. for e-health Management System: A Novel PLS-SEM Approach, Manish Dadhich, Sandeep Poddar, Kamal Kant Hiran
Covid-19 Complications and Suggested Measures: Modern Tools for Intervening Pandemic, Kashif Zohair Yusuf, Waliza Ansar, Aranyak Goswami, Supriya Mandal, Huma Tahrim, Sandeep Poddar, Junaid Jibran Jawe
Analysis Impact of Covid-19 Outbreak on Performance of Commercial Conventional Banks: Evidence from Indonesia, Elmira Siska, Awadh Ahmed Mohammed Gamal , Ali Ameen, Mekar Meilisa Amalia
Anticancer Activity of Bioactive Compound Chavicol as Potential Toxic against Human Lung Cancer A549 Cells, Chellasamy Panneerselvam, Adel I. Alalawy, Karma Albalawi, Hamza S.Al-Shehri, Humaira Parveen, Hatem A.Al-Aoh, Noha Said Bedowr, Fahad J.Mujammami, Mohammed Nusari, Sahar Khateeb
Administration of Caesalpinia bonduc Seed Extracts Ameliorates Testosterone-Induced Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in Male Wistar Rats, Shan Sasidharan, Srinivasakumar KP, Amiya Bhaumik, Sreemoy Kanti Das, Hareebndran Nair
Sociological Impact of COVID-19 on People with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Long COVID-19 in Young Children, Asita Elengoe, Kamoka Hana Moftah Ibrahem, Abdulmutalib Alabeed Allaq, Alabed Ali Ahmed Alabed
The Effectiveness of Brain Gym on The Cognitive Abilities of Children at Tk Aba 17 Palembang, Indonesia, Renda Natalina Pratama , Citra Purwanti, Rosmiarti, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Faridah Binti Mohd Said
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – A Comprehensive Analysis of the Malaise and Summarizing Possible Management Options through Phytotherapeutic Agents, Shan Sasidharan, Kumarapillai Parameswaran Srinivasakumar, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik, Sreemoy Kanti Das, Hareendran Nair J
The Effect of Audio Visual Media Application on Women’s Knowledge of Childbearing Age About Early Detection of Cervical Cancer in RW 3 West Pamulang Village South Tangerang City, Siti Novy Romlah, Ikada Septi Arimurti, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Ida Listiana, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Aggita Lutfiana
- Relationship Between Burnout and Quality of Care in Nurses in Banten, Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study, Eli Amaliyah, Sansuwito Tukimin
- Assessment of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Utility on Emotional and Social well Beingness among Women with Surgical Menopause, Smitha Poovathinkal Madhavan, Indira Armugham, Hjh Bibi Florina Binti Abdullah, Rajeswari Hemanathan, Suleman Shareef, A. Viji, A.V. Siva Kumar, N. Anjani
- The Five-Finger Relaxation Techniques on Anxiety, Stress and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients, Rosliana Dewi, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Nur Syazana Umar, Maria Yulianti, Johan Budhiana
- Evaluation of the COVID-19 Surveillance Indicators at The Peak of The First Wave in January-February 221 in a District of West Java Province, Indonesia, Cecep Heriana, Faridah Mohd Said, Sohel Rana
- Health Promotion Interventions among Adolescents for Smoking Cessation : A Systematic Review, Wini Hadiyani, Nisha Nambiar, Faridah binti Mohd Said
- Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy on Improving Eating Independence in School Age Children With Down Syndrome at Kendari Autism Service Center, Indonesia, Sri Wahyuni, Anisa Purnamasari, Faridah Mohd Said, Nisha Nambiar
- Effect of Swaddle and Conventional Tub Bath on Physiological and Comfort Response in Premature Newborns at a Government Hospital in West Java, Indonesia, Dior Manta Tambunan, Henny Suzana Mediani, Nunung Nurjanah, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Munirah Mohd Hassan
- Effects of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on Anxiety and Depression Reduction among Women with Surgical Menopause:A randomized Controlled Trial, Smitha Poovathinkal Madhavan, Indira Armugham, Amiya Bhaumik, Aruna Gundluru, Usha Kiran,Thirunavukarasu, Siva Kumar A.V, Regidor III Dioso
- Evaluation of Family Centered Indonesia Health Program by Using the Kirkpatrick Model on Families in South Sempaja Region Samarinda of East Borneo Province of Indonesia, Herni Johan Melipu, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Kosheila Ramuni
- Study of Expectant Fathers’ Prejudices and Practices vs. Pregnant Women’s Pleasure related to Antenatal Care at OPD, NMCH, Nellore, A.P., India, Aruna Gundluru, Indira Armugham, Amiya Bhaumik, Smitha Poovathinkal Madhavan, Usha Kiran Thirunavukarasu, Viji Alex, Suganthi Lokonathan
- Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) as Impinge of Functional Mobility Among Elderly Living in Rural and Urban Areas, Nellore, AP – Comparative Study, Viji Alex, Indira Armugham, Amiya Bhaumik, V. Jayanthi, Smitha Poovathinkal Madhavan, Aruna Gundluru, Sandeep Poddar
- Assess 3 I’s (Instruction, Initiation, Improvement) as a Road Map to Breastfeeding Success among Postnatal Mothers at NMCH, Nellore, A.P, India, Usha KiranThirunavukarasu, Indira Armugham, Amiya Bhaumik, Smitha P M, Aruna Gundluru, Viji Alex, Bibi Florina Abdullah
- Analysis of Consumer Response to Marketing Mix Strategy at Several Pharmacies in Samarinda City, East Borneo, Heri Wijaya, Rusdiati Helmidanora, Siti Jubaidah, Sreemoy Kanti Das
- Family Healthcare Tasks to Prevent the Transmission of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) Among Family Having a Household Contact in Eastern Indonesia, Margareta Teli, Pius Selasa, Israfil, Sandeep Poddar
- Integrated Antenatal Care For Maternal Complications Management In Central Lampung Indonesia, Lusia Asih Wulandari, Zulkarnain A.Hatta, Hafizah Che Hassan
- Development of a Survey Instrument Mobile App to Determine the Map Location of a Drugstore, Irnawati, Feri Febria Laksana, Istianah, Tukimin bin Sansuwito
- Effect of Nurse Led Bundle Care Therapy on Pop Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Women with Prolapsed Uterus, Jayanthi V., K. Jayashree, A. Indira, A.Viji4, Rajeswari.H, Sandeep Poddar
- Risk Factors of Preeclampsia among Pregnant Women in Rural Area of Indonesia, Sri Hayati, Delia Wati Putri, Maidartati, Erna Irawan, Ramesh Prasath Rai, Ruma Poddar
- The Effect of Leadership Styles on Nurse Performances and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses in Dumai Public Hospital: Technological Innovation as Mediator, Nita Ariani, Tukimin bin Sansuwito, Rames Prasath, Milya Novera, Desi Sarli, Sandeep Poddar
- Dim Light Effect on Active Phase Acceleration During Labour, Rulfia Desi Maria, Risqi Utami, Reysha Melati, Lady Wizia, Evi Susanti, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito,Sandeep Poddar
- The Effect of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to the Self Esteem among Nurses, Nenden Lesmana Wati , Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Ramesh Prasath Rai, Irma Darmawati, Reni Anggareni, Mayasyanti Dewi Amir, Titin Nasiatin
- Occupational Hazards, the Use of Ppe, and Health Impacts Among Welders in Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia, Kosasih Bai Asmita, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Nisha Nambiar, Fatimah Yahya
- Quality of Life Among Type Two Diabetes Mellitus Clients in an Urban Area of Tirupati, Suleman Shareef Mahammad, Armugham Indira, Amiya Bhaumik, Smitha P.M., T Usha Kiran, P Navya Keerthana, Ruma Poddar, Bibi Florina Binti Abdullah, Regidor III Dioso
- Quality of Life and Its Determinants of Demographic Characteristics Among Chronic Renal Failure Patients Who Underwent Therapy of Hemodialysis in Arifin Ahmad Public Hospital, in Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia, Sofiana Nurchayati, Tukimin bin Sansuwito, Hafizah Che Hasan
- Effect of Vasectomy on Quality of Life Among Adult Men in Central Lampung Indonesia, Sri Nowo Retno, Hari Krishnan Andi, Hafizah Che Hassan
- Interventional Study on Improvement of Mothers Knowledge Regarding Danger Signs In Children Under-Five Years of Age: A Systematic Review of Literature, Baisakhi Sarkar, Anima Haldar, Nirmal Kumar Mandal, Sandeep Poddar
- Effectiveness of Releasing the Umbilical Cord Using Dry Gauze and the Open Technique: A Review, Febi Ratnasari, Zahrah Maulidina Septimar, AYG.Wibisono, Farzana Yasmin, Faridah Binti Mohd Said
- Health Literacy of ICU Patients’ Family: A Review, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati, Yulis Setiya Dewi, Erna Dwi Wahyuni, Hidayat Arifin, Rifky Octavia Pradipta, Sandeep Poddar
- Healthcare Challenges and Innovations in COVID 19 Pandemic Era, Sandeep Poddar, Debajyoti Bose, Krishnajyoti Goswami, Sudipta Poddar
- Family Assistance Significantly Increased the Growth of Infants With Low Birth Weight (LBW) in the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, Florentianus Tat, Yulianti Kristen Banhae, Norma Tiku Kambuno, Faridah Binti Mohd Said, Bibi Florina Abdullah, Hafizah Che Hassan
- Trends of Malaria Cases From 218 to 219 in East-Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Pius Selasa, Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho, Margaretha Teli, Israfil1, Saidah Rauf, Sandeep Poddar
- Health Education in Reducing Community Stigma among Persons with Mental Disorders, Eni Hidayati, Enwar Usti Sumadi, Desi Ariyana Rahayu, Tri Nurhidayati, Zaidah Ismail
- Emergency Room Nurse Scheduling at a Public Hospital in Jakarta during Covid-19 Pandemic, Using TPB Algorithm Method, Kosasih Bai Asmita, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, FatimahYahya, Bibi Florina Abdullah
- The Effect of Knowledge on Attitudes and Behavior of Nursing Students About Multivitamin Consumption During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Zahrah Maulidia Septimar, Jaenudin Saputra, Febi Ratnasari, Faridah Binti Mohd Said, Bibi Florina Abdullah
- Knowledge Survey of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Prevention and Vaccination in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia, Hendri Hadiyanto, Asep Suryadin, Egi Mulyadi, Anggun Fajar Rhamadani, Mustopa Saepul, Faridah Binti Mohd Said, Hafizah Che Hassan
- Determinants of the Final Decision to Take Children under 5 Years Old for Medical Treatment in Indonesia, Yoyok Bekti Prasetyo, Yulis Setiya Dewi, Hidayat Arifin, Anggraini Dwi Kurnia, Nur Lailatul Masruroh, Nur Melizza, Sandeep Poddar
- Development Strategy for Pharmacy Installation at a Hospital in Bitung City Using Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis Method, Gayatri Citraningtyas, Widya Astuty Lolo, Imam Jayanto, Anita Pratasik, Heri Wijaya, Mohammad Gousuddin
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Integration for Skin Diseases Prediction, Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Amiya Bhaumik, Sandeep Poddar
- Recent Developments And Advanced Strategies For Promoting Burn Wound Healing, Zahid Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Mutasem Rawas-Qalaji, Mahnoor Naseem, Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad Sohail
- A Narrative Review of Herbal Medications in the Management of Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Natarajan Kannan, Sharath Asokan, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Lockdown on Medical Research: My Perspective, Natarajan Kannan
- An Evaluation of Swine Flu (Influenza A H3N2v) Virus Prediction using Data Mining and Conventional Neural Network Techniques, Pilla Srinivas, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy
- Detection of Breast Cancer using Ultrasonic Images through Machine Learning Algorithms, Christopher Francis Britto, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Hyaluronic Acid Based Nanomedicines as Promising Wound Healers for Acute-to-Chronic Wounds: A Review of Recent Updates and Emerging Trends, Zahid Hussain, Dalya Jamal Ahmed, Ranim Mohammed Alkabra, Hnin Ei Thu, Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad Sohail, Rai Muhammad Sarfaraz, Nor Amlizan Ramli.
