Student Excellence Camp: Emphasizing Skills Beyond Academics

The Faculty of Nursing, Lincoln University College, Malaysia, in collaboration with Kelab Roda Lasak Selangor, organized a two-day and one-night camping event for sponsored students of the Diploma in Nursing Batch 2023-2024. This initiative took place at the Dusun Hulu Tamu Campsite in Batang Kali, Selangor, on February 3-4, 2024.

Recognizing the broader scope of student excellence, this camp emphasizes skills beyond academics, including leadership, character, and adaptability to globalization. These attributes are crucial for team members to align with the National Education Philosophy. These principles are aimed to be fully comprehended and embraced throughout the camp. In addition, all camp participants must always uphold the value of consensus in carrying out every activity carried out in order to achieve outstanding success.

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