Special lecture by Prof. Ian Bathgate, University of East London, UK

Lincoln University College organized a special lecture, delivered by Prof. Ian Bathgate, Director of Business Development, and Director of the Centre for Innovation Management and Enterprise (CIME), University of East London, UK on 10th November 2016 at Mayang Campus, LUC. The topic of the lecture was “Social Entrepreneurship – examples from research projects currently being undertaking by UEL’s Centre for Innovation Management and Enterprise.” Dato’ Dr. Kamarudin Mohd Nor, Professor, Faculty of Engineering welcomed and introduced Prof. Ian Bathgate and Ms.Caroline Ward, Academic Partnerships Development Officer, University of East London, UK. Prof. Ian Bathgate ornate about CIME and the hub of expertise provided by it for external business and internally for the University. He introduced the research projects currently been undertaken by CIME like Zero impact cultural Heritage Event Network (Zen Project), FP7 Tradeit, ERASMUS+ etc.  CIME aims to promote entrepreneurship education, social entrepreneurship among young minds, use non formal learning in new and more aggressive ways to develop young minds. CIME contributes and trains for Social, Junior, female and Language Entrepreneurship. He also added to his speech that Entrepreneurs are not born they are brought; and nobody can teach entrepreneurship, anyone with tenacity to build business, with a vision, financial mind with right network can be an entrepreneur. Before starting any business one should plan his work and work on the plan, find the scope in the market, and do researches, as research mitigate risk and failure. At the end of his speech students had an opportunity to clarify their queries about financial support, key to success in business, failure in business etc. Prof. Ian Bathgate’s accumulated experience and knowledge was formidable.
Followed by this, Prof. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, CEO, LUC, addressed the audience. He pointed out the essential characteristics to become an entrepreneur i.e. Courage, faith in oneself, looking at every aspect of life, adopting the best and positive out of it then applying it in one’s entrepreneurial life. He supplemented that these characteristics are not born but cultivated.
The lecture in overall turned out to be a beneficial one to the students and will help them in future to become a successful entrepreneur.

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