Norfloxacin Loaded Lipid Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Oral Administration: Fabrication, Characterization, In Silico Modelling and Toxicity Evaluation, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Shahzeb Khan, Mohsin Kazi, Sultan M Alshehri, Muhammad Shahid, Shafi Ullah Khan, Zahid Hussain, Muhammad Sohail, Muhammad Shafique, Hajra Afeera Hamid, Mahwish Kamran, Abdelbary Elhissi, Muhammad Wasim, Hnin Ei Thu
Nanotherapeutics for Enhancing Burn Wound Healing, Zahid Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Ohnmar Htwe, Nor Amlizan Ramli, Rai Muhammad Sarfraz
Biological Interaction of Nanomaterials May Induce Severe Nanotoxicity: A Review on Mechanism of Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics, Hnin Ei Thu, Zahid Hussain, Mohamed Aly Haider, Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad Sohail, Fahad Hussain
Recent Advancements in Stimuli Responsive Drug Delivery Platforms for Active and Passive Cancer Targeting, Muhammad Abdur Rahim, Nasrullah Jan, Safiullah Khan, Hassan Shah, Asadullah Madni,Arshad Khan,Abdul Jabar, Shahzeb Khan, Abdelbary Elhissi, Zahid Hussain, Heather C Aziz, Muhammad Sohail, Mirazam Khan, Hnin Ei Thu
AI and IoT-Enabled Smart Exoskeleton System for Rehabilitation of Paralyzed People in Connected Communities, Sunil Jacob, Mukil Alagirisamy, Chen Xi, Venki Balasubramanian, Ram Srinivasan, Parvathi R.N.Z. Jhanjhi,Sardar M.N. Islam
The Effect of Emotinal Freedom Technique to the Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA) among Nursing Students, Nenden Lesmana Wati, Tukimin Sansuwito, Healthy Seventina Sirait, Lenny Stia Pusporin, Indra Ruswadi, Sri Mulyati Rahayu, Irma Darmawati
!, Vamsi Bandi , Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy, Jung-yoon Kim
Multi-functionalization, a Promising Adaptation to Overcome Challenges to Clinical Translation of Nanomedicines as Nano-diagnostics and Nano-therapeutics for Breast Cancer, Lama A. Abdul Moti, Zahid Hussain, Hnin E. Thu, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Rai M. Sarfraz
A Meta-Heuristic Multiple Ensemble Load Balancing Framework for Real-Time Multi-Task Cloud Scheduling Process, Gutta Sridevi, Midhun Chakkravarthy
Analysis of Ionic-Exchange of Selected Elements between Novel Nano-Hydroxyapatite-Silica Added Glass Ionomer Cement and Natural Teeth, Imran Alam Moheet, Norhayati Luddin, Ismail Ab Rahman, Sam’an Malik Masudi, Thirumulu Ponnuraj Kannan, Nik Rozainah Nik Abd Ghani
Lung nodule semantic segmentation with bi-direction features using U-INET, Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Cytotoxicity Determination of Nano-Zinc Oxide Eugenol on Human Gingival Fibroblast Cells, Siti KhadijahMohd Bakhori, Shahrom Mahmud, Dasmawati Mohamad, Sam’an Malik Masudi, Azman Seeni
Arabic COVID-19 Psychological Distress Scale: Development and Initial Validation, Zine.El.Abiddine Fares, Ala’a B. Al-Tammemi, Hesham F. Gadelrab, Chung-Ying Lin, Musheer A. Aljaberi, Amthal Alhuwailah, Mohammed Lakder Roubi
A Hybrid Supervised Machine Learning Classifier System for Breast Cancer Prognosis Using Feature Selection and Data Imbalance Handling Approaches, Yogendra Singh Solanki, Prasun Chakrabarti, Michal Jasinski, Zbigniew Leonowicz, Vadim Bolshev, Alexander Vinogradov, Elzbieta Jasinska Radomir Gono, Mohammad Nami
Female Diabetic Prediction in India Using Different Learning Algorithms, Payal Bose, Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Amiya Bhaumik, Sandeep Poddar
A Correlational Study on Body Image and Psychological Well- being among Emerging Male Adults in India, Ranjini Karthikeyan, Amiya Bhaumik
A Qualitative Study of Unintentional Procrastination, Depression and Body Image in India, Ranjini Karthikeyan, Amiya Bhaumik
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on The Health Care Industry and Its Tools, B.Leelavathi, B.Vivekanandam,Sreejith Vignesh B P, Karthikeyan MP
Lung Cancer Detection Using Improvised Grad-Cam++ With 3D CNN Class Activation In: Saha S.K., Pang P.S., Bhattacharyya D. (eds) Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Midhun Chakkravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Identification of Covid’19 Vaccinator by Deep Learning Approach Using Contactless Palmprints, B. Vivekanandam
Facemask Detection Algorithm on COVID Community Spread Control using EfficientNet Algorithm, B. Vivekanandam
Sustainability in Transformation of Maternal Mortality by Interaction based Approach in Dairi, Indonesia, Henry Manik,Rika Subarniati Triyoga,M. Fidel G. Sirega, R. Kintoko Rochadi, Sandeep Poddar
Parents’ Psychological Aspect in Caring for the Child During COVID-19 Pandemic, M. Hasinuddin, Rusana Rusana, Ulva Noviana, Heni Ekawati, Nurul Aini, Sandeep Poddar
Artificial Intelligence Approaches for the COVID-19 Pandemic In: Garg L., Chakraborty C., Mahmoudi S., Sohmen V.S. (eds) Healthcare Informatics for Fighting COVID-19 and Future Epidemics, Pilla Srinivas, Divya Midhun Chakkravarthy, Debnath Battacharyya
SU-NET Based Colorectal Polyp Segmentation from Colon Cancer Morphology Images, Mohan Mahanty, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Determining Symptoms for Chest Radiographs in Patients with Swine Flu (H1N1), Pilla Srinivas, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy, Venkata Naresh Mandhala, Debnath Bhattacharyya
The Link between Black Fungus and Covid-19 Disease in Diabetes Mellitus Patients, Abdulmutalib Alabeed Allaq, Hana Moftah Ebrahem Kamoka, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik, Aziyah Abdul-Aziz, Alaa Imad Abdulrazzaq, Hasan Mohammed Agha,Muhanad Abdullah Abdulsamad, Esam Bashir Yahya, Asita Elengoe
Acute Diarrhoea among Under Five Years Old Children of Underprivileged Community in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Mohd Faizal Madrim, Syed Sharizman Syed Abdul Rahim, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Than Myint Khamisah Awang Lukman, Kamruddin Ahmed, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree
Maggot Debridement Therapy to Treat Hard-To-Heal Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Single-Centre Study, Harikrishna KR Nair, Nazni Wasi Ahmad, AA Ismail, Ali A Alabed, Benjamin Oh Zheming, Gurpreet Kaur, Haslinda Hassan, Nurulkhusna Imam Supaat
Molecular Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria Approach to Sustainable food Security, Dessy Abdullah, Sandeep Poddar, Ramesh Prasath Rai, Endang Purwati, Nadia Purnama Dewi, Yudha Endra Pratama
The Differences in The Effectiveness of Providing Thick Blankets and Electric Blankets with Reducing Shivering Incidence on Postoperative Patients in Surgical Installations Dr. Sitanala Hospital Tangerang, Indonesia In 219, Dewi Fitriani, Rita Dwi Pratiwi , Gita Ayuningtyas, Sri Murtiningsih, Sandeep Poddar
Healthy Diets and Regular Exercises to Achieve a Health-Related Quality of Life: A Quasiexperimental Study, R.(III). Dioso, H. Che Hassan, B.F. Abdullah, M.S. Faridah
Essential Nursing Guidelines Clinical Skills and Procedures, Hamidah Hassan, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Samsiah Mat, Mohd Said Nurumal, Jalina Karim
Impact Of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Among Children: A Systematic Review, Dior Manta Tambunan, Nunung Nurjanah , Siti Dewi Rahmayanti , Rahmi Imelisa , Faridah binti Mohd Said , Bibi Florina Abdullah
Sentiment Analysis to Assess Students’ Perception on the Adoption of Online Learning During Pre-COVID-19 Pandemic Period . In: Intelligent Computing and Innovation on Data Science. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Edited by:Peng SL., Hsieh SY., Gopalakrishnan S., Duraisamy B. (eds, S. Sirajudeen, Balaganesh Duraisamy, Haleema, V. Ajantha Devi
The Effects of Diabetic Footcare Programme Towards Quality of Life Among Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients in UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC), Rozainiee Abdullah, Mohd Yazid Bajuri, Siti Khuzaimah Ahmad Sharoni, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan
Dental Anxiety among Wisma Lincoln University College Community, Misliah Ahmad , Wen Wu Tan
Antibacterial Properties of Local Malaysian Trigona Sp. Honey TowardsDifferent of Pathogenic Bacteria in Vitro, Fawzia Jassim Shalsh, Ahmed Mohammed Khalaf, Mohammed Hafiz, Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultan
Screening of Rabies among Dogs in Kelantan Using Direct Fluorescence Antibody Test (DFAT), Fawzia Shalsh, Imad Ibrahim Ali Al-Sultana, Abdul Rahman Bin Azizc, Salahudeen Muhamad
A Study on Antibacterial Sensitivity Character to Piper Betle A Potential for Alternative Medicine, Shalsh,F.J, Altaif Ki, Zharif DM, HailatI A, Alqasis KM, Al-Sultan II
Reliability and Validity of an Instrument to Evaluate Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Measures for Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Malaysia: A Pilot Study, Zairina A Rahma, Natasya Abdullah, Noor Dzuhaidah Osma, Muhammad Nizam, Awang@Ali, Nur Syazana Umar
Assessing the Impact of Psychological Factors on Workplace Productivity. In: Human Resource Management and Mental Health A Psychosocial Aspect, Edited by: Sandeep Poddar, Biswabandita Kar, Sasmita Samanta, Amiya Bhaumik, Jitendra Shreemali, Prasun Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar
A Novel Approach to Predict Cardiovascular Diseases Using Machine Learning, Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Midhunchakkravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Impact of Covid-19 Infodemic on the Global Picture, Tapash Rudra, Sandeep Kautish
The Relationship Between Working Environment and Quality of Nursing Care: An Integrative Literature Review, Eli Amaliyah, Sansuwito Tukimin
3D CNN with Visual Insights for Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using Gradient-Weighted Class Activation, Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Midhun Chakkravarthy, Yung-Cheol Byun
Convolution Neural Network Based Infection Transmission Analysis on Covid -19 Using GIS and Covid Data Materials, Jagannath Jadhav, Srinivasa Rao Surampudi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Detection of Brain Stroke Based on the Family History Using Machine Learning Techniques, Bandi Vamsi, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Prediction of Brain Stroke Severity Using Machine Learning, Vamsi Bandi, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkravarthy
Calcium, Osteoporosis Treatment, the Women’s Health and the Future Development of Calmodulin, Lin Lin, Lo, Fa-Sain Lo, Amiya Bhaumik, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Relationships Between Social Media News About Covid-19 and Level of Alertness on Family with Stunted Children in Tasikmalaya City, Hilman Mulyana, Tukimin Bin Sansuwito, Ate Nandang
Elderly Independence in Fulfilling Daily Activities with Family Support as Caregivers in the Work Area of Leuwigoong Health Centre, Garut 219, Eneng Daryanti, Fardila Elba, Zaidah Binti Ismail
Comparative Study of Examination of LED Value Using the Wintrobe Method and Hemoglobin Examination Using the Sahli Method on Rattus norvegicus Wistar Exposed to Cigarette Smoke, Aristoteles, Heri Shatriadi, Zairinayati, Imam Haryoko, Sandeep Poddar
The Relationship between the Role of Parents and the Smoking Habits of Adolescent Male in the Gununggede Village Kawalu District, Asep Mulyana, Hj. Mamay Sugiharti, Utari Putri Utami, Ruma Poddar
The Effectiveness of ROM (Range Of Motion) Mobilization Education on Informal Caregivers of Stroke Patients in the Inpatient Room, Dedi Supriadi, Jajuk Kusumawaty, Ayu Endang, Juwita Rahayu Putri, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan
The Correlation Between Parity and Age to Colostrum Extraction in Postpartum Mothers With Oxytocin Massage and Breast Acupressure Treatment at Mitra Sejati Hospital Medan, Srilina Br Pinem, Lasria Simamora, Herna Rinayanti Manurung, Rosmani Sinaga, Zulkarnain Batubara, Ruma Poddar
The Relationship Between Nurses Work Motivation and Compliance in Conducting Documentation of Observations According to the EWS Escalation at the Awal Bros Hospital, Hilman Mulyana, Sandeep Poddar, Hfizah Che Hassan
Effects of Apigenin, Luteolin, and Quercetin on The Natural Killer (NK-92) Cells Proliferation: A Potential Role as Immunomodulator, Aung Myo Oo@Mohd Hasym; Nasir Mat Nor; Liyana Hazwani Mohd Adnan; Nor Zidah Ahmad; Abdi Wira Septama; Nik Nurul Najihah; Ohn, Mar Lwin; Nordin Simbak
Knowledge and Perceptions of Palliative Care Among Cancer Patients in A Tertiary Hospital, Mohd Arif Atarhim, NurulAsyiqin Ibrahim, Chong Zhi Yin, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Hamidah Hassan
The Cytotoxicity Effects of Outer Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Hospital and Laboratory Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa on Human Keratinocyte Cell Line, Ali M. Almashgab, Esam Bashir Yahya, Afreen Banu
Comparative analysis of Chromogenic vs clot. based One Stage APTT Assay for Determination of Factor VIII level, Mirza Asif Baig, K B Swamy
AI and IoT-Enabled Smart Exoskeleton System for Rehabilitation of Paralyzed People in Connected Communities, Sunil Jacob, Mukil Alagirisamy, Chen Xi, Venki Balasubramanian, Ram Srinivasan, Parvathi R, N. Z. Jhanjhi, Sardar M. N. Islam
Impacts of dietary supplements and nutrient-rich food for pregnant women on birth weight in Sugh El-Chmis /Alkhoms – Libya, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Eman Ali Aljrbi, Abdullah Almahdi, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Anis Rageh Al-Maleki, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi
A Retrospective Study on the Etiological Factors of Orofacial Pain in a Malaysian Sample, Nazih Shaban Mustafa, Muhannad Ali Kashmoola, Basma Ezzat Mustafa Al-Ahmad , Mardhiah Abidah Binti Hazman Fansuri , Nur Hazwani Mohamad Jurimi, Sayfaldeen Kashmoola
Effects of Using Two Different Dosing of Propofol as an Induction Agent in Patients Undergoing Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) at the Psychiatric Department, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Mohamad Nor, Zarina Awang, Zarina Kasim
The Impact of Bullying on Teenagers Depression Level, Eni Hidayati, Nihayatuzzulfah, Desi Aryana Rahayu, Muhammad Fatkul Mubin, Bibi Florina Abdullah
Relation Between Sexual Age and HIV Incidence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men, Feny Wartisa, Neila Sulung, Aldo Yuliano Mas Putra, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
The Roles of Knowledge and Perceptions in Covid-19 Transmission Prevention Behavior, Sri Rahayu, Wiwik Eko Pertiwi, Lisya Meidina, Sandeep Poddar
Effectiveness of Online Health Education on Healthy Diets and Regular Exercises in Achieving a Health Related Quality of Life During This Pandemic Era, Regidor III Dioso, Sandeep Poddar, Bibi Florina Abdullah, Hafizah Che Hassan
Balance Exercise on Improvement of Independent Daily Activities Among Stroke Patients, Siti Lestari, Tri Sunaryo, Sandeep Poddar
Alternative Nostril Breathing On Blood Pressure in the Elderly with Hypertension, Rizki Muliani, Melda Nopian Tri Rahayu, Debajyoti Bose, Nisha Nambiar
The Difference Level of IL-6 and PGE2 in Mothers during the 1stStage of Labor with Regio sacralis Counter-Pressure Therapy, Sri Rejeki, Achmad Sulichan, Machmudah, Dwi Nur Rahmantika PS, Arief Yanto, Sandeep Poddar
Psychosocial Stimulation Towards the Development of Toddler 1 – 3 years Old, Nita Ariani, Trya Mia Intani, Desi Sarli, Sandeep Poddar
Lack of Changes in Community Behavior and Environmental Factors after Filariasis Elimination Program in Kodi Balaghar District, Southwest Sumba Regency: A Qualitative Studies, Irfan, Anderias Parawatu Ora, Soleman Landi, Try Ayu Patmawati, Norma Tiku Kambuno, Sandeep Poddar
Clinical Indication of Medical Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool among the Outdoor Patients of a Selected Hospital in Bangladesh, Md. Nazrul Islam, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
Serology Profile of Hepatitis B in Adolescents in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, Norma Tiku Kambuno, Ferry Waangsir, Karol Octrisdey, Marni Tangkelangi, Darwel, M. Ibraar Ayatullah, Asita Elengoe
The Effect of Compliance of Intake of Fe Tablets through the WhatsApp Group Messenger Program for Pregnant Women on the Increase in Hb Level at the Garuda Health Center, Bandung City, Fardila Elba, Eneng Daryanti, Sandeep Poddar, Sandeep Shrestha
Approach and Analysis on the Cervical Pain Due to the Efficacy of Continuous Usage of Smartphone, Selvaraj Antoniraj, Bale Swamy K
Good Health and Well Being, Sandeep Poddar, Debajyoti Bose, Krishnajyoti Goswami
Studies on The Awareness, Apprehensions and Aspirations of The University Students of West Bengal, India in The Context of Covid-19 Pandemic, Sanchita Bhattacharya, Shakya Sinha, Sajal Bhattacharya, Sandeep Poddar
Vitamin D Deficiency and its Effects on Tooth Structure and pulpal changes, Lingam Amara Swapna, Rasheed Abdulsalam
Prevalence of Antibiotic Use and Factors Associated With Self-medication among University Students in Malaysia, Ibrahim Mohamed Ali, Sami Mohammed Albawani, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Abdulmutalib Alabeed Allaq
Epidemiological Studies of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Libya, Allaq, A. A. ., Norrizah Jaafar Sidik, Aziyah Abdul-Aziz, Abdul Mutalib Alabeed Alkamil, Dr Asita Elengoe, Esam Bashir Yahya, & Muhanad Abdullah Abdulsamad
A Machine Learning Perspective on Causes of Suicides and identification of Vulnerable Categories using Multiple Algorithms, Jitendra Shreemali, Prasun Chakrabarti, Tulika Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar, Daniel Sipple, Babak Kateb, Mohammad Nami
A Machine Learning Technique to Analyze Depressive Disorders, Dixita Mali, Kritika Kumawat, Gaurav Kumawat, Prasun Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar, Tulika Chakrabarti, Jemal Hussaine, Ali-Mohammad Kamali, Vadim Bolsev, Babak Kateb, Mohammad Nami
Using Artificial Neural Network and Machine Learning Algorithms to Scrutinize Liver Diseases, Tanu Sharma, Gaurav Kumawat, Prasun Chakrabarti, Sandeep Poddar, Tulika Chakrabarti, Ali-Mohammad Kamali, Babak Kateb, Mohammad Nami
Maggot debridement therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, Harikrishna K.R.Nair, Nazni Wasi Ahmad, AA Ismail, Alabed Ali A Alabed, Ahmad Soffian
Ameloblastoma of the Anterior Mandible – A Case Report, Anitha Krishnan Pandarathodiyil, Narendra Prakash Rai, Sukumaran Anil
Pharmacy Impact for Distinguishing Normal Face from Abnormal Face Due to COVID- 19, Payal Bose, Shawni Dutta, Vishal Goyal and Samir K. Bandyopadhyay
Prediction of Swine Flu (H1N1) Patient’s Condition Based on the Symptoms and Chest Radiographic Outcomes, Pilla Srinivas, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Blockchain Embedded Congestion Control Model for Improving Packet Delivery Rate in Ad Hoc Networks, V. Lakshman Narayana, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Synthesis of Pyrazolopyrimidine Derivatives Along with Its Biological Activity Including Toxicity Studies, S. Singh, Mohammad. Gousuddin, Huma Khan
Characterization of Methyl and Ethyl Esters of Amino-Acids as Corneal Permeation Enhancers, Rajan Ethiraj Ugandar, Voleti Vijay Kumar, C.Madhusudhana Chetty, Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Kiran C Nilugal, Sandeep Poddar
Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Different Herbal Irrigants on the Removal of Smear layer of Primary Teeth: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study, Shikha Mali, Shilpy Singla, Parimala Tyagi, Arun Sharma, Nidhi Talreja, Ankit Gautam
Novel Nano-Hydroxyapatite-Silica–added Glass Ionomer Cement for Dental Application: Evaluation of Surface Roughness and Sol-sorption, Imran Alam Moheet, Norhayati Luddin, Ismail Ab Rahman, Sam’an Malik Masudi, Thirumulu Ponnuraj Kannan, Nik Rozainah Nik Abd Ghani
Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Transmission and Prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome among Adolescent Girls in Lowry Memorial High School, Bengaluru, Stephen, N., Gusen, N., Kumzhi, P., Gaknung, B., Auta, D., Bulndi, L., Mbursa, C., Kumari, V., Nanvyat, N.
