Study tour to Pantai Morib

Study tour to Pantai Morib

Study tour

As part of the curriculum of event management subject, the students of BBA semester 7organized a study tour to Pantai Morib on 10-07-2017.During the tour, various sports activitieslike foot ball, cricket, mobile phone contest, raffle draw and few culturalactivities were conducted for both the students as well as lecturers.

At the end of the event, prizes were distributedto the winners. The event was self sponsored and organized by BBA semester 7(1505)intake students with the guidance of
their lecturers and Dr. AbhijitGhosh, Dean Faculty of Business and Accountancy. The study tour proved to be successfulevent by developing the leadership and
managerial skills among the students. Aspecial support was given by the student affairs department and K-support team.

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