Why Coronavirus Began in China?

The AeM May 2020 Corona Virus China-1

The world is shocked by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which began in China. The fear has escalated as it is being declared as a worldwide pandemic. It is a major outbreak of disease on large scale after SARS that started in China in late November, 2020.

The author here attempted to analyze the outbreak using the horoscope of Republic of China as birth chart of the nation, with 01.10.1949 as the primary chart. Since the COVID-19 outbreak began in late November and December, 2020, the lunar chart was used to establish a celestial link to the fearing disease. The Vikari Margashirsha lunar chart which began on 26.11.2019 at 23:06 was also used taking Beijing as the capital of China. It was followed by the Lunar chart of Vikari Pusya which began on 26.12.2019 at 13:13 hrs. To support some findings, Solar ingress into Aries for 2019 was used too.

R. S. Maniam

Clinical Instructor and Coordinator

Lincoln University College, Malaysia

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