Ambient Indoor Air Pollution and its Consecutive Effect on Environment Materials and Health, Satheesh Kumar Purushothaman, Janani Selvama, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
E-Sport during the Covid 19 Pandemic and its Negative Impact on Child Health, Milic , M.K.
The Relationship between General Health, Occupational Stress and Job Burnout in Nurses Working Shohadaye Kargar Hospital of Yazd, Khabazzadeh Fatemeh, Nimetcan Mehmet, Abed Al-abed
In Silico molecular Modelling and Docking of Allicin, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate and Gingerol against Colon Cancer Cell Proteins, Asita Elengoe, Elina Sebestian
Knowledge, attitude and Practice of Breast Cancer Screening among Health Science Students in Shahrekord City, Iran, Nimetcan Mehmet , Azam Rahimi,, Abdul-Ghaffar Donkor, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Masoud Lotfizadeh
Evaluation of Fluoride ION Release and Color Stability of Nano-Hydroxyapatite-Silica added Glass Ionomerr Cement for Dental Application, Imran Alam Moheet, Norhayati Luddin, Ismail Ab Rahman, Sam’an Malik Masudi, Thirumulu Ponnuraj Kannan, Nik Rozainah Nik Abd Ghani
Sensitivity and Specificity of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (mRDT CareStatTM) Compared with Microscopy amongst Under five Children attending a Primary Care Clinic in Southern Nigeria, Oluwagbenga Ogunfowokan,Bamidele A. Ogunfowokan,Anthony I. Nwajei
Machine learning Classifier and Neural Modelling Perspective of Echocardiography for Thalassemia Patients in Context to Pediatric Age Group, A. Maheshwari, P. Chakrabarti
Awareness and Belief Regarding Breast Cancer among Women Living in Selangor, Malaysia, Hasanain Ghazi , Mohammed Abdalqader, Mohammed Faez Baobaid, Tiba Nezar Hasan, Povaneshwari Maratha Pillai, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Han Yung Wen, Abed al-Abed
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Prediction in Malaysia Using Modified Diabetes Risk Assessment Tool, Aung-Myo-Oo, Al-abed-Ali-Ahmed-Al-abed, Ohn-Mar-Lwin, Sowmya-Sham-Kanneppady, Tee-Yee-Sim, Nor-Ashikeen-Mukti, Anis-Safirah-Zahariluddin, Faizul-Jaffar
An Integrated MUSA to Measure Health Care Service Quality from a Patient’s Perspective in a Resource-Constrained Setting, Mohammed Ali Al-Awlaqi, Ammar Mohamed Aamer
Predictive Factors Associated with Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia: A conceptual Framework, Sivanisswary Karuppannan, Lubna Ali Mohammed
The Comparative Analysis of Global Pandemics of Two Respective Genre, Tapash Rudra
Improvisation of Conventional Techniques: The Future of Oncology Research, Tapash Rudra
Sand Consolidation by Chemical Treatment Using Indigenously Developed Chemicals, Mohammed Ismail Iqbal, Saubhagya Ranjan Mahapatra, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Issac, Ali Ameen
Exploring the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organisational Profitability-A study of the UAE Manufacturing Industry, Sarwat Jahan, Ibrahim Alrajawy
An Early Risk Prediction against Covid -19 Based On Adaptive Surf Scale Feature Selection and Sigmoid Recurrent Neural Network for Premature Precaution before Covid Second Wave, Jagannath Jadhav, Srinivasa Rao Surampudi, Mukil Alagirisamy
Dental Age Estimation of Malaysian Chinese Children and Adolescents: Chaillet and Demirjian’s Method Revisited Using Artificial Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network, Safar Sumit Bunyarit, Jayakumar Jayaraman, Murali K. Naidu, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying, Muhammad Khan, Phrabhakaran Nambiar
Empowering Malaysian Dentists to Tobacco Dependence Treatment Conduct, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Rahimah Abdul Kadir, Nurul Asyikin Yahya, Hazli Zakaria, Rusdi Abdul Rashid, Mohamed Hussain Habil
A Novel Filtered Segmentation-Based Bayesian Deep Neural Network Framework on Large Diabetic Retinopathy Databases, Shaik Akbar, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
A Novel 3d-Cnn Based Feature Extraction Based Classification For Diabetic Retinopathy (Dr) Detection, Shaik Akbar, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
Changes in Radiographic Parameters Following Chiropractic Treatment in 1 Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Retrospective Chart Review, Eric Chun Pu Chu, Diya Midhun Chakkaravarthy, Kevin Huang, Vicky Wei Kye Ho
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding COVID-19 among the Turkish and Malaysian General Populations during Lockdown: A cross-Sectional Online Survey, Nimetcan Mehmet, Al-abed Ali. A. Al-Abed, Mehmet Enes Gökler, Asita Elengoe, Egemen Ünal, Salih Mollahaliloğlu
Indian Spices Boost Immune System against COVID-19, Asita Elengoe
Pathogenesis of Salmonella Enterica Serovar Albany in Experimantal Infected SPF BALB/c Mice, J. B. Sabri, Imad Ibrahim Al-Sultan, K. Altaif, S. Peter, M.J. Saadh
Knowledge, Attitude And Practice(Kap) towards Covid-19 Prevention Among Malaysian Adults Duringthe Period Of Movement Control Order(Mco):An Online Cross-Sectional Survey, Nadeeya‘Ayn Umaisara Mohamad Nor, Hana Maizuliana Solehan, Nurul Azmawati Mohamed, ZatulIffah Abu Hasan, Nur Syazana Umar, Suhaila Sanip, Mohd Dzulkhairi Mohd Rani
Detection of Colorectal Cancer by Deep Learning: An Extensive Review, Mohan Mahanty, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Tai-hoon Kim
Factors Influencing Customer Citizenship Behaviour in The Hospitality Industry, Md Sazzad Hossain, Murali Sambasivan, Abuelhassan Elshazly Abuelhassan, Gamal Sayed Ahmed Khalifa
Role of Dietary Fibers in Reducing the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Parash Chettri , Suriyakala Perumal Chandran
The Cytotoxicity Effects of Outer Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Hospital and Laboratory Strains of Pseudomonas Aeroginosa on Human Keratinocyte Cell Line, Ali M Almashgab, Esam Bashir Yahya, Afreen Banu
Placental Morphometry In Post-Partum Mother With Anemia Running title : Placental Morphometry, Sri Rejeki, Septiana Arum Nur Aifa, Wulandari Meikawati, Sandeep Poddar
The Profile of Interleukin-6, PGE2, and Menstrual Pain Levels through the Counter-Pressure Regiosacralis Therapy, Sri Rejeki, Achmad Solichan, S.T, M.Kom, Machmudah, Dwi Nur Rahmantika Puji Safitri, Sandeep Poddar
Determinant Factors Related to Relapse of Schizoprenic Patients at the Islamic Mental Hospital, Mahyar Suara, Sandeep Poddar, Roy Rillera Marzo
Potential Effects of Psidium sp., Mangifera sp., Mentha sp. and its Mixture (PEM) in Reducing Bacterial Populations in Biofilms, Adherence and Acid Production of S. Sanguinis and S. Mutans, Zaleha Shafiei, Zubaidah Haji Abdul Rahim, Koshy Philip, NalinaThurairajah, Hashim Yaacob
The Association between Hope and Quality of Life among Adolescents with Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review, Ai Mardhiyah, Koshy Philip, Henny Suzana Mediani, Iyus Yosep
Disaster Management and Human Health Risk 22, Sandeep Poddar, Debajyoti Bose, Asita Elengoe
Effect of Classical Music on Blood Pressure in Elderly With Hypertension in Bina Bhakti Werdha Elderly Nursing Home, Indonesia, Dewi Fitriani, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Putri Cahyaningtyas, Sandeep Poddar
Mentorship in Nursing Academia: A Conceptual Model, Norin John, Sandeep Poddar
A Study to Assess the Quality of Life (QOL) Among Parents of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Attending Oncology Out Patient Department (OPD) In Selected Hospital of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Madhurima Mondal, Toma Dey, Sandeep Poddar
Correlation Between Posture of Job and Musculoskeletal Disorders Complains Among Emergency Departement Nurses in General Hospital Distric of Tangerang City, Siti Novy Romlah, Dewi Fitriani, Diah Susanti, Suganthi Lokonathan, Nisha Nambiar, Fana Devasa
Development Transformational Leadership Model to Improve Nurses’ Soft Skills, Tri Hartiti, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
Efficacy of Garlic Solution (Allium sativum) in Killing of Aedes SP Larva, Mido Ester Juniati Sitorus, Ivan Elisabeth Purba, Elsarika Damanik, Sandeep Poddar
Techniques Closed Suction Influence on Oxygen Saturation In Patients Using Mechanical Ventilation In Intensive Care Unit Room, Sri Widodo, Daya Daya, Yunie Armiyati, A. Mustofa, Machmudah Machmudah, Sudipta Poddar
Analysis of Customer Requirements and Technical Requirements for Inpatients at Bhayangkara Hospital, Kendari City, Lodes Hadju, Sartini Risky, Nisha Nambiar, Ruma Poddar
Age and Working Time Periods with Musculoskeletal Disorders in Non-Medical Support Workers at An-Nisa Hospital Tangerang District, Jakarta, Indonesia, Ida Listiana Lia, Muhamad Zulfikar Adha, Kholidah Nur Saidah, Amiya Bhaumik, ukimin bin Sansuwito
Determinant Factors Related To Hepatitis A Incidence Outbreaks In Depok City, Indonesia, Riris Andriati, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Sandeep Poddar, Tukimin bin Sansuwito
Awareness of Mother’s Regarding Under Five Danger Signs in a Selected Rural Community of West Bengal, India, Baisakhi Sarkar, Anima Haldar, Nirmal Kumar Mandal, Md.Gousuddin
Posture Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) among Computer Users in Higher Education Sectors of Malaysia, Sahar Husain Khan, Tharma Raj Chandra Mohan, Al Abed Ali Al Abed, Swamy K B, Amiya Bhumik
Determinant Factor of Knowledge to Fever Management in Preschool Children in the Bambu Apus Area, Pamulang District, Jakarta, Indonesia, Gita Ayuningtyas, Mochammad Hasan, Amita Nuryudani, Samsiah binti Mat
Empowering the Implementation of Patient Handover with Increasing Nurse Knowledge and Attitude at X General Hospital Indonesia, Lilis Suryani, Faridah Binti Mohd Said
Impact of Eel Flour (Monopterus albus) on the Acceleration of Fracture Healing Process in Rattus norvegicus Wistar Albino Rat, Yesi Maifita, Zuriati Zuriati, Rena Oktafiyanti Safnellyza, Urmisha Das, Sandeep Poddar
Maternal Factors and Stunting among Children Age -24 Months in Banten Province Indonesia, Dian Mardhiyah, Yeyen Desiar Firda Sary, Tukimin Sansuwito, Novita Ana Anggraini, Rahmanita Ambarika, Iin Aini Isnawati
Effect of Benson Relaxation and Aromatherapy on Blood Glucose Levels in Patients With Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Yanti Cahyati, Ida Rosdiana, Asita Elengoe, Sandep Podder
Health Education on The Knowledge of First Aid in Traffic Accidents in Students at Tunas Husada High School Kendari, Indonesia, Islaeli Islaeli, Anisa Purnamasari, Ari Nofitasari, Faridah Mohd Said, Hafizah Che Hassan
Correlation Between Length of Work and Work Posture With Low Back Pain Complaint among Back Office Employees at X Hospital Serpong District, South Tangerang, Indonesia, Frida Kasumawati, Muhammad Zulfikar Adha, Fitri Nur Azizah, Kosheila Ramuni, Ravikumar Katta
Decision Making of Patients With End-stage Chronic Kidney Disease for Hemodialysis, Asbath, Dwi Wulandar, , Wa Ode Rahmadania, Ruma Poddar, Faridah Mohd Said
Malaria in India: A Predictive Study, Surajit Das,Tapash Ranjan Saha,Sandeep Poddar, Sabyasachi Das
Technology Advance in Drug Design Using Computational Biology Tool, Sherman Ryner Suhaibun, Asita Elengoe, Ruma Poddar
Determinant Factors of Accuracy of Triage Implementation in Emergency Department X Hospital, Indonesia, Rita Dwi Pratiw, Ratumas Ratih Puspita, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Darni Nur Indahsari, Hafizah Che Hassan, Lee Siew Hoon, Sandeep Poddar
Analysis of Efforts to Increase Knowledge, Attitudes, and Adherence of Antiretroviral Consumption in People With HIV/ AIDS, Jepara City, Indonesia, Innue Astrini, Fenita Purnama Sari Indah, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Sandeep Poddar
Atlantoaxial Rotatory Subluxation in a 1-Year-Old Boy, Eric Chun Pu Chu, Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy, Fa Sain Lo, Amiya Bhaumik
Covid-19 Quarantine and Consumer Behavior that Change the Trends of Business Sustainability Development, Muhammad Tanveer, Shafiqul Hassan, Amiya Bhaumik
Analysis of Brain Stroke and its Occurrences, Vamsi, B. and Midhunchakkaravarthy, Divya and Bhattacharyya, D.
