Workshop on “Ionic Mobile App Development”

The AeM May 2020 Corona Virus China-1

A workshop on “Ionic Mobile App Development” was conducted by The Faculty of Computer Science and Multimedia on 4th November 2016 at Mayang Campus, LUC. 75 students got benefited by the trainer of this workshop Mr.Balaganesh Duraisamy, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Computer Science and Multimedia. The intent to conduct to this Workshop was to provide a hands-on introduction to mobile development using Ionic. Create, build, and publish a cross-platform mobile app for the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. To set up a mobile development environment, planning and designing a new app, building UI, adding logic, testing and deploying to the app stores.” In conclusion hopes for bright future of students and their dynamic role in the field of App development were acknowledged.

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