Regression of Lumbar Disc Herniation Following Non-surgical Treatment, Eric Chun-Pu Chu; Divya Midhun Chakkaravarthy; Fa-Sain Lo; Amiya Bhaumik
Effect of COVID-19 on Indian Stock Market, Akshay Singh, Rohit Kumar, Ruchi Shukla, Murugan Batumalai
Covid-19 Effects on Microfinance Institutional (Mfis) Activities with Reference to Nepal, Ganga Dhar Pandey, Sateesh Kumar Ojha
Silver Nanoparticles: A Promising Nanoplatform for Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics and Optimized Therapeutic Efficacy, Zahid Hussain, Mohammed A.S.Abourehab, Shahzeb Khan, Hnin Ei Thu
Stratification of Cardiovascular Diseases Using Deep Learning, Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Midhun Chakkravarthy
An Extensive Review on Lung Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Systematic Study, Eali Stephen Neal Joshua, Midhun Chakkravarthy
A Review of Imperative Concerns Against Clinical Translation of Nanomaterials: Unwanted Biological Interactions of Nanomaterials Cause Serious Nanotoxicity, Zahid Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Mohamed Haider, Shahzeb Khan, Mohammad Sohail, Fahad Hussain, Farman Matloob Khan, Muhammad Asim, Farooq, Ahmad Nazrun Shuid
Complementary and Alternative Medicines use Among Children and Adolescents with Asthma in Benghazi, Libya, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Nahed R. Saad, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam
Knowledge and Practices among Selected Malaysian Adults towards COVID-19: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey, Hana Maizuliana Solehan, Nadeeya ‘Ayn Umaisara Mohamad Nor, Mohd Dzulkhairi Mohd Rani, Nurul Azmawati Mohamed, Zatul-‘Iffah Abu Hasan, Nur Syazana Umar, Suhaila Sanip
Recent Perspectives and Awareness on Transmission, Clinical Manifestation, Quarantine Measures, Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 among People Living in Malaysia in 22, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Asita Elengoe, Elan Selvi Anandan, Abdullah Y. Almahdi
Changing Epidemiology of SARS-CoV in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic, S. Bhattacharya, P. Basu, S. Poddar
Assessment of Clinical, Risk Factors Profile and Clinical Pharmacist Care Services on Management and Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease Complications Among Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital Practice, Abbavannagari Bharath Kumar, Marakanam Srinivasan Umashankar, Sandeep Poddar
Asymptomatic Swelling of the lower Jaw, Narendra Prakash Rai, Anitha Krishnan Pandarathodiyil, Darshan Devang Divakar, Chitra Jhugroo, Poojdev Jhugroo
In Silico Molecular Docking of Glycyrrhizin and Breast Cancer Cell Line Proteins, Geetha Supramaniam , Asita Elengoe
COVID-19 Outbreak in Malaysia, Asita Elengoe
The Correlation Between Frequency of Playing Online Games And Teen Communication on Nursing Students in Stikes Muhammadiyah Palembang, Aristoteles, Puji Setya Rini, Sandeep Poddar
Assessment of Risk Factors and Occurrence of Osteoporotic Fractures among Low Impact Trauma Clients in West Bengal, India, Chhanda Pal, Smritikana Mani, Ananda Kisor Pal, Kosheila Ramuni, Hafizah Che Hassan
Effectiveness of Intradialytic Exercise to Reduce Interdialytic Weight Gain in Patients on Hemodialysis at Private Hospital Yogyakarta, Theresia Tatik Pujiastuti, Havidz Aima, Suganthi Lokonathan, Lisa Chiew
Implementation of One Team One Family-Community Internship Program Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (OTOF-CIPIPEC) within Health Students, Endah Widhi Astuti, Emy Suryani, Rosalinna, Sevender Khor Bibi Florina Abdullah
The Knowledge of Pressure Ulcer among Nursing Students and Related Factors, Sarmilan Murugiah, Kosheila Ramuni, Urmisha Das, Hafizah Che Hassan, Sevender Khor Bibi Florina Abdullah
Effect of Providing Basic Life Support for Improving Skills in First Aid on Cardiac Arrest for Student of Senior High School in Kediri, Novita Ana Anggraini, Rahmania Ambarika, Ramesh Prasath Rai
The Effectiveness of Gamelan Therapy on Depression Levels in Chronic Kidney Failure Patients, Tri Nurhidayati, Dimas Agung Pambudi, Desy Ariyana Rahayu, Asita Elengoe, Kosheila Ramuni
Preconception Care in Adolescents, Adriana Sainafat, Asmawati, Marthia Ikhlasiah, Samsiah Binti Mat, Hafizah Che Hassan
The Implementation of Midwifery Competency Standards in Applying Behaviour of Normal Childbirth Care (APN) on BIDAN PRAKTIK MANDIRI PERA, Ester Simanullang, Regidor III Dioso
Relationship Quality of Health Services with Satisfaction of Patients in H. Hanafie Muara Bungo Hospital in 219, Zahlimar, Zuriati Zuriati, Lisa Chiew
Perceived Benefits and Attitude of Undergraduate Nursing Students towards the Mentoring Programme, Norin John, Ramesh Prasath Rai, Asra Amidi, Sandeep Poddar
The Effect of Oral Hydrotherapy on Risk Reduction of Diabetic Feet Ulcer among People with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Tri Sunaryo, Siti Lestari, Bibi Florina Abdullah Sevendor Khor
The Relation between Knowledge and Attitudes with Behavior of Nurse in Providing Spiritual Care, Nita Syamsiah, Marliana Rahma, Hafizah Che Hassan
The Effects of Papaya Leaf Juice for Breastfeeding and Working Mothers on Increasing Prolactin Hormone Levels and Infant’s Weight in Tangerang, Marthia Ikhlasiah, Lastri Mei Winarni, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
The Effect of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Therapy on The Anxiety of NAPZA (Narcotics, Psychotropic, and Other Addictive Substances) Residents, Asmawati, Marthiah Ikhlasia, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan
Sanitation of Ro-Ro Vessel at The Port of Ferry Branch Merak Banten – Indonesia, Mukhlasin, Maulida Fitri, Asita Elengoe
Fall Risk Prevention: The Related Factors of Nurses Practice at General Local Hospital in Indonesia, Lilis Suryani, Agni Laili Perdani, Regidor III Dioso, Lee Siew Hoon
Influence of Baby Massage on Sleep Quantity in Baby of 3–6 Months Age in Tirawuta Health Center, East Kolaka District, Indonesia, Sri Wahyuni, Sari Ari Lestari, Wa Ode Aisa Zoahira, Sitti Masriwatii, Lee Siew Hoon
Analysis of Pre Hospital Emergency Management in Case of Head Injury, Sumardino, Widodo, Sandeep Poddar
Mammary Duct Ectasia, M Walid Hamwi; Ryan Winters.
An Adaptive and Flexible Brain Energized Full Body Exoskeleton with IoT Edge for Assisting the Paralyzed Patients, Sunil Jacob, Mukil Alagirisamy, Varun G Menon, Manoj Kumar B, NZ Jhanjhi, Vasaki Ponnusamy, Shynu P G, Venki Balasubramanian
A Scopus Based Bibliometric Evaluation of Saudi Medical Journal from 1979 to 219, Muhammad Tanveer, Amiya Bhaumik, Shafiqul Hassan, Ikram Ul Haq
Covid-19 Pandemic, Outbreak Educational Sector and Students Online Learning in Saudi Arabia, Muhammad Tanveer, Amiya Bhaumik, Shafiqul Hassan, Ikram Ul Haq
Determination of Phenolic and Flavonoid Levels and Antioxidant Activity Test from Ethanol Extract of Biak-Leaves (Mitragyna Speciosa) with ABTS Method[2,2-Azinobis-(3-Ethylbenzotiazolin) -6-Sulfonic Acid], Wijaya Heri, Jubaidah Siti, Kadri Ansyori Achmad, Nurhasnawati Henny, Poddar Sandeep
Detoxification of Drug and Substance Abuse, Sreemoy Kanti Das
Inter Relationship between Blood Lead Concentration and Oxidative Cardiac Risk Parameters in Adults: Effect of Ascorbic Acid, Ipsita Mazumdar, Krishnajyoti Goswami
Early Stage Detection of Cardiomegaly: An Extensive Review, Bhanu Prakash Doppala, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy, Debnath Bhattacharyya
Cervicogenic Dizziness, Eric Chun Pu Chu, Wui Ling Chin, Amiya Bhaumik
Remission of Recalcitrant Dermatomyositis Following A Chiropractic Adjustment, Eric C P Chu, Fa-Sain Lo, Amiya Bhaumik
Reliability of Periodontal Pathogens and Human Cathelicidine Ll-37 in the Prediction of the Different Stages of Periodontal Disease, Zeyad Nazar Majeed, Alabsi AM, Dasan Swaminathan, Koshy Philip
Nanomedicines for Improved Targetability to Inflamed Synovium for Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Multi-Functionalization as An Emerging Strategy to Optimize Therapeutic Efficacy, Gang Fang, Qinghuai Zhang, Yuzhou Pang, Hnin Ei Thu Zahid Hussain
Hybridization and Functionalization with Biological Macromolecules Synergistically Improve Biomedical Efficacy of Silver Nanoparticles: Reconceptualization of In-Vitro, In-Vivo and Clinical Studies, Zahid Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Muhammad Sohail, Shahzeb Khan
Eurycoma Longifolia, A Promising Suppressor of RANKL-Induced Differentiation and Activation of Osteoclasts: An In Vitro Mechanistic Evaluation, Thu, H.E., Hussain, Z., Mohamed, I.N.,Shuid, A.N
Current Updates on Bone Grafting Biomaterials and Recombinant Human Growth Factors Implanted Biotherapy for Spinal Fusion: A Review of Human Clinical Studies, Guanbao Li , Pinquan Li, Qiuan Chen, Hnin Ei Thu, Zahid Hussain
Changes in Plasma Lipids and Antioxidant Enzymes in Insulin Resistant Diabetic Retinopathy: Effects of Natural Antioxidants Supplimentation, Souvik Banerjee, Krishnajyoti Goswami, Asok Bandyopadhyay, Chittaranjan Maity
Nurse’s Perception and Compliance on Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation (Isbar) Tools for Handoff Communication in Tertiary Hospital, Dammam, Lisa Chiew, Sazelin Binti Abu Bakar, Selvi Ramakrishnan, Patricia Lo Cheng Cheng, Yugeswary Karunagaran, Zuraidah Binti Bunyaman
Emergence of Zika Virus: An Interplay of Virus, Vector and Vertebrate Hosts, Sajal Bhattacharya, Shakya Sinha, Debasmita Baidya, Sandeep Poddar, Indranil Sikder
Self-Care in Nursing, Sandeep Poddar
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of various extracts of Bacopa Monnieri, Fazlul Mkk, Deepthi Sp, Mohammed Irfan, Farzana Y, Munira B, Nazmul Mhm
Detection Of Metallo-Β-Lactamasesencoding Genes Among Clinical Isolates Of Escherichia Coli In A Tertiary Care Hospital, Malaysia, Fazlul Mkk, Deepthi S, Farzana Y, Najnin A, Rashid Ma, Munira B,Srikumar C, Nazmul Mhm
SAM (Saponin Anti Mosquitoes) – Biolarvicide Activity Of Rambutan (Nepheliumlappaceum) Towards Mosquito Larvae, Jamal H, Farzana Y, Najnin A, Rashid Ma, Karim Aj, Deepthi S, Nazmul Mhm
Detection of CTX-M-type ESBLs from Escherichia coli Clinical Isolates from a Tertiary Hospital, Malaysia, Fazlul Mkk, Farzana Y, Najnin A, Rashid Ma, Nazmul Mhm
Assessment Of Level Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practise In Promoting Healthcare Among Health Clinic Advisory Panel In Kuala Selangor, Zulhelmie Bin Abdul Hamid , Farzana Yasmin
A Study Of Comparison On Knowledge And Misconceptions About Hiv/Aids Among Students In A Private University In Malaysia, Nazmul MHM, Fazlul MKK, Deepthi S, Farzana Y, Munirah B, Najnin A and Srikumar C
Increasing Oxytocin Hormone Levels in Postpartum Mothers Receiving Oketani Massage and Pressure in The GB-21 Acupressure Point, Machmudah Jamzuri, Nikmatul Khayati, Sri Widodo, Elsi Dwi Hapsari, Fitri Haryanti
Steady State Analysis of M/G/1 and M/Er/1 Line Models with MATLAB Environment in Cloud Computing Applications, N.Thirupathi Rao, Debnath Bhattacharyya, Midhunchakkaravarthy, Tai-Hoon Kim
Development and Validation of A Lc-Ms/Ms Method For The Determination of Letermovir in Sprague Dawley Rat Plasma and Its Application to Pharmacokinetic Study, K. N. Rajanikanth, V. Kiran Kumar, VVSS. Appala Raju, Macharla Venkata Ramana, T. Shyam , N. Appala Raju
Simultaneous Estimation Of Carbodenafil And Desmethyl Carbodenafil From Human Plasma By Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Macharla Venkata Ramana, T. Shyam, 3K.N.Rajinikanth, V. Kiran Kumar, VVSS. Appala Raju, N. Appala Raju
Dental Age Estimation of Malaysian Chinese Children and Adolescents: Chaillet and Demirjian’s Method Revisited Using Artificial Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network, Safar Sumit Bunyarit, Jayakumar Jayaraman, Murali K. Naidu, Rozaida Poh Yuen Ying, Phrabhakaran Nambiar & Muhammad Khan Asif
Hyperthermia Effect on Human Normal Breast (Mcf-1a) and Cancer (Mda-Mb 231 And Mcf-7) Cells, Asita Elengoe, Noor Jahan Banu Mohammed Alitheen, Salehhuddin Hamdan
Influence of The Loci of Non-Cavitated Fissure Caries On Its Detection with Optical Coherence Tomography, E. Zain, C.M.Zakian, H.P.Chew
Hyaluronic Acid, A Promising Skin Rejuvenating Biomedicine: A Review of Recent Updates and Pre-clinical and Clinical Investigations on Cosmetic and Nutricosmetic Effects, Syed Nasir Abbas Bukhari, Nur Liyana Roswandi, Muhammad Waqas, Haroon Habib, Fahad Hussain, Shahzeb Khan, Muhammad Sohail, Nor Amlizan Ramli, Hnin Ei Thu, Zahid Hussain
Hyaluronic Acid, an Efficient Biomacromolecule for Treatment of Inflammatory Skin and Joint Diseases: A Review of Recent Developments and Critical Appraisal of Preclinical and Clinical Investigations, Li Hui Chen, Jian Feng Xue, Zhi Yong Zheng, Muhammad Shuhaidi, Hnin Ei Thu, Zahid Hussain
Clients’ Satisfaction on Quality of Services in a Hospital Setting in Indonesia, Yeyen Yuliawati, Hafizah Che Hassan, Regidor-111 Dioso
Examining the Innovative Minds of Takaful Consumers: The Case of Malaysia, Rusni Hassan,Salina Kassim,Hafiz Majdi & Syed Ahmed Salman
The Awareness of The Effect of Black Seeds on Blood Glucose in Private University, Baobaid Mohammed Faez, Alabed Alabed Ali A., Abdulghani Mahfoudh A. M., Abdelqader Mohammed A., Ghazi Hasanain Faisal, Mohammed Mustafa Fadil, Roslan Nurin Qistina Binti
Detection of virulence factors and ß lactamase encoding genes among the clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Fazlul MKK,Najnin A, Farzana Y, Rashid MA, Deepthi S, Srikumar C, SS Rashid, Nazmul MHM
Obesity Knowledge and Its Associated Factors Among Medical Students In a Private University In Shah Alam, Selangor, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Mohammed A. Abdalqader, Mohammed Faez Baobaid, Tiba Nezar Hasan, Alabed Ali Ahmed Alabed, Vijay Veerabadran, Haitham Assem Abdalrazak, Thair Mousa Gazi, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan
Micro Oxidation Sterilization by Non-Thermal Plasma Technology, Jamal Hussain, Siti Nur Hidayah Bt Muhammad, Noor Masyitah Jumahat, Navindra Kumari Palanisamy, Farzana Y, Najnin A, Nazmul MHM
General Knowlege and Miscoceptions about HIV/AIDS among the university students in malaysia, Nazmul MHM, Farzana Y, Deepthi S, Fazlul MKK, Najnin A, Srikumar C
A Cross Sectional Study on Factors Associated with Job Performance Among Nurses in A Tertiary Hospital, Nur Ain Mahat, Norfazilah Ahmad, Mohd Rohaizat Hassan, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Al-abed Ali Ahmed Al-abed
Moringa Oleifedy, Maryam Entezarian, Ohn Mar Lwinra Leaf Extract Loaded Hydrogel for Diabetic Wound Healing, Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Sreemoy Kanti Das, SuriyakalaPerumal Chandran, Aung Myo Oo, Sowmya Shar Kanneppady, Maryam Entezarian, Ohn Mar Lwin
Comparison With Intensity Of Secondary Dengue Infection By Detecting Dengue-Specific Immunoglobulin G Antibodies, Sudipta Poddar, Amiya Kumar Hati
Factors Determinant of Patients’ Satisfaction towards Health Tourism in Malaysia., Ahasanul Haque, Farzana Yasmin, Naila Anwar
Nutritional and health impacts of religious and vegetarian food (Book chapter 5)., Ahasanul Haque, Nurhazirah Hashim, FarzanaYasmin
Evaluation of Milk Kinship Formation via Early Breast-Feeding., Amad Abdelkarim El Marghani, Idris Adewale Ahmed
Hyperthermia and its Clinical Application in Cancer Treatment., Asita Elengoe,Salehhuddin Hamdan
Paclitaxel loaded vitamin E-TPGS nanoparticles for cancer therapy., Gorain B, Choudhury H, Pandey M, Kesharwani P
Carbon nanotube scaffolds as emerging nanoplatform for myocardial tissue regeneration: A review of recent developments and therapeutic implications., Gorain B, Choudhury H, Pandey M, Kesharwani P, Abeer MM, Tekade RK, Hussain Z
Decoding Parkinson’s Associated Health messages In Social Media Pages by Malaysian Service Administrators, M. S. Bexci, R. Subramani
Hyaluronic Acid-Modified Betamethasone Encapsulated Polymeric Nanoparticles: Fabrication, Characterisation, In Vitro Release Kinetics, And Dermal Targeting., Manisha Pandey, Hira Choudhury, Tarakini A. P. Gunasegaran, Saranyah Shanmugah Nathan, Shadab Md, Bapi Gorain, Minaketan Tripathy, Zahid Hussain
Isolation and identification of bacteria producing extracellular protease from port dickson seashore, negeri sembilan and kelana jaya lake, selangor., Abdullah Yahya, Mohahammed Razip Samian, Aida Baharuddin
Study on Cox’s bazar, Bangladesh as a prospective medical tourism destination, Abhijit Ghosh
Knowledge and beliefs on female breast cancer among male students in a private university, malaysia., Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Maged Elnajeh, Mohammed AbdalQader, Mohammad Faez, Al-abed Ali Ahmed Al-abed
Effect of Self-Efficacy and Behaviour Changes in Diet on Health Related Quality of Life Among Middle-Aged Women, Hassan HC, Poddar S
Safety Against Nephrotoxicity In Paclitaxel Treatment: Oral Nanocarrier As An Effective Tool In Preclinical Evaluation With Marked In Vivo Antitumor Activity., Hira Choudhury, Bapi Gorain, Rakesh Kumar Tekade, Manisha Pandey, Sanmoy Karmakar, Tapan Kumar Pal
Evidence for decreasing sperm count in African population from 1965 to 215., Pallav Sengupta, Uchenna Nwagha, Sulagna Dutta, Elzbieta Krajewska-Kulak, Emmanuel Izuka
Healthy Eating., Ravi Kumar Katta
An Overview of Meta-Analysis in Health Science., Samia Amin, Sayed Mahmud Saiful Amin
HIV/AIDS knowledge level among undergraduate health science students in a private university, Malaysia ., Samia Amin, Zarina Awang
Hepatitis C and iron over load ., Sandeep Poddar
Effect of certain indigenous drugs on diarrhea – a clinical trial., Sudipta Poddar
Nano drug delivery strategy of 5-fluorouracil for the treatment of colorectal cancer., Suriyakala Perumal Chandran, Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Sowmiya Chandraseharan, Masliza Suhaini Binti Mohd Shahimi
Flurbiprofen Ophthalmic Solutions Targeting the Posterior Segment of Eye: An Ex-Vivo Study and A Novel Prodrug Approach on Excised Goat Cornea., Ugandar R. E., Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Kiran C. Nilugal, Nagashekhara Molugulu
Paget’s Disease With Craniofacial and Skeletal Bone Involvement, Narendra Prakash Rai, Jayaprasad Anekar, Shabil Mohamed Mustafa, Darshan Devang Divakar
Herpes Zoster Infection of Maxillary and Mandibular Branch: A Case Report and Current Trends in Management, Narendra Prakash Rai, Jayanta Chattopadhyay, Abhinandan, Soumi Ghanta
Assessment of ” Safe Zone ” of Interradicular Spaces for Miniscrew Implant Placement: A Systematic Literature Review, Hiten Kalra, Prafful Kumar, Narendra Rai, Ganna Priteshkumar Sureshchand
Comparison of Force and Moments of T-Loop Using Software and Manual Methods, Anshul Srivastava, Tripti Tikku, Mahesh Yethadka, Rohit Khanna, Mahesh Yethadka, Ganna Pritesh Kumar Sureshchand, Narendra Rai
Identification of Gingival Crevicular Fluid Sampling, Analytical Methods, and Oral Biomarkers for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Periodontal Diseases: A Systematic Review, Zeyad Nazar Majeed, Koshy Philip, A M Alabsi, Saravanan Pushparajan
Corelation Between Blood Lead Levels and Anemia In Commenrcial Enamel Paint Industry Workers, I Mazumdar, K Goswami
Homeostatic Model Assessment for Hyper Ammonemia – Harmonization Between Krebs TCA Cycle and Krebs-Henselit Urea Cycle Affected Ammonia Clearance in Liver Disease and Renal Failure, K Goswami, I Mazumdar, P. Pal, K. Sridhar
Factors Affecting Radiographers’ Compliance with Radiation Protection on All Areas of Hospital Settings Worldwide -A Meta-Analysis, Ismanto Sarman, Datin Hafizah Che Hassan
Nutrition and Breast Cancer Risk: Review of Recent Studies, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Al-abed Ali Ahmed Al-abed, Tiba Nezar Hasan, Zaleha Md. Isa, Mohammed A. Abdal Qader, Saif Abdul-Majeed
Genetics and hybrid breeding of Pleurotus pulmonarius: heterosis, heritability and combining ability., Farhat A. Avin Subha Bhassu Valiollah Rameeh Yee Shin Tan Sabaratnam Vikineswary
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Features of Nanoemulsion Following Oral, Intravenous, Topical and Nasal Route., H Choudhury, B Gorain, B Chatterjee, UK Mandal, P Sengupta, RK Tekade
Nutrition and breast cancer risk: review of recent studies., Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Al-abed Ali Ahmed Al-abed, TibaNezar Hasan, Zaleha Md. Isa, Mohammed A. AbdalQader, Saif Abdul-Majeed
Correlation between Blood Lead Levels and Anaemia in Commercial Enamel Paint Industry Workers., I. Mazumdar, K. Goswami
Estimation of Lead Compounds in Cosmetic Hair Colorants Available in the Indian Market., K Goswami, I Mazumdar
Stability Indicating Rp-Hplc Method For Simultaneous Determination Of Aspirin And Clopidogrel In Dosage Form., Md. Gousuddin, Pinaki Sengupta, Vijaya Datt Tripathi, Arindam Das
Safety Profiling Of Pioglitazone And Telmisartan Combination By Sub-Chronic Toxicity Study In Rat., Pinaki Sengupta, Arindam Das, Fuzianna Ibrahim, Uttam Kumar Mandal, Bappaditya Chatterjee, Syed Mahmood, Sreemoy Kanti Das, Muhammad Kifayatullah
Qualitative Assessment of Allergen Skin Test and In vitro Allergen Specific Immunoglobulin E (IgE) Measurement as a Method of Detection of Allergic Symptoms., K. Goswami, I. Mazumdar, S. Mookherjee,P. Pal
Measurement of Total Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Human Serum using Charcoal Activated Para-Nitro Phenyl Phosphate., Sridhar K, Narayanan M, Goswami K
Effects of the Weather on Dengue Infections in Kolkata, India., Sudipta Poddar, Pallav Sengupta, Goutam Chandra , Amiya Kumar Hati
A Narrative Review of Assessment Appraisal in Clinical Performance of Physiotherapy Students., Zailani Muhamad, Leonard Joseph Henry, Ayiesah Ramli
Comparison of Serum Fucose Levels in Leukoplakia and Oral Cancer Patients, Narendra Prakash Rai, Jayaprasad Anekar, Y M Shivaraja Shankara, Darshan Devang Divakar, Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Kheraif, Ravikumar Ramakrishnaiah, Roopa Sebastian, A C Raj, Ali Al-Hazmi, Shabil Mohamed Mustafa
Outcome of Palliative and Radical Radiotherapy in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma – A Retrospective Study, Narendra Prakash Rai, Darshan Devang Divakar, Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Kheraif, Ravikumar Ramakrishnaiah, Shabil Mohamed Mustafa, B H Durgesh, Santhosh Basavarajappa, Aftab Ahmed Khan
Evaluation of Dental and Skeletal Maturity Using Digital Panoramic Radiographs and Digital Cephalograms, Shabil Mustafa, Raj Ac, Jayaprasad Anekar, Darshan Devang Divakar, Abdulaziz Alkhuraif, Ravikumar Ramakrishnaiah, Aftab Khan, Obaid Alshahrani, Narendra Rai
Orthodontic Treatment Needs of 14-Year-Old Yemeni Adolescents, Rasheed A. Al-Maqtari, Rahimah Abdul Kadir, Halimah Awang
Knowledge, Attitude and Perception on Smoking Cessation among Undergraduate Dental Students, Anas Abdullah, Julian Wong, Siti Idayu Hasan, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Farizah Mohd Hairi, Rahimah Abdul Kadir
Screening Of Deaf Children- An Experience At Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan Hospital In West Bengal, Gargi Podder, Babuji Santra, Ranjan Roychoudhury, Amitabha Roychoudhury, Madhusnata De
Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Determination of Tramadol Hydrochloride and Aceclofenac is Dosage Form., M Gousuddin, P Sengupta, M Ahmad Shah, NE Ismail
Evaluation of the acute and sub-acute toxicity of the ethanolic extract of Pericampylus glaucus (Lam.) Merr. in BALB/c mice., Muhammad Kifayatullah, Mohd. Shahimi Mustafa, Pinaki Sengupta, Md. Moklesur Rahman Sarker, Arindam Das, Sreemoy Kanti Das
Evaluation of Ethanolic Extract of Pericampylus glaucus (Lamk.) Merr for Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoids Contents and In-vitro Anti – Oxidant Activity., Muhammad Kifayatullah, Pinaki Senguptha, Mohd. Shahimi Mustafa, Sreemoy Kanti Das, Mrutunjay Sisugoswomi
Toxicological Investigation of Ethanolic Extract of Epipremnum aureum in Rodents., Sreemoy Kanti Das, Pinaki Sengupta, Mohd. Shahimi Mustapha, Arindam das, Md. Moklesur Rahman Sarker, Muhammad Kifayatullah
Phytochemical Investigation and Antioxidant Screening of Crude Leaves Extract from Epipremnum aureum., Sreemoy kanti Das, Pinaki Sengupta, Mohd. Shahimi Mustapha, Md. Kifayatudullah, Md. Gousuddin
Skeletal and dental cephalometric norms of Yemeni adults., Rasheed, A.A., Zam Zam, N.M. Othman S.A. Al-Mulla, A.A
A Clinical Audit on The Compliance On Hand Washing Laboratory In a Private University In Peninsular Malaysia., Regidor III Dioso, Vitalis Ronald Eden, Lianah Samporna, Mashood Ahmad Shah
Factors Affecting Doctors’ and Nurses’ Compliance with Standard Precautions on All Areas of Hospital Settings Worldwide — A Meta-Analysis., Regidor III Poblete Dioso
Formulation optimization, scale UP technique and stability analysis of naproxen loaded lipospheres., Satheesh Babu N, Senthil Rajan D, Prabakaran L, Venkata Srikanth Meka, Suriyakala P.C
Phospholipids as versatile polymer in drug delivery systems., Suriyakala PC, Satheesh Babu N, Prabakaran L, Senthil Rajan D
Pattern of Caries and Gingivitis in a Selected Population of Schoolchildren Aged 9 to 11 Years, Syarida Safii, Lily Shoaib, Halimah Awang
Biosynthesis of Monodispersed Silver Nanoparticles and their activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis., Afreen Banu, Vandana Rathod
Prevalence of malocclusions among Yemeni adolescents., Rasheed, A.A., Abdul Kadir, R., Awang, H., Zam Zam, N.M
Formulation of Ofloxacin Loaded Lipospheres with Improved Oral Bioavailability., Satheesh Babu N, Prabakaran L
Effect of Processing Variables on the Formulation of Lipospheres Prepared by Melt Dispersion Technique., Satheesh Babu N, Prabakaran L
Stem cells: An overview and Therapeutic strategies., Suresh S, Gayathri R.
Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Synthesized 3(Substituted) Chromen-2-One., B. Lakshmi Narayanan, L. A. Pradeep Rajkumar, A. Arulanandham, Satheesh Babu N, T. Gayathri, Raju A.
A Retrospective Study of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia., Mashood Ahmed Shah, Ashish Gupta, Sandeep Kaur, Mohd.Gousuddin
Root cause analysis in surgical site infections., Mashood Ahmed, Mohd. Shahimi Mustapha, Mohd. Gousuddin, Ms. Sandeep Kaur
Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles By Lactobacillus Sp & Its Activity Against Pseudomonas Auerogenosa., Ranganath E, Vandana Rathod, Afreen Banu
Screening of Lactobacillus spp, for mediating the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from silver nitrate., Ranganath E, Vandana Rathod,Afreen Banu
Assessment of Malocclusion Among Yemeni Adolescents Using Canine and Incisor Classifications, Rasheed A. Al-Maqtari, Rahimah Abdul Kadir, Halimah Awang, Norzakiah M. Zam Zam
Design, synthesis, and docking studies of novel ofloxacin analogues as antimicrobial agents., S.Jubie, P. Prabitha, R Rajesh Kumar, R. Kalirajan, R. Gayathri, S. Sankar and K Elango.
Design of loaded lipid colloidal carrier (lipospheres) for enhanced delivery of Lumefantrine., Satheesh Babu N, Arun Ganesh Kumar, Prabakaran L, Gayathri Rajaram, Sundareswara Kumar. C, Arthi I
Synthesis and Neuropharmacological Evaluation of Some Novel Quinoxaline 2, 3-Dione Derivatives., Selvaraj Jubie, Rajamanickam Gayathri, Rajagopal Kalirajan
Biosynthesis of highly stabilized silver nanoparticles by Rhizopus stolonifer and their Anti-fungal efficacy., Vandana R, Afreen Banu, E.Ranganath
Synthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles by Rhizopus stolonifer and its activity against multidrug resistant Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus., Vandana R, AfreenBanu
Synthesis And Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles By Rhizopus stolonier., Afreen Banu, Vandana Rathod
Silver nanoparticle production by Rhizopusstolonifer and its antibacterial activity against Extended Spectrum ß-lactamase producing (ESBL) strains of Enterobacteriaceae., Afreen Banu, Vandana Rathod, E. Ranganath
Synthesis of monodispersed silver nanoparticles by rhizopus stoloniferand its antibacterial activity against mdr strains of pseudomonas aeruginosafrom burnt patients., Afreen Banu, Vandana Rathod, E. Ranganath
New Benzimidazolo Indane-1, 3-Dione Derivatives: Synthesis and In-vitro Screening Against Helminthic Infections., S.Jubie, R. Gayathri, A.R. Srividya, R. Kalirajan, S. Suresh, S. Sankar and K. Elango.
Synthesis and Characterization of some Novel Quinoxaline-2, 3-Dione Derivatives: A Preliminary Investigation on their Activity against a Human Epithelial Carcinoma Cell Line., Selvaraj Jubie, Rajamanickam Gayathri, Ammayappan Rajam Srividya, Rajagopal Kalirajan, Prabakaran Prabitha, Sundaram Sankar, Kannan Elango
Exploring the role of stem cells in cancer therapy., Swaha Bhattacharya, Sandeep Poddar
A Brief Review on Chrysophyllum Cainito, Arindam Das, DB Bin Nordin, Amiya Bhaumik
Pharmacological Evaluation of Clerodendrum Philippinum Schauer and Central Nervous System Depressant Activity.Flowers for Antianxiety., K.G.Lalitha, R. Sathish, R.Gayathri, S.Karthikeyan, P.Kalaiselvi, G.Muthuboopathi, T.Venkatachalam.
Autism – A neurological disorder in child., P. Vaijayanthimala, P. Perumal, K. Mahalakshmi, M. Sudha, N. Anandprabu, R. Gayathri
Normative and Self-Perceived Orthodontic Treatment Need of 14 Year-Old Yemeni Adolescents., Rasheed, A.A., Abdul Kadir, R., Awang, H., Zam Zam, N.M.
Chikungunya- A reason to fear., P.Perumal, P.Sivakumar, R.Gayathri, P.Vaijayanthimala, N.Anandprabu.
- The Effect of Stewed Sungkai Leaves (Peronema canescens Jack) on the Decrease in Inflammatory Symptoms of Covid-19 Patients, Ridhyalla Afnuhazi, Febria Syafyu Sari, Hendrawati, Desi Sarli, Ruma Poddar
- Formulation and Characterization of Sauropus Androgynous (L) Merr leaf extract Gel in Combination with CMC-Na and Carbopol 940 Using DPPH Method, Ni NyomanYuliani, Jefrin Sambara, Sandeep Poddar, Urmisha Das
- Therapeutic Potential of Honey and Propolis on Ocular Disease, Norhashima Abd Rashid, Siti Nur Farhana Mohammed, Syarifah Aisyah Syed Abd Halim, Norzana Abd Ghafar, Nahdia Afiifah Abdul Jalil
- The Impact of Frequency and Duration of Diving Activities on the Occurrence of Decompressive Sickness, Nur Chabibah, Ayu Citra Mayasari, Dhian Satya Rachmawati, Faridah Binti Mohd Said
- Antioxidant Activity Test of Red Pidada Leaves (Sonneratia caseolaris L.) using ABTS Method (2,2-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazolin)-6-sulfonicacid), Eka Siswanto Syamsul, Supomo, Siti Jubaidah, Heri Wijaya, Dwi Lestari, Sandeep Poddar
- Increasing Knowledge of Health Cadres Through Training on How to Choose Contraception Methods In Soreang District, Merry Wijaya, Fardila Elba, Atriany Nilam Sari, Dany Hilmanto, Sandeep Poddar
- GO-APTES-Cu (II) Schiff base Complex as Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for Aerobic Decarboxylation Reaction of Phenylacetic Acids, Prasenjit Mandal, Rostam Ali Molla, Asoke P.Chattopadhyay, Sandeep Poddar, Hari Shankar Biswas
- Ameliorative Effect of Methanolic Extract of Tribulus Terrestris L. on Nicotine and Lead-induced Degeneration of Sperm Quality in Male Rats, Wael AmmarAldaddou, Abdullah S.M.Aljohani, Idris AdewaleAhmed, Naser A.Al-Wabel, Ibrahim M.El- Ashmawy
- Trends and Challenges in Phytotherapy and Phytocosmetics for Skin Aging, Idris Adewale Ahmed, Maryam Abimbola Mikail, Nor Hisam Zamakshshari, Mohd Rais Mustafa, Najihah Mohd Hashim, Rozana Othman
- Electroless Ni–P–B Coatings on Magnesium Alloy AZ91D: Influence of Nano Al2O3 on Corrosion, Wear, and Hardness Behaviour, Motilal Lakavat, Amiya Bhaumik, Suman Gandi, Sadi Reddy Parne
- The Effectiveness of Pamphlet toward Consumption Behavior Changing of Iodized Salt among Housewives: A Quasi-experimental Study, Mamat Mamat, Rahayu Dwikanthi, Rahayu Pertiwi, Mardianti Mardianti, Tukimin Sansuwito, Ramesh Parasath Rai
- Fabrication of Graphene-Fe3O4-Polypyrrole based ternary material as an electrode for Pseudocapacitor application, Prasenjit Mandal, Subhashis Bala, Sandeep Poddar, Sanjit Sarkar, Hari Shankar Biswas
- Electroless Ni-P-B Coatings on Magnesium Alloy AZ91D: Influence of Nano Al2O3 on Corrosion, Wear, and Hardness Behaviour, Motilal Lakavat, Amiya Bhaumik, Suman Gandi, Saidi Reddy Parne
- Fabrication of Graphene-Fe3O4-Polypyrrole based Ternary Material as an Electrode for Pseudocapacitor Application, Prasenjit Mandal, Subhashis Bala, Sandeep Poddar, Sanjit Sarkar, Hari Shankar Biswas
- Tuned synthesis and designed characterization of Graphene oxide thin film, Hari Shankar Biswas, Subhashis Bala, Amit Kumar Kundu, Indranil Saha, Sandeep Poddar, Sanjit Sarkar, Prasenjit Mandal
- Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Polyethyleneimine (PEI) Modified HNTs Filled ABS/PVC Composites, Pravin R. Kubade, Rohan Senanayake
- Recent Progress in the Development of Glass and Glass-Ceramic Cathode/Solid Electrolyte Materials for Next-Generation High Capacity All-Solid-State Sodium-ion Batteries: A Review, Suman Gandi, Venkata Satya Chidambara Swamy Vaddadi, Saran Srihari Sripada Panda, Nithin Kumar Goona, Saidi Reddy Parne, Motilal Lakavat, Amiya Bhaumik
- Preparation of Black Cumin Extract Nanoemulsion Using the Oil Phase of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Tween 80 and PEG 400 Surfactants, Henny Syapitri, Santhna Letchmi Panduragan, Sathish Babu, Vivi Purwandari, Cut Masyitah Thaib
- The Effects of Green Beans and Soybean Juice on Haemoglobin (Hb) among Female Adolescents Aged 12-14 Years, Nancy Olii, Herinawati Herinawati, Lia Artika Sari, Enny Susilawati, Gustina Gustina, Hidayat Arifin, Sandeep Poddar
- Reduction in Transaminase Enzymes Action after Application of Leaves Extract of IR Bagendit Paddy on Liver Cell of Lead Exposed Rat, Herlisa Anggraini, Budi Santosa, Erick Erianto Arif, Sandeep Poddar
- Curcumin-Laden Hyaluronic Acid-Co-Pullulan-Based Biomaterials as a Potential Platform to Synergistically Enhance the Diabetic Wound Repair, Syed Ahmed Shah, Muhammad Sohail, Muhammad Usman Minhas, Shahzeb Khan, Zahid Hussain, Arshad Mahmood, Mubeen Kousar, Hnin Ei Thu, Mudassir Abbasi, Mehboob Ur Rehman Kashif
- Tocotrienols Ameliorate Neurodegeneration and Motor Deficits in the 6-OHDA-Induced Rat Model of Parkinsonism: Behavioural and Immunohistochemistry Analysis, Mangala Kumari, Premdass Ramdas, Ammu Kutty Radhakrishnan, Methil Kannan Kutty, Nagaraja Haleagrahara
- Immunomodulatory Effects of Flavonoids: an Experimental Study on Natural-Killer-Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity Against Lung Cancer and Cytotoxic Granule Secretion Profile, Aung Myo Oo, Liyana Hazwani Mohd Adnan, Mohd Nasir Mat Nor, Nordin Bin Simbak, Zidah Ahmad, Ohn Mar Lwin
- Structural Change and Insulator to Metal Transition of LaMnO3 by Molybdenum Substitution, Punna Rao, K. Suresh Babu
- Establishing SW1353 Chondrocytes as a Cellular Model of Chondrolysis, Kok-Lun Pang, Yoke Yue Chow, Lek Mun Leong, Jia Xian Law, Norzana Abd Ghafar, Ima Nirwana Soelaiman, Kok-Yong Chin
- A Study to Ascertain the Diagnostic Accuracy of Bone Cytology by Fine Needle Aspiration’s Precision, Xingmei Li, Ravikumar Katta, Selvaraj Antoniraj
- A Study To Find Out The Relationship Of Hsp70 Activation And Lowered [Ca2+]i, Hui Ji, Gopu Chandran Lenin Perumal, Noor Addeen Abo Arsheed
- To Identify The Relevance of Setdb1 Dysregulation in Liver Cancer Pathology and The Underlying Processes, Chi Pang, Ramesh Babu Manivannan, Nisha Nambiar A, P Gopal Krishnan
- A Study to Compare the Effects of Three AEDs on Female Mice, Huanyu Kong , Pushparajan Perianna Pillai, Haryati Binti Ahmad Hairi
- A Study to Assess the Bone Remodeling Effects of three AEDs in Female Mice, Xiaoli Wang, Subashini Suyambukesan, Narendra Prakash Rai
- A Study to Determine the Most Important Variables of Patient Satisfaction in the Case Hospital, Zhong Jin Liu, Yusnidar Binti Tajul Ariffin, Misliah Binti Ahmad
- A Study to Analyze the Placing behind The Ehrss Security Architecture of The Principle of Privacy Protection, Feng geng, Salmiah binti shafie, Suzana binti shukor
- A Study of Ethanolic Extract of Embeliaribes that may Help Prevent obesity in Wistar Rats which have been in High-Fat Diet, Zhanpeng Qi, Tan Wen Wu, Yolanda Dwiutami Gondowidjojo
- A Study to Explore the Perspectives of SA Patients and the Members of the EM as they Receive Healthcare in Hong Kong, Ligang Wu, Fadzilah Binti Hassan , Fauziah Binti Ibrahim
- A Study to Understand the Perspectives on Medical Personnel in Chinese Public Class A hospitals in a Variety of Methods, Ying huang, Santhna letchmi A , p panduragan, Fatimah binti yahya
- A Study to Examine the Effects on Epilepsy and Memory of Different Embelin and Resveratrol Dosages given to Mice, Chao Sun , Dasan A, L S.Swaminathan, Rasheed Abdulsalam Abdullah Al-Maqtari
- A Study to find out the Association between Academic Stress and Mental Health Disease Symptoms in Chinese Teenagers in Late Elementary and Secondary Schools, Zhi Chao Wang , Chong Yuen Sang , Narasimha Rao Vennalakanti
- To Study the if Significant Depressive Illnesses have different Patterns of Behaviour when it Comes to Social Decision-Making, Zyingxin Yi , Asita A, P Elengoe , Pushpalata Vadlamudi
- To Investigate Thyroid Function Abnormalities in Individuals with Chronic renal Disease, LiqunChe, Farzana Yasmin, AneesSabiya Mohamed Ansari
- A Studyto Determine the Capabilities of Rural Hospitals in Sichuan Province to Respond to the Pandemic, Shuli Ma , Kosheila A/P Ramuni, Hemapriyaa A, P Vijayan
- A Study to Investigate the Expression of Nuclear Met and its Clinical Significance in HCC, Hongbo Yao , Adrian Samuel Pereira , Adrian Samuel Pereira
- Reducing Anxiety Levels Through Integrative Intervention of Five-Finger Hypnosis and Aromatherapy, Dudi Hartono, Unang Arifin Hidayat , Yanti Cahyati , Sandeep Poddar
- Artemisinin Combination Therapy Fails Even in The Absence Of Plasmodium Falciparum Kelch13 Gene Polymorphism In Central India, Sabyasachi Das, Amrita Kar, Subhankar Manna, Samaresh Mandal, Sayantani Mandal, Subhasis Das, Bhaskar Saha & Amiya Kumar Hati
- The Role of Natural Antioxidants In Cisplatin-Induced Hepatotoxicity, Norhashima Abd Rashid, Syarifah Aisyah Syed Abd Halim, Seong Lin Teoh, Siti Balkis Budin, Farida Hussan, Nurul Raudzah Adib Ridzuan, Nahdia Afiifah Abdul Jalil
- Inclusion Complexation of Repaglinide with Beta Cyclodextrin to Improve Solubility, Simachal Panda, Sreemoy Kanti Das
- Caesalpinia bonduc: A Ubiquitous yet Remarkable Tropical Plant Owing Various Promising Pharmacological and Medicinal Properties with Special References to the Seed, Shan Sasidharan, Srinivasa Kumar KP, Kanti Das S, Hareendran Nair J
- Green Synthesized Monodispersed Silver Nanoparticles’ Characterization and their Efficacy against Cancer Cells, Afreen Banu , Mohammad Gousuddin, Esam Bashir Yahya
- Ulcerogenic Activity in Pyrazolopyrimidine Derivatives in Lab and It’s in Silico Toxicity: An Update on Novel Research, Singh, Mohammad. Gousuddin
- Synthesis of Pyrazolopyrimidine Derivatives and Its Antidepressant Activity, Singh, Mohammad. Gousuddin
- Determination of Physical and Chemical Materials of Marine Water, Jeganathan Muthaiyana, Mohammed Saleh Nusari, Vasanthy Muthunarayanan
- Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments of the Shitalakhya River, Bangladesh, A N M Al-Razee, Md Nurul Abser, Md Abdul Mottalib, Aklima Nargis, Anowara Khanam Jhumur, Md Mostak Uddin Thakur, Wenbin Liu, Sandeep Poddar, Md Shafiqul Islam Sarker, Ahsan Habib
- A Study of the Levels of Some Toxic Substances present in Dry Holi Colours in Kolkata, India, Goswami, Ipsita Mazumdar
- Heat Enhancement Analysis In A Differentially Heated Inclined Square Enclosure With Water And Ethylene Glycol Based Al2o3 Nanofluid, Lakshmi Narayana Gollapudi, Rohan Senanayake, Christina Georgantopoulou, Anil Kumar Singh
- Characterization and Probiotic Potential of Lactic acid Bacteria Isolated from Dadiah Sampled in West Sumatra, Rinita Amelia, Koshy Philip, Endang Purwati
- Smart pH-Responsive Co-Polymeric Hydrogels for Controlled Delivery of Capecitabine: Fabrication, Optimization and In Vivo Toxicology Screening, Umaira Rehman, Rai Muhammad Sarfraz, Asif Mahmood, Zahid Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Nadiah Zafar, Muhammad Umar Ashraf, Nighat Batool
- A Narrative Review of Herbal Medications in the Management of Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Natarajan Kannan, Sharath Asokan, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
- Isolation, Screening and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Pseudmoonas species from Kelana Jaya Lake Soil in Selangor Malaysia, Idris A. Ahmed, Abdalati I Aljondi, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Rasheed Abdsalam
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- Effect of Mushroom against Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) Producing Microorganisms, Hema Priyaa Vijayan, Farzana Yasmin, Asita Elengoe
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- Investigation of Selective Release of Periplasmic Proteins Through Pore Size Analysis and Single-cell Microscopy in Escherichia Coli, Subbarayalu Ramalakshmi, Ramakrishnan Nagasundara Ramanan, Shanmugavel Madhavan, Chien Wei Ooi, Catherine Ching Han Chang, Ian S Harper, David M Lewis, Andrew K Lee, Lizhong He, Arivudainambi Seenichamy
- Leaf Diseases Detection of Medicinal Plants Based on Support Vector Machine Classification Algorithm, Payal Bose, Shawni Dutta, Vishal Goyal and Samir K. Bandyopadhyay
- Total Parenteral Nutrition Management Based on Intravenous Drug Compounding Service, Lin Lin, Fasheng Luo, Amiya Bhaumik, Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
- Discovered Facts Related to Thalassemia Diagnosis Using Curve Fitting, Lazy and Tree Classifier, Aditya Maheshwari, Prasun Chakrabarti
- Identification of Theanine, Theobromine, and Caffeine from the Native Assam Variety of Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea), Sarvepalli Vijay Kumar , Amiya Bhaumik , Krishnan Ramalingam, Pasupuleti Sreenivasa Rao, Perali Ramu Sridhar
- Antimicrobial Activity of Some Malaysian Mushrooms on Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus., Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ashraf Ibrahim Ali Ahmed, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Nagi A. Al-haj
- Effect of Complementary and Alternative Medications (CAM) on Diabetic Control among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients., Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Fatima Mohammed A. Hmadi, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Elan Selvi Anandan, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Sami A.R. Aldubai and Hasanain Faisal Ghazi
- Effect of Rhizobacterial Isolates on Sweet Potato Plant Growth, Farzana Yasmin, Radziah Othman, Rashid Ma, Reddy Bn, Nazmul Mhm
- Yield and Nutrient Content of Sweet Potato in Response of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR Inoculation and N Fertilization, Farzana Yasmin, Radziah Othman and Mohammad Nazmul Hasan Maziz
- Purchase Intention towards Alternative Medicine: A Study from Consumers’ Perspective in Malaysia, Ahasanul Haque , Naila Anwar, Farzana Yasmin , Arun Kumar Tarofder, Nazmul Mohammad Hassan Maziz
- Patients Decision Factors of Alternative Medicine, Ahasanul Haque, Naila Anwar, Smh Kabir, Farzana Yasmin, Arun Kumar Tarofder, Nazmul Mhm
- The Differences in Hemoglobin Levels Before and After Consuming Ambon Bananas in Students, Sadiman Sadiman, Islamiyati Islamiyati, Sandeep Poddar
- Nursing Aromatherapy Using Lavender with Rose Essence Oil for Post-Surgery Pain Management, Melti Surya, Zuriati Zuriati, Zahlimar, Sandeep Poddar
- Green Tea Catechin Loaded Nanodelivery Systems for The Treatment of Pandemic Diseases,, Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Suriyakala Perumal Chandran, Anjaneyulu Vinukonda, Senthil Rajan D
- Versatile Health Benefits of Catechin from Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Suriyakala Perumal Chandran, Sahar Husain Khan, Packiyaraj Natarajan, Karthiyaraj Rengarajan
- Synergistic Effects of Combined Therapy of Curcumin and Fructus Ligustri Lucidi for Treatment of Osteoporosis: Cellular and Molecular Evidence of Enhanced Bone Formation, Syed Nasir Abbas Bukhari, Fahad Hussain, Hnin Ei Thu, Zahid Hussain
- Antagonistic Activity of Actinomycetes Isolated Frrom Kuala, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Ebthag A. Mussa, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam, Nagi A. ALHaj
- Assessment of Arsenic, Lead, Mercury and Coliform in Serdang Lake, Selangor Malaysia, Abdullah Y. Al-Mahdi, Mohamed A. Ahmida, Alabed Ali A. Alabed, Rasheed Abdulsalam
- Factors Affecting Compliance towards Radiation Protection Equipment among Radiographers: A Cross Sectional Study, Ismanto, Hafizah Che Hassan,Regidor III Dioso
- Molecular Docking of Curcumin With Breast Cancer Cell Line Proteins, Asita Elengoe, Nishalani Devi Sundramoorthy
- Toxicity Study of Brassica oleracea Var. Italica Extracts in Sprague Dawley (SD) Rats., Shah M A, Sarker M M R, Gousuddin M
- Comparative Evaluation of Antifungal activity of Cocos Nucifera oil against Candia Albicans, Natarajan Kannan, Ajmal Mohammed
- Formulation, evaluation and antibacterial efficiency of herbal hand wash gel., Mashood Ahmed Shah, Satheesh Babu Natarajan, Mohd. Gousuddin
- Health Related Quality of Life Using Commercially Prepared Food Supplements, Multivitamins and Minerals — A Meta-Analysis., (III) P. Dioso
- A Study of the Impact of Employee Job Satisfaction through Working Environment: A Case Study of Minmahaw Company in Myanmar, Naw Phyu Zar Thwin, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan, Amiya Bhaumik
- Business Analytics and Market Adaptation in the E-Commerce Industry in Nigeria, ladi Daodu, Amiya Bhaumik, Akinola Morakinyo
- Perception of Word-Initial and Word-Final Phonemic Contrasts Using an Online Simulation Computer Program by Yemeni Learners of English as a Second Language in Malaysia, Lubna Ali Mohammed, Musheer Aljaberi
- An Analysis of the Nature of Indian Tourism with Respect to Domestic and International Visitors, Vetrivel, Sandeep Poddar
- A Financial Study on the Effect of Dividends on a Company’s Performance, Mijarul Iislam , Pranam Dhar, Sandeep Poddar
- Invisible Yet Static’: An Analysis of Structural Violence with Reference to Kilvenmani Massacre, India, Jeya Sankar Sangeetha, Sengottaian Mohan, Anandhan Hariharasudan, Anandhan Antony Athithan
- Institutionalized Zakāh in Addressing Well-being Problems in Non-Muslim Majority Sri Lanka, Abdul Rauff Salithamby, Zulkarnain A. Hatta, Adi Fahrudin
- Time Series Analysis Using Random Forest for Predicting Stock Variances Efficiency. In: Reddy, V.S., Prasad, V.K., Mallikarjuna Rao, D.N., Satapathy, S.C. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Parnandi Srinu Vasarao, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- Improved Efficiency of Semantic Segmentation using Pyramid Scene Parsing Deep Learning Network Method. In: Reddy, V.S., Prasad, V.K., Mallikarjuna Rao, D.N., Satapathy, S.C. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Pichika Ravikiran, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- State of the Art in Authorship Attribution With Impact Analysis of Stylometric Features on Style Breach Prediction, Rajesh Shardanand Prasad, Midhunchakkaravarthy Janarthanan
- Assessment of Research Skills in Undergraduates Students, Shaik Rehana Banu, Shaik Balkhis Banu, Shaik Chandini, VVYR Thulasi, M.K Jyothi, Mohammed Saleh Nusari
- Shariah Resolutions and Issues on Islamic Repo In: Musleh Al-Sartawi, A.M.A. (eds) Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Finance and Sustainable Technology., Siti Nurah Bt Haron, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Muslims and Non-Muslims’ Satisfaction of the Islamic Insurance in Malaysia Application of the Extended Customer Satisfaction Analysis, Yukichika Kawata, Syed Ahmed Salman
- A Systematic and Critical Review of Restaurants’ Business Performance: Future Directions for Theory and Practice, Zakaria Elkhwesky, José-Alberto Castañeda-García, Abuelhassan Elshazly Abuelhassan, Ashraf Tag-Eldeen
- The Role of Social Presence and Trust on Customer Loyalty, Razaz Waheeb Attar, Asra Amidi, Nick Hajli
- The Effect of Leadership Style Nurse Manager, Nurse Performance, Organizational Commitment of Satisfaction among Nurse in Public Hospital Dr. Drajad Prawiranegara in Serang Banten, Indonesia Milawati, Milawati Lusiani, Tukimin Sansuwito, Dedi Daryanto, Asra, Ela Nurdiawati, Sri Mujiyanti
- Implementation Level of Effective Risk Management Systems by Indian Infra Structure Projects – An Assessment, Salim G Purushothaman, Tapash Ranjan Saha, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhowmik
- Review of Current Supply Chain Management Practices in Myanmar Heavy Equipment Machinery Industry, Pyi Kyaw Soe, Abhijit Ghosh, Amiya Bhaumik, Midhun Chakravarthy
- A Theoretical Study of Financial Literacy with Financial Analysis, Mijarul Islam, Pranam Dhar , Sandeep Poddar , Amiya Bhowmik
- Stimulation of Employees’ Green Creativity through Green Transformational Leadership and Management Initiatives, Adil Mansoor, Muhammad Farrukh, Jong-Keon Lee, Sarwat Jahan
- Stimulation of innovative behavior through the inclusive leaders and engaged workers, Adil Mansoor, Sazali Abdul Wahab, Sarwat Jahan
- Does Green Intellectual Capital Spur Corporate Environmental Performance through Green Workforce?, Adil Mansoor, Sarwat Jahan, Madiha Riaz
- Factors Related to the Protection of Women Workers Rights in CV. Miranda Moda Indonesia Rengas, East Ciputat, Frida Kasumawati, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Elisa Susanti, Sandeep Poddar
- Monetary Policy Implications of Central Bank Digital Currency with Special Reference to India, Debesh Bhowmik
- Impact of Owners’ Involvement in the Success of Indian Infrastructural Projects, Salim G Purushothaman, Tapash Ranjan Saha, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Leadership Patterns on Customer Satisfaction, Ali Ramadan Musbah, Nasser Habtoor, Veshaleni Sritharan
- Role of Chief Happiness Officer (Cho) Interventions to Improvement in Environmental Fit Happiness, Saravana Praveen Kumar P, Amiya Bhaumik, Janani Selvam, Ashok Vajravelu
- Role of Person-Group Fir Fit (P-G Fit) in Team Building and Group Dynamics Using Thematic Analysis, Saravana Praveen Kumar P, Amiya Bhaumik, Janani Selvam
- India’s Trade and Exchange Rate Regimes, Debesh Bhowmik
- Cyclical and Seasonal Patterns of India’s GDP Growth Rate Through The Eyes of Hamilton and Hodrick Prescott Filter Models, Debesh Bhowmik, Sandeep Poddar
- Impact of Training on Organisational Productivity, Senjuti Goswami, Ranjit Chandra Saha
- Implementing Takaful in India, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Analysis on the Factors of Strategic Transformation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Taking BH Company as an Example, Abhijit Ghosh, Li Cheng Xiang, Li Qi Fa, Zheng Jing; Luo Jie, Qi Wei Xun
- Research on the Development Strategy of Huzhou Yifei Media CO., LTD., Law Kian Aun, Chen Jun Yan, Guan Chun Yan, He Hong Quan, Huang Jian Wen, Zhang Mingshun
- Research on the Relationship Between Marketing and Culture of State Owned Enterprises Take Shenzhen Poly Group as an Example, Murugan A/L Batumalai, Cao Yuan Gu Ying Jie, Luan Tu, Mei Chun, W Ang Hong Xia
- Analysis of the Impact of Internet Finance on Commercial Banks’ Risk Taking Taking M Commercial Bank as an Example, Ibrahim Mohamed Alrajawy, Zhang Cong, Zhang Yanzhi, Wang Yanyan, Han Zhaopeng, Liu Wenming
- Study on the Standardized Management of «Stall Market Economic” Under The Situation of Normalized Epidemic Prevention and Control, Abhijit Ghosh’ Wang Hai Wan, Wu Huan Huan, Yang Xue Ying, Zhou Ben Hao, Li Xin
- A Study on Improvement of the Overall Budget Management System of BH Real Estate Company at Shanghai in China, Chung Cheng Hoe, Chu Lihua, Dai Dan, Li Ying, Liy Xiao, Zhu Bo
- A Research on A Group Company Executive Ability of Middle Managers, Muhammad Hafeez Bin Zakaria, Shuai Xin, Wang Yu, Yang Lihua, Zhou Yang Dong, Liu Huanben
- Research on Employee Job Satisfaction Taking the New Generation of Enterprise T As an Example, Syed Ahmed Salman, Bi Fang Fang, Deng Ke Fei, Hu Peng, Jiang Xiao Qing, Jing W ei Ping
- The Impact of Organizational Mode on Enterprise Development-Taking Yingcai Consulting Technology as An Example, Dr Oyyappan, Li Xiang Rong, Li Xue Mei, Lin Hui, Sun JiaYang, Geng XiaoRan
- Research on the Impact of Expectation Gap on Servicing Behaviors of Manufacturing Enterprises, Abdul Malik Hassan Abdul Aziz, Zhao Xin, Zhang Jun Xu, Xiao Yu Feng, Chen Yue, Cao Fuchen
- Construction of Project Management System- Taking Enterprise a As an Example, Muhammad Taufiq Bin Salleh, Zhang Zhi Qing, Yu Shuai Feng, Yang Jincheng,Cui Ziqi Chen, Wang Jing
- Research On Customer Service Reshaping the Competitiveness Of Medical Beauty——Take Meilai Medical Beauty Hospital Co., Ltd. As An Example, Law Kian Aun, Zhang Xue,Zhang Zhi Liang, Zhou Xuan Ying, Zong Hao Jun, Sun Xinjia
- Research on Logistics Management Improvement Based on Supply Chain-A Case Study of Company S, Law Kian Aun, Huang Jingyang, Yin Wuwu, Ying Chen Wei, Zhang Jin, Mei Qiantao
- Employee Loyalty Problem and Solution- Taking Company S As An Example, Cheah Wee Kain, Tian Xin, Wang Hui Ping, Wu XI, Yan Peng Cheng, Zhang Rui
- The Essence and Development of Learning Organization Take Foshan Nanhai Hongchuang Advertising Co., Ltd. as an Example, Abhijit Ghosh, Ke Chao Yu, Zhang Lan Ying, Xia Bao Lin
- A Study on The Development Strategy of Baby Products Enterprise ——Taking Ningbo Welldon Company as an Example, Abhijit Ghosh, Jiang Chunhui, Jin Lijuan, Jin Lijuan, Liu Jinhua, Lu Xuancheng
- Research on the Influence of Dual Innovation on Enterprise Transformation, Abhijit Ghosh, Chung Cheng Hoe, Tang Tianwen, Qi Wei Xun
- Iso Certified Organization’s Capability to Consistently Provide Services and Products, Karri Naveen, Chithirai Pon Selvan, Amiya Bhuamik
- Does Financial Inclusion Important in MSMEs Financing in Indonesia? Analysis Using Dimension Bank as Mediation, Karisa Zeisha Sahela, Osama Isaac, Askardiya Radmoyo Adjie, Riana Susanti
- Analysing The Impact of Globalisation on Business Performance: Case of UAE Food Industry, Sarwat Jahan, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Sidra Abid Ali, Parul Martin
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- Study the Impact of Safety Awareness Program (SAP) as Moderating Variable for Reduction of Accidents in Oil and Gas Industry – A Proposed Framework, Mohammed Ismail Iqbal, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameen
- The Influence of Government Dimension on Financial Education and Empowerment of Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia, Karisa Zeisha Sahela, Riana Susanti, Askardiya Radmoyo Adjie
- Influence of Cartoon Characters on Generation Alpha in Purchase Decisions, Ashish Gupta, Jitender Kumar, Tavishi Tewary, Nirmaljeet Kaur Virk
- The Perspectives of Business and of Cost Issues that are Considered in Strategic Sourcing from Malaysian Organizations, Wang Juan, Amiya Bhaumik, Sandeep Shrestha
- Development, Implementation, and Application of E-Areas of E-Commerce in Malaysia is A Growing Market, Amiya Bhaumik, Li Chang Chun, Zou Luo Qun, Shen Yong Jun, Wei Ying Yu, Bikram Ghale
- Reform and Development of E-Banking in Modern Age Scenario: An In depth Study Based on Malaysian Banking Sector, Luo Zhihui, Lau Tin Huat, Wang Jianchun, Wang Feng Lin, Zhu Yuanyuan, Zhuang Shaoqi
- Impact of Threats on The Prosperity of Automotive Industry: An Exploratory Study Based on Malaysia, Amiya Bhaumik, He Chu Chu, Bu Ze Ling, Wei Shu Ming, Md Aminul Islam, Aslin Hafiza Ali
- An Empirical Investigation of Retention Management by White Goods Retailers, Jehangir Bharucha
- The Emerging Mutual Fund Industry in India: An Impact Analysis of Investors Awareness on Investment Behaviour, Sodi Jasbir Kaur, Jehangir Bharucha
- The Effect of Islamic Attributes and Destination Affective Image on the Reputation of the Halal Tourism Destination of Jakarta, Yunni Indrani Widjaja, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Abuelhassan Elshazly Abuelhassan
- Do Oil and Gas Sector Economic Policies Influence Economic Growth in Sri Lanka?, Spencer Vitharana, W.M. Wishwajith W. Kandegama
- Study and Analysis of Accident Causation Theory for Improving Safety Performance in Oil and Gas Industry, Mohammed Ismail Iqbal, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Osama Issac, Ali Ameen
- Impact of Strategic Planning (Vision, Mission, And Goals) on Operational Performance, Mohammed Khalid, Mohammed Nusari
- Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees Performance Through Innovative Systems, Faisal Alameri, Ibrahim Alrajawy
- The Mediating effect of Resources Available on the Relationship between Training and Employee Performance, Adel Eljali, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac
- The Relationship Between the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Economic Growth in Nigeria, Ehigiator Henry, Alao M Murtadho, Amiya Bhaumik
- Factors Determining High Performance Organizations within Small-scale Plastic Components Manufacturing Industry in India, Balaji Jayaraj , Amiya Bhaumik
- Influence of Psychological Capital of Employees in Technology Enterprises at Guangdong in China, Amiya Bhaumik, Kian Aun Law, Yanping Xu
- The Structure of Superior Behavior and Individual Belonging Behavior Based on Trust Development Direction in Chinese Firms, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Peng Sun, Valliappan Raju
- Interpersonal Trust within an Organization Based on Hierarchical Context: towards Improving Organizational Efficiency in China, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Peng Sun, Valliappan Raju
- Determinants of Nominal Effective Exchange Rate(NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate(REER) of Chinese Renminbi(RMB), Debesh Bhowmik
- The Influence of Strategy Formulation (Vision, Mission, and Goals) On the Learning and Growth, Fahad AlDhaheri, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac
- The Influence of Strategy Formulation (Vision, Mission, and Goals) On the Organizational Operations, Fahad AlDhaheri, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac
- Examining Relationship Between Service Quality, User Satisfaction and Performance Impact in The Context of Smart Government in UAE, Ali Ameen, Dawoud Al-Ali, Osama Isaac, Fathey Mohammed
- Identifying the Trust Relationship between Employers and Employees: In The Context of Chinese Organizations, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Peng Sun
- Exploring an Agile Plus Approach for Project Scope, Time, and Cost Management, Ali Hassan & Soayba Younas ,Amiya Bhaumik
- Islamic-Based Social Work Practices for Social Development: Experience in Bangladesh, Isahaque Ali, Azlinda Azman, Zulkarnain A. Hatta
- A Study in Role of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Buying Behaviour, Mayank Jha, Kishore Bhattacharjee, Chetna Priti, Wee Huat Heng
- Influence of Social Media Advertisement on Customer’s Purchase Decision: A Literature Review, Kumar Shubhangam, Manisha Srivastava, Ritesh Ravi, Ravinjit Singh
- Non-Performing Assets (Npas)-How to Convert into Performing Assets and Support the Economic growth, Binoy Joy Kattadiyil, Mrutyunjay Sisugoswami
- Takaful Requires Further Steps to Raise Awareness in India, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Motivating Factors for Consumers to Participate in Takaful: A Survey by Indian Insurance Policyholders, Syed Ahmed Salman, Rusni Hassan
- Islamic Microfinance in India: A Quantitative Approach, Huma Mahmood, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Challenges and Opportunities Prevailing in Chinese Mobile Market Through the Analytics of Grey Model, Kian Aun Law, Amiya Bhaumik, Valliappan Raju, Yin Hao
- The Influence of Commercial Banks in Financing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria: A Case Study of Fidelity Bank Plc and First Bank of Nigeria Plc in Ibadan Metropolis, Agbebi Moses Olusola, Murtadho. M. Alao, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Moderating Role of The Innovation on The Relationship Between Achievement, Enablers, and Organizational Excellence: Organizational and Business Excellence Model, Mohsen Alamiri , Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac , Ibrahim Alrajaw,y Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami
- Effect of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises on Nigeria’s Economy, Ameh Paul Ojimaojo, Alao. M. Murtadho, Amiya Bhaumik
- Strategic Leadership Practices on Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing in the UAE Municipalities, Abdulla Ali Saif Ali Alkheyi, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Ali Ameen, Md Sazzad Hossain, M.M. Hewedi, Nor Saidi Mohamed Nasir
- Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Towards Malaysian Economic Growth: An Empirical Study., Ashish Kumar Sana, Sandeep Poddar, Biswajit Paul
- The Role of Knowledge Oriented Leadership and Knowledge Sharing to Manage the Performance of Ministry OF Interior in UAE., Maktoum Juma A.A. Almatrooshi, Gamal S.A. Khalifa, Ali Ameen, MD Sazzad Hossain, Mohamed Abdelwahab Morsy
- Lean Practices, Warehouse Performance & Customer Satisfaction – A Study on Electrical & Electronics Manufacturing in China, Edmund Koh Chung Hui, WANG QINGHAI, Amiya Bhaumik
- Driving Strategic Leadership and Organizational Learning Culture towards Organizational Sustainability, Mohsin Naser A.N. Alharthi , Gamal S.A. Khalifa , Ali Ameen , Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibamid and Osama Issac
- Measuring the Mediating Effect of Cultural Diversity: An Investigation of Strategic Leadership’s Role on Innovation, Abdulla Naser Abdulqawi Gharama, Gamal S.A. Khalifa , Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami
- UAE Police Administrative Employee Innovative Behavior: The Integration of Knowledge Sharing and Leadership, Abdulla Naser Abdulqawi Gharama, Gamal S.A. Khalifa and Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami
- Impact of Actual usage of Smart Government on the Net Benefits (Knowledge Acquisition, Communication Quality, Competence, Productivity, Decision Quality), Khalifah Alfalasi , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Gamal S. A. Khalifa , Divya Midhunchakkaravarthy
- Reengineering as a Tool for The Development of Public Organizations Performance, Kamal Abdel-Fattah Mohamed Bashoun, Salwa Abdel-Qader Khalifeh, Ali Ameen
- The Role of the Administrative Auditing in Improving Staff Performance: Theoretical Review, Al – Barani Fathallah, Ali Ameen, Nasser Habttor
- Impact of Availability of Knowledge Management Infrastructure on Improving the Performance of The Education Sector Staff in Libya: Organizational Loyalty as a Mediating Variable, Salem Salama, Osama Isaac, Nasser Habtoor, Ali Ameen
- Effect of Organizational Innovation (Product Innovation, Process Innovation, and Administrative Innovation) On Organizational Learning, Mohammed Rahmah , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Abu-Elhassan El-Shazly Abu-Elhassan , Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- The Role of Knowledge Oriented Leadership and Knowledge Sharing to Manage the Performance of Ministry of Interior in UAE, Maktoum Juma A.A. Almatrooshi, Gamal S.A. Khalifa, Ali Ameen, MD Sazzad Hossain, Mohamed Abdelwahab Morsy
- Empirical study on employee’s psychological capital: Based on guangdong technology enterprises in china, Amiya Bhaumik, Kian Aun Law, Yanping Xu, Valliappan Raju
- The Implications of Interest Rates on Private Saving with Reference to Myanmar, Nwe Ni Tun, Ibrahim Mohamed Mohamed Alrajawy, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Budget Participation On Job Performance in Myanmar Private Commercial Banks with Mediation Effect of Budget Goal Commitment, Yu Yu Myint, Divya Mithunchakravarthy, Valliappan Raju, Amiya Bhaumik
- Budget Participation and Employees’ Motivation in Myanmar Private Commercial Banks, Yu Yu Myint, Divya Mithunchakravarthy, Valliappan Raju, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Impact of Project Risk Management Strategies, Group Innovative Performance, and Latent Tensions on Project Conflict Manifestations Within Engineering and IT Firms In The UAE, Saeed Alhassani, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact Of Organizational Culture On Transformational Leadership And Organizational Performance, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami, Nayef Alateibi, Mohammed Nusari, Ali Ameen, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Performances Through Organizational Commitment Within Public Sectors in United Arab Emirates (UAE), Shaikha Alshehhi, Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Impact of the Leadership and Strategy Management on Organizational Excellence: Moderating role of Organizational Culture, Saeed Alhefiti, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Influence of Globalization and Its Impact on Performance: Research on Network Ability, Amiya Bhaumik, Kian Aun Law, Jiemiao Fang,
- The Influence of Competitive Advantage Analysis, Continuous Improvement on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Study on Petroleum Firms in Uae, Sultan Alawadi, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Aimya Bhaumik
- Effect of Value Chain Analysis and Activity-Based Costing on Performance of Uae Petroleum Firms, Sultan Alawadi, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Aimya Bhaumik
- Tourism Destination Competitiveness in UAE: The Role of Strategic Leadership and Strategic Planning Effectiveness, Hamad Ali Salem Mahdi Alseiari, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Amyia Bhaumik
- Driving Strategic Leadership towards Tourism Sustainability in Abu Dhabi, Hamad Ali Salem Mahdi Alseiari, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami, Abhijit Ghosh
- The Effect of B2B SERVQUAL on PMC Performance: The Mediating Role of Top Management Support in UAE Executive Council, Abdulla Hamad Saif Mohammed Alghfeli, Gamal S. A. Khalifa, Ali Ameen, Abhijit Ghosh
- The Mediating Effect of Creative Self-Efficacy on the Relation between Empowering Leadership and Organizational Innovation, Majed Alameri, Ali Ameen , Gamal S. A. Khalifa , Ibrahim Alrajawy , Amiya Bhaumik
- Effect of transformational leadership on intellectual capital and organizational innovation, Saif Alshamsi, Osama Isaac, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of operational efficiency and customer satisfaction on banking performance: Empirical examination on uae islamic banking, Mansoor Mulla, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Strategy Implementation (Strategy, Structure, and Human Resources) on Organizational Performance with in Abu Dhabi Police, UAE, Fatin Mohamed, Mohammed Nusari , Ali Ameen , Valliappan Raju , Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Human Capital (Teamwork, Reward Systems, and Planning) on Organizational Innovation, Abdulla Alblooshi , Abhijit Ghosh , Abuelhassan E. Abuelhassan , Mohammed Nusari
- Impact of Power Delegation and Peer Learning on Self-Sufficient within Oil and Gas Industrial Sector in UAE, Jassem Al-Ameri, Osama Isaac, Amiya Bhaumik, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Strategy Formulation (Vision, Mission, and Goals) and Organizational Performance, Fatin Mohamed , Mohammed Nusari , Ali Ameen , Valliappan Raju , Amiya Bhaumik
- Examining the Moderating influence of Job Complexity on the Relationships between Empowering Leadership and Organizational Innovation, Majed Alameri , Ali Ameen , Osama Isaac , Gamal S. A. Khalifa , Amiya Bhaumik
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Relationship between Training, Access Resource, and Self-sufficient: The Case of Developing Countries, Jassem Al-Ameri, Osama Isaac, Amiya Bhaumik , Gamal S. A. Khalifa
- Methodology on the Trend of Underlying Shariah Contracts and Legal Disputes of Decided Islamic Banking Cases in Malaysia, Nur Faakihin Ahmad Pauzi, Rusni Hassan, Safinar Mohd Salleh, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Zakat as an Alternative of Microcredit for Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh, Isahaque Ali, Azlinda Azman, Paramjit Singh Jamir Singh, Syazwani Drani, Zulkarnain A. Hatta, Manzur Kadir Ahmed, Tahmina Akhter
- Offering Takaful Help Economic Prosperity & Job Creation in India, Syed Ahmed Salman
- Integration of Shari’ah Governance Framework in Human Resource Management Practice in Malaysia, Atirah Binti Sahidon, Rusni Hassan, Shamsuddin Abdullah, Syed Ahmed Salman
- A Study on Employee Perception on Effectiveness of Training Programs in Myanmar Citizens Bank, Zaw Zaw Myint, Sandeep Poddar, Abhijit Ghosh, Amiya Bhaumik
- The Environmental Dynamism, Dynamic Capabilities and Marketing Innovation of Fertiliser Firms in Vietnam, Dieu Quang Trung, Andy Ng Yoke Beng, Amiya Bhaumik
- Supply Chain Analysis on Sanitation and Hygiene: How Can We Improve Demand and Supply Chain Barriers in Rural Dry Zone Area of Myanmar?, Aung Myat Khaing, Ali Ameen, Osama Isaac
- Takaful an Innovation to Contemporary Insurance, Syed Ahmed Salman, Rusni Hassan, Meraj Tahniyath
- The Public Perception on Knowledge of Islamic Unit Trust in Malaysia, Ruqayyah Abdul Aziz, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman
- A Survey on Awareness and Knowledge of Islamic Microfinance in India, Huma Mahmood, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman
- The Undesirable Issues In The Insurance Practices Can Be Resolved By Introducing Takaful In India: The Views Of Islamic Finance Experts, Syed Ahmed Salman Adnan Yusoff Meraj Tahniyath
- Innovation in Takaful — what do Shariah Advisors say about it?, Syed Ahmed Salman, Rusni Hassan
- The challenges and suggestions for Takaful in India: Experts’ views, Syed Ahmed Salman
- The Influence of Bank Related Variables on Deposit Mobilization: An Analysis of Private Commercial Banks in Myanmar, Nwe Ni Tun, Ibrahim Mohamed Alrajawy, Morhammed Nusari
- The Intelligence of Key Stakeholder Impacts the Capabilities of the Business in Public Private Partnership, Moe Zar, Sandeep Poddar, Amiya Bhaumik
- Analysis of Mobile Banking Adoption by Customers of Private Commercial Banking Sector in Yangon, Myanmar, Nyi Lwin, Sui Reng Liana, Mohammed Saleh Nusari
- Pharmaceutical Marketing Ethics in Healthcare Quality for Patient Satisfaction: An Islamic Approach, Ahasanul Haque, Smh Kabir, Arun Kumar Tarofder, Naila Anwar, Farzana Yasmin, Nazmul Mhm
- Muslim Consumers’ Purchase Behavior Towards Shariah Compliant Hotels in Malaysia, Haque, N. A. Chowdhury, F. Yasmin, A. K. Tarofder
- Impact of Transformational Leadership (Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration) on Employee Performance, Mohammed Matar, Aldhaheri, Mohammed Nussari
- A Better Understanding of Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Affective Organizational Commitment, Rashed Alneyadi, Mohammed Nusari, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Influence of Management Quality and Technology Developments on Islamic Banking Performance in UAE, Mansoor Mulla, Ali Ameen,Ibrahim Alrajawy,Amiya Bhaumik
- Impact of Operational Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction on Banking Performance: Empirical Examination on UAE Islamic Banking, Mansoor Mulla, Osama Isaac, Ibrahim Alrajawy, Amiya Bhaumik
- Perceptions of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction Among College Faculty: Experience from a Malaysian University, Sevendor Khor@Bibi Florina Abdullah,Jehangir Bharucha
- Business Continuity Management and Crisis Leadership: An Approach to Re-Engineer Crisis Performance within Abu Dhabi Governmental Entities, Mohamed Naser. A.N. Alharthi, Gamal S.A. Khalifa
- Effect of Transformational Leadership on Intellectual Capital and Organizational Innovation, Saif Alshamsi, Osama Isaac, Amiya Bhaumik
- Association between Transformational Leadership and Smart Government among Employees in UAE Public Organizations, Fahad Al-Obthani, Ali Ameen
- The Influence of Knowledge Management on the Smart Government Effectiveness: An Empirical Study in UAE, Saif Albreiki, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Effect of Total Quality Management Practices in Private Organization in the UAE, Hassan AlDarmaki, Amiya Bhaumik , Ibrahim AlRajawy
- Impact of Internal Government Efficiency and Service Delivery Infrastructure on the Smart Government Effectiveness in UAE, Saif Albreiki, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Organizational Performance within Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, Talal Alshehhi, Amiya Bhaumik , Ahmed Alshibami
- Influence of Project Management on Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness: Empirical Study on UAE Private Sector, Hassan AlDarmaki, Amiya Bhaumik, Ibrahim AlRajawy
- Entrepreneurship Education Management In India, Jehangir Bharucha
- Is the Takaful industry innovative in Malaysia, Syed Ahmed Salman & Rusni Hassan
- Why is the Takaful industry not innovative? —the case of Malaysia (Part II) This is, Syed Ahmed Salman & Rusni Hassan
- The Role of Smart Government Characteristics for Enhancing UAE’s Public Service Quality, Khalid Alghawi, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Moderating Effect of Organizational Culture on Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Human Capital: An Empirical Study on Public Sector of UAE, Bader Abdulla Alneyadi, Ahmed H. Al-Shibami, Ali Ameen, Amiya Bhaumik
- Business Continuity Management and Crisis Leadership: An Approach to Re-Engineer Crisis Performance within Abu Dhabi Governmental Entities, Mohamed Naser. A.N. Alharthi, Gamal S.A. Khalifa
- Antecedent and Consequence of Internet Usage: An Empirical Study among Government Employees in UAE, Mohammed Alameria, Osama Isaac, Ali Ameenc , Amiya Bhaumik
- Effect of Transformational Leadership on Intellectual Capital and Organizational Innovation, Saif Alshamsi, Osama Isaac, Amiya Bhaumik
- Factors Affecting the Efficacy of UAE-based Halal Food Sectors, Jumaa Al Junaii, Ali Abdulabaqi Ameern , Amiya Bhaumik
- Knowledge Economy’s Role in Solidification of Finance Sector in UAE, Jumaa Al Junaii, Ali Abdulabaqi Ameern, Amiya Bhaumik
- Influence of Human Resource Management on Organizational Efficiency and Effectiveness within ADNOC in UAE, Talal Alshehhi, Amiya Bhaumik, Sharad Gangele
- Association between Transformational Leadership and Smart Government among Employees in UAE Public Organization, Fahad Al-Obthani, Ali Ameen
- Impact of Strategy Management and Organizational Culture on Organizational Excellence, Saeed Alhefiti, Ali Ameen and Amiya Bhaumik
- The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Transactional Leadership on Organizational Excellence, Saeed Alhefiti, Ali Ameen and Amiya Bhaumik
- The Mediation Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Strategic Planning and Organizational Excellence, Saeed Alhmoudi, Osama Isaac and Amiya Bhaumik
- The Impact of Strategic Planning and Customer Focus on Organizational Excellence among Head Unit Officers within Fujairah Police, Saeed Alhmoudi, Osama Isaac and Amiya Bhaumik
- A Study On Relationship Between Cognitive Absorption, Deep Structure Use And Job Performance Among Bank Employees, Oyyappan D, Ajoy Mathew
- An Empirical Study on Perceptions and Challenges in the use of Plastic Money. In: Economic Empowerment Challenges of the 21st Century, Edited by: Shailesh Kumar Singh, Paukit Agarwal, Jehangir Bharucha
- Entrepreneurship education management in India, Jehangir Bharucha
- The Mediation Effect of Group Innovative Performance on The Relationship Between Conflict Management Strategies and Project Conflict Manifestations Within Engineering and It Firms In The Uae, Saeed Alhassani, Amiya Bhaumik
- Leadership Styles Preference Among Millennials Workforce, Hari Krishnan Andi
- Effect of Project Management Assets on Employee Performance Within State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the UAE, Mohammad Khalifa Al Falasi, Mohammed Nusari, Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami, Ali Ameen, Ibrhim Alrajaw
- Effect of Project Management Assets on Employee Performance Within State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in the UAE, Mohammad Khalifa Al Falasi , Mohammed Nusari , Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami , Ali Ameen, Ibrhim Alrajaw
- The Mediation Effect of Innovation on the Relationship Between Creativity and Organizational, Mona Saeed Mohamed, Gamal S. A. Khalifa , Ahmed Hamoud Al-Shibami, Ibrhim Alrajawi, Osama Isaac
- Data Management, Analytics and Innovation., Valentina Emilia Balas, Neha Sharma, Amlan Chakrabarti
- Determinants of Financial Literacy Among Indian Youth., Jehangir Pheroze Bharucha
- The Influence of Quality of Knowledge Management on the Smart Government: Literature Review, Saif Albreiki, Ali Ameen,Mohammed Kaid
- Building Student Engagement Through Collaborative Practice in Business Management Education., Jehangir Pheroze Bharucha
- Changing the Administrative Thinking and Leadership to Reform SOEs (State-Owned Enterprises) in Vietnam., Nguyen Hiep, Ali Abdulbaqi
- An Empirical Research: Impact of the Changes of Oil Prices over Stock Market Prices., Manjari Sharma, Sharad Gupta, Ahmed H. Al-Shibami
- Effects of payment method on work control, work risk and work-related musculoskeletal health among sewing machine operators., Nawawi, B.M. Deros, D.D.I. Daruis, A. Ramli, R.M. Zein and L.H. Joseph
- Elements of Team Working., Regidor III Poblete Dioso
- Location Aware Resource Management in Smart Homes, Roy, S. K. Das Bhaumik, A. Bhattacharya, K. Basu, D. J. Cook and S. K. Das